The timeout ended and the game continued.

During this process, Taketo Mukai was also shaken by his teammates, and finally regained consciousness. He didn't know what happened to him... He was not ambushed, and his mind was very clear.

Everything that happened just now was as if the hand had derailed, the tennis ball had cheated, and had its own ideas -

Atobe Keigo said seriously,"No matter what happened, you'd better be careful of Niou Masaharu. Don't make eye contact or communicate with him in the second half of the game... If you continue like this, you two will lose the first game!" Taketo

Mukai was about to cry. What was going on?

He was obviously the most unlucky one, why was he the one being criticized now?

"I see!"

"Oshitsuki, please watch him more.……"

Being attacked by his teammates, Xiangri Taketo was in a bad mood. When he came back on the court, he stared at Niou fiercely.


""Xiangri-kun, are you planning to eat me?" Niou said with a smirk.

Now it was Rikkai's turn to smile.

"Don't talk to me, if you have the guts, let's have a fair competition, don't play those little tricks!" He puffed up his cheeks like a pissed off kitten.

"……"Niou shrugged.

Since everyone now thinks it was a trick of his, he might as well admit it... Anyway, he can learn it in the future. He looked at Yagyu Hiroshi from the corner of his eye. The two looked at each other for a moment, then looked away gently. Oshitari Yuushi lowered his eyes,"……"

What tricks are these two going to play?

He waited anxiously... for one round after another.

But he found out - the next game was so dull!

Everyone was attacking and fighting back seriously. Yagyu Hiroshi's laser beam was extremely fast, but there was no weird trick. It was just a simple lightning trick...

Although Nioh was a little weird, he just suddenly appeared in a place they didn't expect, helping Yagyu Hiroshi to fight back against the fish that slipped through the net and establish a strong defensive front for their cooperation.

Everything is normal!

But Inuzaka:...

The blue-haired boy focused his mind and his mental strength was highly concentrated at this moment,"……"

He didn't believe that Niou Masaharu, who had just deceived Xiangri, was so honest. He must have a new conspiracy.……

"The game ended with a score of 4 to 3.……

"The game ended with a score of 4-4.……

"Score 5 to 4……"

Is it really certain?

The two people on the opposite side have already high-fived to celebrate their upcoming victory. For the first time, Oshitari Yuushi doubted his own judgment.

He has been guarding against Niou, although there are also pursuits in the game... How can he defeat an opponent at the same stage with such a restless mind?

That's right, after half a game, he had already seen that Niou Masaharu's strength was not weak, and he was completely different from the novice Yagyu Hiroshi.

If Yagyu Hiroshi still had obvious loopholes in tennis, Niou, who mainly helped Yagyu with defense, was almost an all-round player.

He did not show off, and just by finding and filling in the gaps, he had already made the doubles pair stand opposite them!

"Atobe-kun, we have underestimated Rikkai University before.……"

"The game ended with a score of 6 to 4, and Rikkai University won."

""I won already?"

The people around him blinked their eyes in disbelief.

It felt like the game hadn't even started yet, but it ended so inexplicably...

Atobe Keigo looked at Nioh with a bad face."……"

"Atobe……"Oshiki Oshige came down and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Atobe,"We underestimated his strength, it's not your fault.……"

At his level, he could naturally see what Niou had hidden.

He looked up and said proudly,"I never thought that Rikkai University would hide such a pearl last year, mixed in with the fish eyes.……"

He touched the teardrop mole at the end of his eye and said,"But I'm probably not the only one who's blind."

"Since Yukimura didn't invite him to start a revolution last year, it means... Hehe! It's really interesting. I'm looking forward to the next story of Rikkai University more and more!"

Oshitari Yuushi pushed his glasses and said speechlessly,"Although I understand your desire to watch the fun... But why don't you take some time to pay attention to the second game first!"

Their situation is not optimistic...

Atobe Keigo:"……"

In the second game, Rikkai University's team was naturally Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwahara. Although Kuwahara has not yet entered the main lineup, everyone has seen his cooperation with Marui. It is natural to send him to the doubles match, which is the safest. He did not disappoint everyone and defeated the opponent with lightning speed. Rikkai University won the second victory.

At this moment, Hyotei has no way out - only a last-ditch battle!

"Singles Sanyou Rikkai Okirihara Akaya vs. Hyotei Hiyoshi Waka……"

"Niou-kun, Sanada has already looked at you quite a few times.……"Yagyu Biluoshi silently reminded,"If you really fall asleep, I will be very troubled!"

That's right, Yagyu Biluoshi found that the person next to him actually began to doze off.

This guy didn't pay attention to their team's game at all——

""Pu Li~" The young man, who was about to play chess with Zhou Gong, was interrupted by this call. He could no longer fall asleep because of the sleepiness he was brewing.

"Yagyu, do you know how much of a blow your words can be to someone who is about to fall asleep


"I don't know!" Yagyu Hiroshi looked ahead expressionlessly,"I just know that I don't want to face Sanada's cold eyes alone.——"

Come on, Niou is right next to him, and Sanada is glaring at them all.

He is not the one who needs to sleep, why should he accompany Niou and bear the cold stare?……

"Then you can go to another place~" Ren Wang frowned and said.

Yagyu Hiroshi glared at him. Not to mention that he is the most familiar with Ren Wang in this club,……

"I want to leave too, why don't you move your butt out of the way?——"

This guy sat on his clothes. How could he walk


"When did you tie your coat around your waist?"Yagyu Birushi tied his sportswear coat around his waist. The hem was very large. Niwang sat down next to him casually and sat on his clothes without noticing.

Niwang quickly moved his butt and looked at Yagyu innocently."……"You can go now.

Liu Sheng was really angry.——"

This guy - deserves to be alone and friendless for the rest of his life!

Yagyu Hiroshi left angrily, leaving only an innocent and pitiful Niou sitting there, looking pitifully at the lively crowd in front of him. This pitiful look made Marui, who had just finished the game, angry and amused...

Who made this guy sleep during his game?

However, in the end, he couldn't bear to see him alone, so he pulled Kuwabara to sit next to him.


Kirihara's match was a tough tug-of-war. He and Hiyoshi Wakata on the other side were the two most dazzling talents in this year's junior high school.

"Did they meet in the sixth grade competition?——"Niou is a transfer student. He has never played tennis before and has never heard of this kind of game.

"Yeah, I heard that Kirihara got lost during the game, and the two of them met once in the middle, and the fight was pretty intense.……"Marui Bunta popular science

"By the way, what club did you choose in elementary school?……"

He only knew that Ren Wang had never played tennis before.

Ren Wang paused, his face showing bitterness, and after a while he said,"——Family learning!"

"Homeschool? Did your family never let you join any clubs?"Marui instantly imagined a tragic scene of a family with very strict parents who never let anyone go out."No wonder you didn't have your first girlfriend until junior high school.……"

He patted Ren Wang's shoulder heavily and said,"I will never laugh at you again!"

Ren Wang:"……"

What the hell is going on here?

He was just forced to practice kendo at home by those overly concerned swordsmen, and was only allowed to go out when he reached a level where he could defend himself.

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