Another day passed, and based on the results of the knockout rounds, Mita and the others arranged the next matches very carefully.

They arranged the three-person groups to play against them separately, and then they had to ensure that all six players in the game would enter the main selection. The remaining group would be guarded by Maori, and the remaining people with stronger abilities were arranged in the fourth group, and the last spot was left for everyone to compete for.

So this time, Niou and Marui were grouped together. Marui was so excited that he took out his treasured bubble gum and shared it with Niou, saying that they finally had a chance to play a match that had been getting better and better. Even during class, he would sometimes turn around and tell Niou to be careful in the selection round, so as not to be eliminated before he could even last against him.


The competition for the last spot? Niou looked at Marui and could only say sorry in his heart.

After all, if you want to be on par with those three, it is not enough to just hide your shortcomings. Even if it was a first time, Niou still had a great desire for tennis. At some point,���I want to win the game beautifully.

When this idea just came out, Niou himself was a little surprised.

How could he have such a"childish" idea? Isn't it okay as long as the result is the same? It was not until he recalled the unforgettable games in his previous life, the feeling of powerlessness when he had tried all means but still had no way out, that he realized that he never wanted to experience this feeling again.

In the game with Fuji, he cheated, used illusions, and even used psychological warfare, but still lost to Fuji Shusuke.

It can be said that he must be counted as the destroyer of Rikkai's hegemony.

In the doubles match with U17 and Atobe, he was so tired that he lay on the ground and couldn't move.

He could only rely on his synchronization to help his teammates a little.

Although they still won in the end, it was more like the senior handed the victory to them.

The Hyotei inheritance of Senior Ochi and Atobe, the transmission of Senior Mori and his Rikkai spirit, this is something they cannot refuse.

But he really doesn't want to have this feeling again.

On April 8, the weather was very warm. Today, the tennis club of Rikkai University attracted many students. Even though Rikkai University has not won the national championship for several years, its unbreakable dominance in Kanto and its profound heritage still make the tennis club very popular in Rikkai University High School.

The main selection tournament is naturally a big event and attracts everyone's attention.

"A few days ago, Hyotei's tennis team was completely defeated by a freshman. Hyotei needs to rebuild its order this year."The

52 members were divided into four groups. Yukimura and the other two were in three different groups. They were warming up together. Yanagi was also sharing the latest information with the two.

""First-year students?"

Yukimura and Sanada exchanged a look, and a solemn look flashed in their eyes.

No matter what, as a powerful team in Tokyo, Hyotei's players are still bigger than horses. Although Hyotei's strength has seriously declined after the graduation of the previous batch of backbone players, everyone with a discerning eye knows that if there are no accidents, Hyotei this year will not be a concern. But even so, being able to challenge a first-year student of the tennis club alone... is not easy!

Sanada didn't know what he was thinking, and a flame flashed in his eyes.

"Genichirō, do you want to try it too?"

As Sanada's childhood friend, Yukimura saw through Sanada's idea at a glance.

"Too lax!"

Sanada's face darkened, and he wanted to pull up his hat, but he found that he didn't wear it today, so he could only turn around and leave to hide his embarrassment. Rikkai is not Hyotei. Even if the third-year senior and the director who went to school in Kanto but spoke with a Kansai accent have graduated, the remaining people are still strong. It is hard to say whether Sanada can win Mori at the moment.


Yukimura smiled, and then walked towards the venue where he was going to compete.

Niou was wandering outside the venue because he didn't have a match in the first round. He didn't watch other people's matches. The first round was just a warm-up for the few people he cared about, and he couldn't see anything at all. Besides, with his current strength, he really didn't have any pressure. In the blink of an eye, he saw a foot from the green tree next to him. Niou's eyes rolled, and there would be no one else except Senior Maori.


He pulled his pigtails habitually, looked around to see if anyone was paying attention, and slowly walked to the side

"Mori Jusaburo! Senior Taneshima is here!"

The roar of Minister Mita came from Niou's mouth. Niou, who had fully recovered his innate skill of Phantom, was very relaxed about it.

"Where? Where?"

Maori, who was sleeping under the tree, was awakened instantly. Taneshima’s evil deeds left a deep impression on him. Unfortunately, he didn’t know that in the next two years, the minister of Rikkai University would become even more evil.


The two pairs of eyes stared at each other for three seconds. Niou blinked and suddenly felt that he had gone too far. After all... this senior had taken good care of him.

Maori looked around and found that he did not see Mita at all. As for Minister Tanejima's iconic white hair, he did not see it. Oh, no, there was a white-haired person, but he was the junior who had a slight impression of him.

""Senior, are you sleeping? Isn't the game about to start?"

Ren Wang prepared his emotions for a moment, then pretended to be a little silly and changed the subject.

"Forehead……"Mao Li's confused expression froze instantly. It was so embarrassing to be caught by the juniors for being lazy."Ahem, of course I'm not going to sleep! My competition will start soon. You juniors are so powerful. I must conserve my energy and go all out!"


"Of course!"

Maori nodded firmly.

"Then senior, please continue to conserve your energy."Ryou nodded with a guilty conscience, and then immediately left.

"call……"Seeing Niou leaving, Maori wiped off the nonexistent cold sweat. Why did this junior put so much pressure on him?


Maori suddenly realized that he definitely didn't hear the voice of Mita wrongly! And with his personality, he definitely wouldn't have reacted that way just now!

He raised his head again, and his fiery eyes immediately locked onto Niou's back. Mental power? Interesting... Maori suddenly looked forward to today's game.

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