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Tải ảnh: 0.667s Scan: 0.123sThe atmosphere in the Rikkai Tennis Club had been serious for several days, until the two-day break came, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief

"I'm so tired these days... I want to eat cake again……"

After school, they waited for Jackal, and the three of them left the school together. Marui almost hung on Jackal.

"You two are now almost as good at singles, so you need to work on your doubles chemistry as soon as possible. You already have a good relationship, and your playing styles complement each other, so you're a great doubles team."

Ryooh was just saying something nonsense. In the previous life, being the best doubles team among junior high school students was no joke.

"But they are seniors, how can we compete with them?" Marui said

"Who said that he would become the regular player and dominate the country?"Ryooh rolled his eyes. How could it be like this in such a short time?

"But at that time I didn’t know that the seniors were so amazing."

"You have much more room to grow than they do. Next year will be your chance!"

"That's right!���He is the man who will dominate the country!" Marui was shocked,"I'm hungry."

The two:"……"

…… the next day

"Ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling……"

"Who is it? It's so early. If you don't go to bed, I will go to bed too!"

Ren Wang picked up the phone on the bedside table with sleepy eyes. It's not even daybreak yet!

"Forehead……"The voice on the other end was choked by Niou."I'm Yukimura. I'm with Sanada and Yanagi. We'll meet at the club where you usually practice later. You won't forget the conditions you promised Sanada, right?"

Yukimura hung up the phone immediately, probably because he was afraid that Niou would say something else.

"Yukimura? Club?"

Ryota sat up immediately, half awake in an instant, but when he saw the alarm clock at six o'clock, his face darkened.

It was not easy for him to sleep in for a while! His morning exercises every day during the holidays were at seven o'clock! A full hour! It's still half an hour before the club opens this early.

Club? It was them last time! Ryota was sure of one thing. When he fought with Uncle Kadota last time, the eyes on the second floor must be from them!

Agree to Sanada's conditions? What conditions did he agree to that black-faced guy? Ryota was confused again.……

"I want to fight you when I get back!" That day, Sanada stretched out his hand in front of him and seemed to say this.

"Phew~ Life is so hard……"

Get up, wash your face and brush your teeth, eat a quick breakfast, pack your favorites, and then set off with your tennis bag.

Niou said that he didn't get enough sleep and was in a bad mood, so he walked slowly to the club. The journey that was supposed to take 20 minutes turned into an hour for Niou, which is quite impressive.

It was already past seven o'clock, and the crowd of people going to work began to surge. When Niou stood at the door of the club, the club was already open.

However, since it was still early, there were not as many people as in the afternoon. After entering, Niou heard the sparse sounds of tennis balls hitting the ground and rackets hitting the ground.

""Sanada, do you really want to try? It's already difficult for you to catch two balls." Yukimura didn't care about the blow his words would bring to Sanada. The truth always comes to the truth in their relationship.

"I want to try it!"

Sanada didn't flinch at all. That guy's ball speed was 200 mph, so there was no reason why he couldn't do it with his ball speed of only 170 mph!

The worst that could happen was that he would be hit by the tennis ball. If he didn't even have that much courage, how could he surpass the person he wanted to surpass?

"Based on your performance just now, your chance of catching three balls is 27.5%!"

Yanagi said as he turned on the ball machine to help Sanada adjust it.

"Come on."

Sanada lowered his waist, held the racket with both hands, and concentrated all his attention.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The three ball machines started at the same time.



""Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Sanada's heart was roaring!

The distance of the last tennis ball in his racket exceeded his estimation. After hitting two balls in a row, his impressive swing speed could no longer catch up.

Is it impossible after all?

The racket in his hand was still moving due to inertia. Sanada closed his eyes and prepared to greet the last ball with his body.


A strong force suddenly passed from the racket to Sanada's hand, making him open his eyes instantly.


The last ball, hit back!

The three of them looked to the right at the same time.

""Pu Li~ Your force is too rigid. Although the fusion of kendo and tennis is a good attempt, and as far as I know, there are also a half who have taken this path, but the essence of the sword is not the racket!"

Niou came over with a racket. It was he who hit Sanada's racket with a tennis ball just now, and hit back the last ball.

"I don't need you to teach me."

Sanada pulled his hat and whispered

"Really? Puli~ Don't you want to compete with me? Come and try?"

Rio took the initiative to invite him.

He couldn't change Sanada's character, so he could only start with strength. Although he and Sanada were on completely different paths, he had the illusion and had seen Sanada's more powerful times, so he could at least help Sanada avoid some detours.

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