"Marui-senpai, do you feel a little cold?" Kirihara Akaya was so excited at the beginning that he rubbed his arms.

Obviously, neither of them had the ice attribute, but the air around them was very cold at this moment~

"Well, you'll get used to it!" Marui Fumita rubbed his arms and comforted himself."Yanagi, I did think of it, but Nioh……"

The red-haired boy wanted to cry but had no tears."When did he become a pervert?"

This is too changeable, it's scary!

Without saying a word, he directly opened the screen and attacked!

"Well, how about we end this game here first?" Marui Fumita swallowed hard and raised his hand outside the court.

"Why should it end? Isn't this what you want to see?" Niou Masaharu looked back and looked at Marui seriously,"If you want to see the ultimate doubles, you have to watch the whole game. Maybe there will be a counterattack later!"

"I'll just practice this today.……"Marui Fumita said with difficulty,"The road has to move forward step by step, you have to give me some time to adapt!"

What he said made sense, but unfortunately the four people on the field disagreed.

The game was already 2 to 2, and both sides had just started to get angry. It had to be a shocking fight, otherwise how could the anger be suppressed and not released?

"Marui, just watch carefully and take notes carefully!"Sanada said expressionlessly,"Okay, stop talking, and continue!"

He was also attracted by Nioh's strength, so he gave it a try next.


Suddenly I felt a little regretful!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. Sanada is like a sincere plaster. Once he wants to stick to you, he will desperately get close to you.

And his own stickiness is very strong, which makes Nioh, who wants to be lazy, want to cry~

"wind——"It was as fast as the wind!

The ball was coming at a swift speed with the strongest wind in nature. The wind came before the ball, and Niwang felt his clothes were blown up.

Niwang stretched out his hand to block his eyes. The strong wind blurred his eyes.

""Pu Li~" He smiled coldly,"Sanada, you really want to make things difficult for me, right?"

Just now, Yanagi Renji had some tentative intentions, sincerely wanting to see how their doubles practice was, so most of the attacks were aimed at Yanagi.

But Sanada's - this was really a blatant demand!

"Men should fight in an upright manner. Cheer up and don't let down your guard!"The majesty of the Kendo family was fully revealed at this moment.

Unfortunately... it didn't scare Ren Wang, on the contrary, it made him anxious!

Kendo Kendo, are you talking as if you are the only one in the world who knows Kendo?

"——Break it for me!" With a twist of his wrist, he held the racket tightly with both hands and chopped it hard from left to right. The wind that was raging in the space was directly cut off by Niou's blow, and it could not create any more waves.

Bang bang bang~

The tennis ball fell to the ground with a thud.

There was a glimmer of light in Sanada's stunned eyes:"……"

Niou was also dumbfounded when he saw the tennis ball being split in half:"……"

Damn it, I used too much force!

"Your strength……"The way Sanada looked at Nioh was different. Compared with the previous disdain, this time there was more passion.

""Pu Li~ I said this was an accident, do you believe it?" Niou, who didn't want the attention, hurried to explain, but unfortunately Sanada's fighting spirit had been completely aroused.

"We will definitely win today.——"The boy in the hat turned his wrist and shouted angrily,"Its Xu Rulin——"

This is another move that was born out of kendo. Niou silently said to himself,"Ignore it!", but his legs were honest as he ran towards the tennis ball."……"

Damn it, my body consciousness is stronger than my intuition!

After realizing that his body was not listening, Niou sighed inwardly. It was a bit against the rules to ask him to stop. Now that it has come to this, it is time to teach Sanada a lesson!

""Sanada, you asked for it!" Niou sneered, same action, same place. Predict the landing point of the ball at the fastest speed. It is called the shrinking technique in tennis. With a whoosh, Niou crossed the gap between the front and back half of the court and appeared directly in front of the racket with two hands tightly grasped. With a snap, the bright yellow tennis ball was caught by the net again!

This time it was entangled~

The net was like having countless stickiness, wrapping the tennis ball around so that it could not move. After removing all the force, it was gently pushed forward and intercepted and landed!

If it was a sudden outburst just now, then this time Liu completely believed that this guy was very strong!

"You... were so dishonest before!" He opened his eyes and looked at Ren Wang meaningfully.

"I've already told you, you just don't believe it……"

Nioh spread his hands and said that he did not hide anything.

"Does Yagyu know about this?"Now it's a game, they are opponents, and there must be some discord. Yagyu looked at Yagyu behind him, his eyes were a little dim, compared to the shining and radiant Niou on the court, he is indeed a little...

Yagyu pushed his glasses,"Sorry, Yagyu, I know!"

No matter whether he knows it now or not, he should say he knows. Although he doesn't like Niou's temperament, he has the most basic bottom line of teammates, and he still knows when to say something.

Due to Niou's outbreak, the whole game suddenly ran to another trend...

I thought this was a game where Niou would show off around Yagyu and their doubles tacit understanding, but it turned into a one-sided slaughter by Niou.

Although the moves were not gorgeous and did not have the effect of thundering the sky and splitting the earth, no matter what attack Sanada used in the wind, fire, volcano and forest, Niou would either entangle, break or knock it down - no attack would be good, and he couldn't even get any points!

"Oh my god, is Niwang a pervert?"Marui Fumita held his shaking head and felt a little dizzy. Was it his illusion? He felt that Niwang was completely perverted!

"Yes, he looks really scary now!"A year later, Kirihara Akaya, who was no longer so scared of Niou Masaharu, suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated. Those eyes seemed to be able to see through the last corner of people's hearts. It made people feel cold, as if they fell into an ice cellar!

"Well, Nioh was already very powerful before, and now he is even more powerful!"The jackal Kuwabara didn't feel anything. To him, Nioh is still Nioh.

"Oh, I really envy your thick nerves!"Marui Bunta's beautiful eyes were full of envy.

So envious!

Why aren't his nerves so thick?

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