Yukimura smiled happily,"I feel relieved when you say that!"

He turned to look at Liu,"When there is something wrong, just let him come out, Niou won't let you down!"

Liu took out his notebook and wrote happily,"So, Niou has hidden a lot of things... It seems that my previous investigation was not thorough enough, I should work harder in the future!"

He shot a sharp look at Niou, which made Niou's chest hurt a little.

I always feel that the days to come will not be too peaceful...

Although the atmosphere at the moment does not allow him to think off topic, Niou still feels a little tired and a little helpless.

They did not stay too long. The patient needs to rest and is not suitable to be disturbed all the time.

"From today on, Niou is the agent of our Rikkai University Tennis Club.——"

"No!" Liu's unfinished words were interrupted by him,"I don't want to be an acting director!"

He said sincerely,"I am better at doubles. You two will definitely not accept me being the director - there must be many people in the tennis club who will question this kind of thing. Once it gets out of hand, it will always be turbulent on our side! It's not good for the entire tennis club!"

He looked at Sanada sincerely,"So let Sanada do it - if it doesn't work, the director position can be left vacant temporarily!"

Few people in the tennis club dare to challenge Yukimura's majesty, so even if he is not there, there will be no trouble for a while!

No one dares to question his position!

"~Okay!"Yanagi looked at him deeply and agreed.

And secretly decided in his heart that he must let Niou play more singles in the future.

The dream is very beautiful, but unfortunately Niou also has his own plans - this day, he found Marui and Kuwabara and handed them a video tape

"What is this thing?" Marui Pig said, half curious and half disgusted,"You went out to play and brought me this thing?"

"There are treasures in here, are you sure you don't want them?"Ren Wang wants to pull it back when he does something.

"Alas~ I didn't say no!"When he heard Ren Wang say it was a treasure, Marui Fumi was too unrestrained."You brought this to me, and it's mine if you give it to me. Don't be so stingy~"

"Tell me what you think after reading it!"

Marui Bunta nodded, and then he chuckled as he thought of something,"Why didn't you bring something for Yagyu when you brought it to each of us?"

He nodded at Yagyu next to him,"Your partner is so unsatisfactory!"

He would piss off his partner to death.——

"Of course, Liu Sheng is indispensable! No need for you to remind me!"


"What do you want to say?"Yagyu Hiroshi is not deaf, so he heard it.

Niou chuckled,"Actually, what I gave you is the same as Marui's... but I want to tell you in person, so I didn't prepare a video tape.——"

"What do you want to say?"

"I just want to ask if you are interested in synchronization?" Niwang said slowly.

"What did you say?"Yagyu was shocked. Did he hear it wrong?

The white-haired boy's eyes were unusually bright at this moment."You didn't hear it wrong. I said——【homology】!"

Yagyu Hiroshi's breathing stagnated.

Synchronicity - this is a magical word. For every doubles tennis player, it is a lifelong dream that cannot be pursued.

"Are you kidding me?" Yagyu Hiroshi frowned,"You bring up this kind of thing to make fun of me!"

"Do you think I'm that kind of person?" Ren Wang put his hands on his hips. Is his credibility so bad?

"have——"Ruthless complaints from my partner!

"So you mean you don't want to understand, don't want to learn?" Ren Wang smiled and dropped the ultimate bomb,"I went out to travel this time, but I saw a lot of things and understood a lot of truths. Are you sure you really don't want to listen?"

"……"Yagyu Hiroshi paused for a moment. What this guy said was really - infuriating!

"You can say it or not!"He, Yagyu Hiroshi, is also a tsundere and is not easy to serve.

The King was stunned:"——"

He suddenly covered his mouth and laughed twice,"Yagyu, you look more energetic now than before."

Yagyu Biluo snorted coldly,"You are crazy……"

"Phew~" The fox tilted his head slightly and laughed very happily,"【Synchronize】Are you still going to listen?"

"Humph!"Yagyu Hiroshi stopped talking.

Niou Masaharu's understanding of the same tune came from the words of the Phoenix of Byodoin


"If your team wants to maintain its position as the national champion, it must not only excel in singles, but also have strong support in doubles!"

Any team competition is not a one-man show. After losing the Son of God, Rikkai University's status is in jeopardy, and a pair of doubles to stabilize the morale of the army is needed. It

's not that Nioh is not strong, but... Rikkai University can't withstand any storm now. If any of the two of the Big Three loses. In the absence of a strong doubles, they will face a new crisis -

Nioh can't refute!

But doubles——

"Although our doubles are average, so are all the junior high school students!"Ryo said unconvinced.

Even someone like him who started playing doubles in the second year of junior high school could win the title of Golden Doubles in just one year. This shows how weak the doubles in junior high school are.

"Can you guarantee that other schools will remain weak?"The eyes of the Phoenix of Byodoin were cold and wise. Snowflakes from the northwest snowfield suddenly fell on the neck of the King, icing him and waking him up.

"But - where is the ultimate in doubles?"Ryooh frowned. Foxes are the most aware of the situation and will correct problems in a timely manner.

"Have you heard of [Synchronous]?"

This name is familiar and strange, but~

"We are just junior high school students, how can we possibly reach that level!"That is a doubles miracle, an extreme that others dare not easily imagine.

"Among the high school students in the First Army, there are two pairs of [Same Tune】!"The Phoenix of Byodoin smiled and pulled this legendary skill down from the altar

"【Synchronization is not as difficult as you think.……"He smiled and offered temptation,"Do you want to know?"

Ren Wang was suspicious:"Even if it is very simple, how do you know that what you said is the essence? You are not a doubles player!"

Different ways!

"Just tell me whether you want to listen or not!"Baiduin Phoenix didn't like the King's questioning of him at this moment.


The King was more determined than Yagyu at that time.

"This is a videotape——"Ren Wang took out his own copy of the video tape and handed it to Yagyu,"First, watch——"

Everyone who plays doubles has their own understanding of [Synchro], but knowing is one thing, and seeing it is the first time.

You must watch the real [Synchro] to understand its essence.

"Do you want to see it? The fox once again threw out the temptation.


Yagyu Hiroshi took the bait.

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