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"Is that so?"

Niou was a little bit puzzled. These guys all thought like this? Then how was Kirihara chosen by these guys for intensive training in the previous life?

The three of them did not speak, but looked at Niou with inquiring expressions. The meaning was very clear - isn't that the case?

In fact, this subtle change is not unrelated to Niou. In the previous life, without Niou, the road to winning the championship for the first-year Rikkai seemed very difficult.

So in the second year of junior high school, they were still planning for this year and the next year's road to winning the championship, and Kirihara just caught their eyes.

Not only can they grow into a powerful fighting force in the third year of junior high school, but they can also take over the tennis club when they graduate. So in the previous life, Sanada fell into a big pit called Kirihara. In this life, with Niou, a powerful weapon that can be played alone or in pairs, the three of them don't worry much about the lineup. Instead, they focus more on improving their own strength, and ignore Some things from the previous life were omitted.

So when faced with the strength shown by Kirihara's challenge, the first reactions of the three people in the previous life and this life were completely different.

Of course, this does not mean that Rikkai's hidden dangers do not exist!

The brilliance of the first-year amazing four people widely circulated outside is too dazzling. Coupled with the newly rising Marui and Jackal, there are also seniors Mori who are already in the third year, and there is a senior Kawaguchi Yushi. There is almost no other stage for others to show themselves.

Nioh, who has the experience of the previous life, knows that this situation will be particularly obvious, especially next year! The gap in strength between Rikkai's regulars and substitutes is almost getting bigger and bigger.

In the first year that Kirihara took over Rikkai University, it was not easy to make it to the national competition between Hyotei and Seigaku, but he did not achieve any good results.

This situation must not happen again this year.

Seeing that Nioh was distracted, the three people looked at each other speechlessly, and then turned around and prepared to start training.

"Hey, wait a minute."Niou suddenly called out to the three of them,"Rikkai University, the Kanto champion for fourteen consecutive years... have you ever thought about winning the national championship for fourteen consecutive years?"

Niou's iconic fox smile was reflected in the three people's suddenly shrunken pupils.

National... fourteen consecutive championships?

Yukimura's smile disappeared, and he suddenly remembered that last year, senior Mita, who had already graduated, personally handed the racket to him.

Sanada's fists suddenly clenched, is this the gap? Not only is there an absolute gap in strength, but even in vision, the gap is so big? Well, this guy Sanada always finds reasons to urge himself to become stronger.

Fourteen consecutive national championships?

Liu secretly calculated the probability of this happening in his mind, 0.000001 percent! However, they have to increase this 0.0000001 percent probability by themselves until it reaches 100 percent! Only in this way can their abilities be reflected, right?

Almost at this moment, the three He was attracted by Nioh's words that seemed more like a joke.

Fourteen consecutive championships in Kanto, so... fourteen consecutive championships in the country?

Beside him, the corner of Maori's clothes disappeared. He had just planned to come over to see what seemed to have happened in the tennis club, but he didn't expect... to hear such words.

His face kept changing and finally turned into a long sigh. Just this kind of courage alone was far ahead of others.

However, when he thought that if this idea was really realized in the future, he could proudly say that he was also the winner of two championships in Rikkai, which would be very face-saving!

Finally, in today's tennis club training, except for Senior Kawaguchi, all the other regular players were unexpectedly absent, which made everyone speculate what happened today.


"Damn it! I even lost the game!"

Kirihara looked at the dead character on the screen and slapped the game console hard.

"Hey, are you still sad?

Marui came out from the back camera and patted Kirihara on the shoulder.

"Is that you? I won't join the tennis club! You guys go away.……"Kirihara actually recognized these two people as the ones who helped him get the application for joining the club yesterday.

"Not really? Eat some bubble gum?"

After Mikirihara reluctantly gave his bubble gum, Marui asked Jackal to treat them to ramen.

Well... as for why Jackal treated them... there was no reason! If good friends don't treat, who will?

"Kirihara, it's not surprising that you lost to those three people. Their strength is recognized. After eating the noodles, Marui pretended to be indifferent.

"Hey, who are those three people?"After eating someone else's food, Kirihara's tone was still a little bad, but he was able to communicate normally.

"Those three... Yukimura Seiichi, who is known as the Son of God outside, is also the president of our Rikkai University! Military strategist Yanagi Renji! Emperor Sanada Genichirō! But there is also the third-year senior Mori who is also very strong.……"

"Emperor Sanada Genichirō?"

Kirihara caught the name instantly,"Is he the most powerful person in Rikkai University?"

"The most powerful person?"

Jackal and Marui looked at each other, and the figure with white hair immediately appeared in their minds.

"You will know when you join the tennis club. Rikkai University's tennis club is different from other tennis clubs! You are very strong and you will definitely be the best among other seniors, but our Rikkai is a champion school, so of course it is not enough!"

Marui half-truthfully persuaded Kirihara

"I... I won't join the tennis club!"

Kirihara curled his lips, but his tone unconsciously relaxed a lot..._

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