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Tải ảnh: 0.948s Scan: 0.057sAfter almost three hours of driving, the carefree Maori and Maori Niou were both drowsy, while the others were energetic and looking forward to tomorrow's game.

"Oh, Niou, you can sleep better than me!"

Mori opened his eyes and saw that it was almost time, so he woke Niou up.

"Is this the arena for the national competition?"Everyone got off the bus and looked around. There were many staff members coming and going, as well as teams from other schools.

"Yukimura, you guys are here too?"

Everyone turned around and saw Master Atobe leading a group of Hyotei's regulars.

"The game doesn't start until tomorrow, why is Atobe-kun here so early?" Yukimura smiled slightly, not knowing why the regulars of Hyotei all felt a little creepy.

"Humph, my goal is to win the national championship! It is necessary to adapt to the venue in advance. Also, you must not be eliminated in advance, we are still waiting for revenge."

"Haha, see you at the competition!"

"See you at the game!"

Led by the official staff, everyone arrived at the lounge arranged for Rikkai University, and met many teams along the way. Even if many of the new ministers have never met each other, it is definitely not wrong to say harsh words when looking at the team uniforms on each other.

For example, Yukimura smiled and used his mental power to oppress others, while telling Makino Teng that they are destined to be stepping stones for Rikkai this year.

For example, Ping Shanzhi of Shitenbao Temple brought a group of people to stare at the thin-looking Yukimura with a bad face, telling him that Kanto School has no competitiveness and don't dream.

Such examples are not uncommon, even if everyone knows that there is nothing, they are still happy to do it. This year's championship, to a certain extent, can even be comparable to the one two years later.

However, in the previous life, Rikkai won this year with bumps and bruises, but in this life, it won't be the same! Puff~ Nioh didn't go to the afternoon draw. The minister and the deputy minister were there, so he didn't need to rush to the front. Besides, he really had no interest in these things, and he dragged Maori around the venue.

"Phew~ It seems that there is nothing different."

After touring the venue, Niou and Maori sat on chairs under the trees outside the park, drinking water, with a somewhat disappointed tone.

"This is very different from the Kanto Tournament, isn't it? When the competition starts tomorrow, you will know the difference."Mauri leaned back in his chair, the fire in his heart burning little by little.

""Puh~ Yeah."

Niou responded without any excuse. He said it was not different from the Kanto Tournament. The venue of the national tournament seemed to always be the same.

Fortunately, the two of them knew it was almost time and staggered back to the official dormitory. On the way, they saw Hyotei's school bus ostentatiously driving out. It seemed that Master Atobe didn't like the accommodation here and took away the support group.

"Senior Maori, you guys are back too, so I'll announce the grouping situation."When the two of them returned, Yukimura and Sanada also arrived. In fact, the lottery cannot be said to be absolutely fair regarding the grouping issue.

For various reasons, the strong schools are generally divided into eight groups, each with three schools. In the first round, one school will be given a bye, and the one that gets the bye will be the strongest of the three schools, that is, the officially recognized seed school.

"We are in Group 6, with a bye in the first round! The other two schools are Rokurigaoka from Aichi and Tsubakigawa Gakuin from Hokkaido. These two schools are nothing to worry about!" Yukimura

's tone is full of confidence,"The winner of Group 5 should be Takagi Gakuin from Kyushu. If we defeat them, we will be able to advance to the semi-finals!"

"Sigh~ It's boring."

Mauri lay on the table. Rikkai was treated like this, and so was Makunoteng, whom they valued. Even if they went to watch the game to get information, they couldn't get any.

In other words, for them, the real national competition would not begin until the semi-finals the day after tomorrow.

The next morning, everyone dispersed to watch the game to see if there were any dark horse schools. Unfortunately, they were all similar to what they expected, nothing special.

In the afternoon, the second round, the sixth group Rikkai University Affiliated High School vs. Rokurigao!

Doubles two Maori, Sanada, won 6-0!

Doubles one Egawa, Yamauchi, won 7-5!

"6-0! Niou Masaharu wins!"

The match ended with an aggressive attack from the phantom Sanada. Niou found that he liked to use phantoms more and more. Perhaps it was because his mental power was much stronger than in his previous life. But it was good this way. He couldn't let others figure him out.

Anyway, Sanada's strength was enough for this kind of match.

"The strength of Rikkai University... is so strong!"

"Nonsense! They have been strong contenders for the championship for several consecutive years, and it seems that this year is no exception.

Rikkai University Affiliated High School won 3-0. On the first day of the national competition, the Rokurigao players left sadly with the Tsubakigawa Academy that they defeated. They will return to their respective schools, and then practice hard and wait for fresh blood, and set off again next year!

"That move seems very interesting... This year, the strength of Rikkai University Affiliated High School seems to be getting closer to that of Makino Fuji."

Behind them, a man named Inoue put down his camera and recalled the information of Rikkai University. The amazing foursome, plus last year's super genius Maori, and three of last year's regular players... The mysterious minister, the first doubles player who has a phantom and can synchronize with Sanada, but plays singles in Nioh, does he not want to expose his strength?

Based on the information in his hands, Inoue can only guess like this ps: Now I suddenly remember that I dreamed last night that the Rikkai University I wrote lost, and a group of people from Seigaku pointed at the fox with rackets and said, we are all time travelers, bring the system!

I just want to say, what hatred and resentment, crying..._

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