Although the Byodoin Phoenix next to him almost kicked his eyes out, this was what Niou asked for himself. If he couldn't pull people over, he wouldn't lose anything. But once he pulled them over, it would be the strongest help, and it could also piss off the Byodoin Phoenix, so why not?

Amadeus spread his hands innocently,"What's the point of glaring at me? It was you who made the little kid angry, not me!"

Throwing the last bit of fire on the Byodoin Phoenix's head, the dark-skinned man with a turban patted his butt and prepared to leave,"Niou-kun, your invitation is still valid. On behalf of the entire team, I welcome your arrival~"

After that, he threw a flying kiss and ran away.

Only the snickering Niou and the Byodoin Phoenix who was so angry that she couldn't move were left.

""Puff~ Hum!" Seeing the Phoenix of Byodoin, Niou was so happy. Hum, who made this guy hide something from him!

This matter is not a big secret, why can't he tell him - what's wrong with telling him in advance to let him know more information?

He snorted coldly.���It was obvious that he was waiting for the Phoenix of Byodoin to explain.

The blond man sighed,"I just don't think it's time yet!"

Knowing it too early would put pressure on Niou's heart and make him lose his way.

"In junior high school, I failed to lead the team to win the national championship three times in a row - I just hope that you can focus on the present, take one step at a time, and finally get to this place!"

He sighed, his eyes lowered for a rare time,"And now is your best chance - everything is just right! The most important and unforgettable thing for you now should be the national championship three times in a row!"

Everything else will come naturally at the right time!

Nioh was a little stunned for a rare time,"……"

The recent Byodoin Phoenix seems to be very different, always saying things that catch him off guard and are unexpected

"I was just joking with Amadeus recently!" He turned his head and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window and said awkwardly,"No matter how bad your own country is, no child will dislike it!"

(Consciously put yourself in my shoes~)

"Mr. Narenou Masaharu——"Byodoin Phoenix raised his eyes and said seriously,"Are you willing to fight with me in the U17 World Cup next year?"

"I agree to it with reluctance~" Niou didn't look back, but stretched out his hand.

The Byodoin Phoenix smiled and dunked. The strongest combination of tennis was successfully combined at this moment.

Knowing that the three consecutive championships were also the regret of the Byodoin Phoenix, Niou became more serious after training.

He felt that the burden on his shoulders was increased again. This feeling was pleasant, but also heavy!

He became more serious than ever before and wanted to improve his strength systematically.——

""Princess Byodoin, could you please help me measure the specific five-dimensional values?"

He was quite restrained when playing basketball at school before, so Liu's test was not accurate. Now he wants to test it again to understand his true strength.——

"Of course!" Byodoin Phoenix readily agreed.

After a day of testing, Nioh got his data.

【Niou Masaharu: 13 years old

Height: 179cm

Five Dimensions -

Speed: 5

Strength: 4.5

Stamina: 4

Technique: 4

Spirit: Unknown

Total: 17.5+Unknown (conservative estimate of more than 23)】

"Your mental strength is so strong that it has exceeded the current range.……"Byodoin Phoenix was also shocked by this result, and felt that it was reasonable.

After all, Niou himself belonged to the Government of Time and became a king.

This unique identity made it normal for his mental power to break through the sky.

He could even feel that the other values measured were inaccurate. Niou currently did not put all his body's potential on tennis.

Once completely integrated,

Niou Masaharu might become the strongest in the world!

"Your future will be limitless……"When she said this, the eyes of the Byodoin Phoenix shone with an incredible light.

Niou thought that he would see nothing but dissatisfaction in this look... only sincere blessings and joy. This person is really happy for him, and this person hopes that he can live better and grow better!

Byodoin Phoenix... What kind of person are you?

"Aren't you afraid that I will surpass you?" Ren Wang said solemnly

"Isn't this a good thing?"The Phoenix of Byodoin laughed,"The country has a new heir, which is a good thing for everyone.——"

Byodoin Phoenix is very realistic. He knows that he is very powerful, but to some people, he is a tall and terrifying mountain.

No one will always be powerful. Someone will always choose a new path.

His current age is very suitable, but the age suitable for U17 will always pass. They need fresh blood. And Nioh will become the core blood line in the aorta!

This king he recognizes - the only"master" he recognizes. He will definitely give him a different surprise!

He will definitely make the neon world more dazzling!


Suddenly I felt the burden on my shoulders was much heavier!

I felt a little excited and a little worried.

"Although not yet……"Faced with such expectations from the previous generation, how could a young man of the country choose to retreat? (I consciously put myself in the shoes of a flower grower)

"Although I can't beat you now, one day I will take your place and become the new pillar!"

Of course——

"Of course, I mean to help you do something within my ability, not to sacrifice my entire life and career!"Ryoou suddenly said, remembering something he knew in the past.

Byodoin Phoenix frowned:"Of course……"

Although the game is important, no game can be linked to human life. If you can't find a breakthrough in the game, be decisive.���Giving up is also a kind of courage!

Although giving up is very painful, life is more important. For the development of mankind, you can sacrifice your life, but for tennis, you need to think seriously before making a decision.——

"Where did the thing you said come from?"Byōdōin Phoenix felt that his seriousness was not groundless.

Niō raised his eyebrows,"How come you haven't heard of this?"

Last year's incident must have been quite a big deal. How could Byōdōin Phoenix not know about it?

"Last year in the first year of junior high school, Tezuka of Seigaku was expected by his seniors to become the new president because of his powerful influence, but he was persecuted by his seniors in the second year! His arm was injured and he can no longer exert 100% of his strength."Niou was also full of emotion when talking about this matter,"He could have become a genius as famous as Yukimura - but now he can only live in such a small place like Tokyo!"

Seigaku has not entered the national competition for two years, and the best result is only the Kanto Competition

"What about the punishment for those people?" asked the Phoenix of Equal Court.

"We don't know much about the subsequent situation, but it is estimated that it will end in nothing.……"

Seigaku's reaction at the time was very calm, and there was no big mess. If Tezuka Kunimitsu really chose to retaliate, he would be banned for a whole year just for fighting.

If nothing happened, it means that this matter has finally become the silt at the bottom of the lake, and it will never come ashore again.……

"What a disgusting Qingxue!……"Niou rubbed his arms and said,"I taught a man as open-minded and strong as Echizen Nanjiro! How come he became inexplicably lonely after so many years?" What

Niou could not understand the most was Seigaku. The current coach was the same coach who once was Echizen Nanjiro's coach. Do people really change as time goes by?

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