"Today is New Year's Day, can you let me be unrestrained once in a while?"

The young man curled his eyes, blinking his green eyes, his eyes full of desire and longing for his patriarch.

"Okay, just this once! I'll ask Kasen Kensei to prepare a hangover soup for you in advance, remember to drink it before going to bed at night!"

Souza Sawamonji always had no way to deal with Niou like this, so he could only say this.

""Puh~ Thank you, Zong San!" The white-haired boy smiled with his eyes curved.


Watching Sozo Sawamonji leave, Nioh walked down the corridor alone, turned around and went up to the second floor silently.

【What's going on? Isn't the Shinsengumi going to drink with Jiro Tachi and the others? 】 Kitsunesuke tilted his head in confusion.

【Are you stupid? How old is the lord now? How could he drink alcohol? The silver-white fox who came back kicked the fox's helper beside him unhappily.

【But... he also said that he wanted to indulge himself tonight~] It's not impossible for young people to indulge themselves occasionally for a day. It's a taboo to indulge a little bit, so what's the problem?

Silver Fox���She rolled her eyes elegantly, [But how could someone who graduated from Rikkai University allow himself to indulge himself? ]

Everyone who was taught by this school abides by the bottom line and will never do anything that he shouldn't do, no matter what the time.

As for why the hard drive fox knew it so clearly, it was thanks to Nioh, who placed it next to Yukimura Seiichi. It allowed it to watch from the closest distance how strong the heart of the Rikkai University minister who was fighting the disease was.

People who graduated from this school - every one of them is an elite!

In terms of self-control, they have achieved the ultimate!

They are amazing - the silver-white fox sighed from the bottom of his heart.

【The lord is now……】Kitsunesuke said sadly

【Enjoy the long night alone……】The silver-white fox said,"In the hospital, Yukimura Seiichi is always like this!"】

【But, that would be very lonely~] Kitsunesuke felt distressed

【No, some people sometimes prefer to enjoy this feeling of loneliness~] The silver-white fox said, [And those who dare to enjoy this feeling are usually strong. Our Shinsengumi will be the strongest person in the world, so having such an emotion is no exception!】

【Is that so?】 Kitsunesuke was suspicious.

It always felt that it was not like that.

Foxes are the most sincere animals. Even Kitsunesuke, who was created by the Government of Time, understood this truth.

Kitsunesuke didn't know anything else, but he knew that he couldn't bear to see Nioh like this...

He glanced at the calm and composed Ginba fox Kitsunesuke beside him, and chose to follow his heart, [My Lord, can you carry me up with you?]

As long as it is with the Shinsengumi, he will never be lonely!

How can he enjoy something as terrifying as loneliness... No! It must not be possible!

【Didn't I ask you to eat fried tofu?] Nio smiled and hugged it tightly, [There is a whole pot of fried tofu in the kitchen. It will not taste good if it is left until tomorrow. Are you sure you don't want to eat it tonight?]

Nio's words tempted Kitsunesuke, and his body told him that he should jump down immediately.

But his heart said - the lord is avoiding contact with people and the outside world!

【Shinsengumi-sama, I want New Year's money! 】Nio gave money to every sword today, except for it.

It had to ask for it - of course, the main reason was that he noticed that Niio had no money.

His wallet was empty, so he had to go back to his room to get it, so that it could follow Niio into the room and spend the night with him.

""Pfft, you~"

Ren Wang helplessly tapped its forehead. We are all foxes, so who is smarter than who? Why bother playing Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio?

"If you want to come, come with us!" Niou put Kitsunesuke on the ground and let him make his own choice.

My Lord , where is mine?】The little silver-white fox suddenly appeared and looked up.:"……"

You two have agreed to come here to prevent me from sleeping well, right?

That's right, Niou's original plan was to go back to sleep well at night, without being disturbed by anyone, and sleep until dawn. As a reward for himself - compared to the rigorous Rikkai University, it is such a luxury to have a lazy sleep, and this wish can only be realized on the day of the New Year.

Now that the two foxes have done this...

Perfect, don't even think about sleeping tonight!

"Forget it , you guys come on!"

In the end, Niou softened his heart.

And it was at this last moment... that the two overthinking foxes realized that their master might just want to sleep in.


Silver Fox:……

Kitsunesuke gave the silver-white fox a cold look and said,"Didn't you say you were afraid of something happening?】

【This is called...an accident?] It was an accident, a very serious one! The two foxes actually disturbed the master's sleep.

【……】The silver fox was very embarrassed. [I didn't expect that my current master was so pure and calm!]

To be honest, it's abnormal for a king to have such a pure mind!

So the one who is abnormal now should be their master!

【[Ah~] The silver-white fox suddenly cried out in pain and held his painful forehead, [Why did you hit me?】

【The Shinsengumi is the smartest person in the world, you shouldn't presume on him like that! And you say he's abnormal!!!] Kitsunesuke was so angry that his fur was about to explode. The Shinsengumi of Honmaru was raised by him bit by bit, and he still allowed others to interfere?

Kitsunesuke landed on his four paws, took 2.58 million steps, looked at the silver-white fox coldly, kicked it first, and then said elegantly:

【I'm telling you, if you dare say that again——】The corners of his eyes were full of spiritual power, and his voice was oppressive. [Be careful, I will tell His Highness Zong San and have them beat you out!]

What is a king? He is just a being bound by this matter. Even if he has a powerful power, it will disappear like smoke.

And they, the God Judges - that is a world that only selects one person's talent, the Son of Destiny!

The Son of the Plane, he can get whatever he wants in child support.……

【……】The silver fox was kicked, but he was not angry. It was always his fault. He actually forgot that these guys were all suppressing Hasebe and had long become the existence of the master's life.

To say anything about Niou in front of them was either to completely destroy himself and ask for trouble.——

【I didn't say anything, I just said it casually! 】

The silver fox sighed, it's rare to see a fox that keeps its mouth shut like it.

It has never been so well-behaved in front of other masters before~

It's really hard to be a fox!

Especially when there is a fox as a colleague, it becomes even more difficult~

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