After the first day of shopping, they had a pleasant journey back home. The department store gave them a door-to-door delivery service - delivered by a large truck!

This made them the brightest ones in the crowd. Very eye-catching!

But Ren Wang was very calm. He was already a king, so why would he be afraid of such a small scene? However, after he got home,

"I heard that you went to the department store to buy things today and bought a whole truckload of stuff?"

This is Fushimi Saruhiko's slightly amused tone. He was almost dying of laughter. Who could have thought that such a scene would be captured on the surveillance camera?

"Niou, have you run out of food recently? You are so pitiful, why do you need to stock up so much?"

This impolite voice is obviously from Misaki Hatta!

Ignoring these two positive voice prompts, Niou calmly entered the second wave of purchases. With so many people at home, how can such a small amount of food support the entire Ningbo?

In the Hyotei team.

All kinds of things flashed through Keigo Atobe's mind

"Atobe, what are you thinking about? Why are you so focused?"

"I wonder what level of people are after Nioh? What is the situation?"

"What does this have to do with us?" asked Oshitari.

"Don't you think the people behind him are very strange? They are all so handsome, they are not ordinary people at all!"

And that kind of eyes, with Niou as the core. It seems that no matter how many things happen in the world, they will not look away.

Atobe's eyes dimmed,"……This look is not normal at all!"

"I think it's normal, isn't it just the way family members look at the younger generation?"Oshita Yuushi, who was originally the most sensitive to emotions, said this, and Atobe frowned.

Is he really too sensitive? But it feels a bit strange...

Not only are those people of better color, he also feels another breath from them, just like the bodyguards in his family.

Bodyguards who protect his life!

Is this also an illusion?

Atobe's guess was unknown to Niou, and he didn't care. He only knew two words now.——【New Year! 】

Everyone in Honmaru was too excited.

Something that made them even more"excited" suddenly appeared one day.

The cause was - a courier from a foreign country!

On this day, Yamato-no-kami Yasunari, who went out to pick up the courier for his lord, looked at the language that he obviously didn't recognize, and couldn't tell who the package was sent to.

Although their Honmaru was isolated from the world, since they were active in the real world, they would inevitably meet some friends... With so many people, it's normal to have a few foreign friends, but this language is too weird!

So... who is this one for?

Unsure, he gave the package to the head of Honmaru, Sozo Sawamonji. As the sword of the king, he also took into account the ability of erudition. Especially after Honmaru joined the real world.

When they knew that there were more than 200 countries in this world, Sozo Sawamonji and other erudite swords took a breath and began to study in batches. At that time, Nioh was only six years old. Everyone was raising a child for the first time, and they were determined to raise the lord to the best.

Erudition in two languages is a basic condition, and multilingualism is the top priority!

You must learn it!

So ~ Sozo Sawakoji really understands it!

Therefore, he recognized this niche language from a certain Guava country at a glance, saw the name clearly, and saw the sender clearly.

——Byodoin Phoenix!

Where did this person suddenly appear from? Doesn't he like to travel around the world? Why should he send things to their master?

Yamato no Kami Yasunari looked at the knife that suddenly shone with cold air and was about to condense into a substantial knife.

"Zong Sandian, what's wrong with you?"

"I just think this package is a bit of an eyesore. It must have been sent to the wrong place. It's not from our main area. You threw it away.——"Souzo Sawamonji was covered in black energy.

""Sou Sanden, are you sure you want to do this?" Yamato no Kami's eyes wandered.

This is a package sent to the Honmaru of the Time Government, so it usually won't be sent to the wrong place.

"It's okay - I said I sent it to the wrong message, so it was sent to the wrong message!"

The pink-haired man gave him a stern look, and the sharp look in his eyes at that moment scared Yamatomori Yasutsumi. The blue-clothed boy wanted to say something, but suddenly a figure in a red kimono appeared behind him, slapped his mouth and covered it tightly. Then the boy apologized to Souza Sawamonji with a smile,"Souza-dono, I'm sorry, Yasutsumi didn't eat breakfast this morning and he's a little silly!"

"I~ um~ no~ um!"

He used his hands to cover the boy's mouth tightly again, making sure that no sound could be heard, and then Kashuu Kiyomitsu breathed a sigh of relief.

This little buddy doesn't know how to choose the right time at all~ Can't you see that Lord Souzo is so unhappy!!

He grabbed Yamatomori Yasunari with one hand and picked up the package with the other hand, and quickly disappeared in front of Souzo Sawamonji,"I'll go throw the package away now!"

I promise not to appear in front of anyone~


"Kiyomitsu, why did we throw the package away?"Yamato no Mori Yasudasa was a well-behaved and obedient boy who didn't understand the twists and turns here. But his little friend Kashuai Kiyomitsu was an extremely smart kid.

He glanced at his rose-red nails, and remembering the tenderness of his lord when he handed him the nail polish, the boy's eyes brightened a little,"Look at the expression on Zong Sanden's face, and you'll know who sent it!"

"Ah, you know it~" Yamato-no-mori Yasutane said in surprise

"Of course, the lord has so many friends! When did Lord Souzo have this expression! Only when he met that person - the one who made every knife in our Honmaru hate him to the core……"

"……It turned out to be him!" Yamatomori Yasutane understood immediately.

The boy's guilty eyes suddenly became complicated,"Then what should I do with this package?"

Based on the principle of being a sword, he���I really don't like this man. But... he is the lord's senior, and the lord doesn't seem to dislike that man. He even went on a trip with him. Do I really have to go against the lord's preferences?

"Ah... why do I need to know so much? Can't I just throw it away?"

Yamato Moriyasu Yasunari scratched his head.

"Qingguang, what do you think we should do?"

The struggle between the lord and his own will

"What should I do? The more I think about it, the more confused I become.……"

California Qingguang shook his head. He didn't know what to do about this kind of thing."I can only say that you are so proactive today and go pick up the package yourself?"

"Can't you help me think of a solution? Help me make a choice!!!" The young man in blue shook his companion's shoulder angrily, how could he stand by and watch someone die at this time!

"You either roll the dice or count the petals, you have to make your own choice……"Kashuu Kiyomitsu didn't want to be disliked by his lord.……

"You can give it to the Lord! We will just pretend we don’t know!"

"But I don't like that person either.……"They knew how serious the King's injury was last time. He had been lying at home for a few days.

As the lord's sword, who could forget that incident?

The flowers were finally picked.

Yamato-no-kami sat there peacefully counting the petals.——




"Don’t give!"

The final result - give!

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