"Haha, Mr. Munakata, you're joking. I'm just asking you for some legal knowledge! They haven't called me many times in total!"

Although this statement is a bit of a slap in the other party's face, but - please don't add fuel to the fire, thank you!

"Really? But I remember that you have a good relationship with a member of my clan, and you often call and text each other. Am I mistaken?"

Who is the best at adding fuel to the fire? The Blue King in the Kanto region.

Munakata Reiji knows the intelligence and can pick out the key points.

Facing the unhappy look of the Red King Suho Takashi, he calmly said,"I remember that this member was Suho's predecessor!"

Nioh:"……"Why don't you just tell me your name and let me die!

With a sigh, Ren Wang was also extremely helpless. But sitting and waiting to die was not his style after all. Qing Wang had already teased him to this extent. If he didn't fight back, it would be too unworthy of his status as a king.

"There's nothing we can do. Who made that guy rebellious?……"Ren Wang pretended to be helpless and spread his hands,"I didn't expect to see the prince's subordinates on the bar street! After all, aren't regular civil servants allowed to go to such places?"

Ren Wang thought with his eyes curved.

Since you said we are familiar with each other, right~ then……

"Brother Munakata, I've wanted to tell you this a long time ago!" He took a few steps forward and sat next to Reiji Munakata, his elbow resting on his arm, with a look of earnest advice on his face,"In fact, I saw not only Fushimi in the bar but also another blonde woman!"

Reiji Munakata:"……"

Blonde woman, there is only one blonde woman in his team, his deputy

"well……"Ren Wang's face was wrinkled like an orange in worry,"I don't know how to tell you this. Obviously, every king has his own territory and basically won't wander around. But the two of them are wandering around alone!"

"Sometimes there is also the matter of gathering intelligence.……"Munakata Reiji , who knew a lot of the inside story and had no intention of stopping it, had no change in expression.

But King Nio started to persuade him earnestly,"I understand. Everyone has their own pursuits! Just like Fushimi-kun misses his hometown, it's understandable that he wants to go home!"

"As for that beautiful sister... maybe she was just in a bad mood, so she wanted to have a drink or something like that!"

Reiji Munakata:"……"

The more he talks, the more outrageous it gets!

Suohonori can hardly hold back the cigarette he has in his mouth. The first time he met Nioh, he had seen the skill of this little guy in talking. But... I didn't expect that his skills would improve after not listening to him for a while. He even made Munakata speechless. He pieced together a sentence from here and a sentence from there.

He made Ao, who always ruled the country with courtesy, so angry that veins popped out on his forehead. Haha, you've got it! Suohonori, who originally thought that this kind of gathering was boring, became interested. As long as Nioh Masaharu attends it every year, it's not impossible.

I thought that Munakata Reiji's silence was the end, but I didn't expect that Nioh's outburst continued.

"It’s not easy to survive in this society nowadays. Workers always have a lot of suffering and sadness!"He patted Munakata Reiji's shoulder heavily and said,"We, as superiors, must understand and give them the opportunity to vent.——"

"You won't go back and cause trouble for them, right?"

""Puchi~" Wiseman, who was at the top, couldn't hold it in any longer,"Haha……"

The silver-haired man sat on the stool and laughed out loud. The old man who had already done what he did looked at him lovingly. After he saw that he had laughed enough, he said,"Okay, Weisman.——"

"Masaharu, it's time for you to hold yourself back a bit!" Kuni Tsuneji Daikaku knew that if it weren't for the fact that Niou Masaharu was also a royal authority, Munakata Reisi would not have been so accommodating to him.

Niou still listened to Kuni Tsuneji Daikaku's words.

Niou Masaharu shrugged and said with a smile,"Got it!"

He smiled with curved eyebrows and said to Munakata Reisi,"Munakata brother, I'm sorry, I just lost my composure!"

The white-haired boy's eyes were slightly curved, and his face was full of ingratiating smiles. How could Munakata Reisi really care about him. Putting aside other things, just based on Niou's identity as the seventh royal authority, he has not caused him any big trouble since his debut.

He already has a full favorability towards the other party - after all, there is comparison and hurt, this sentence is not just a joke~

The extra guy on the opposite side really lowers his favorability

"It's okay, you're still a child, it's normal to make a lot of noise!" Munakata Reiji squinted his eyes without changing his expression, and the second half of his sentence was a bit meaningful,"As long as you don't learn some bad habits from someone, there will be no problem!"


Zhou Houzun, who was originally happy, suddenly became unhappy.:"……"

""Okay, everyone, this is our first gathering of kings. If we fight here and destroy the Royal Pillar Tower, the lieutenant will be angry!" Before Suohonori's momentum rose, Wiseman smiled and interrupted the stare.

"I didn't expect the first king to be so bored that he had time to hold such a so-called party.……"Zhou Fangzun didn't tolerate him, and continued to scold him after changing to another person.

"Well... After all, I have been flying in the sky for nearly half a century, and I also want to know what interesting things have happened on the ground!"Weizman has a very good temper. He looked at Zhou Fangzun kindly, as if he was looking at an underage baby.

"I didn't expect that after decades, those old conservatives gave birth to a bunch of interesting young people.……"

He laughed happily, but Suho-sama was not.

Although he knew that Wiseman was very old, but... hehe!

Baby, your uncle!

"By the way, why did you call him here?" Zhou Fangzun turned his gaze to Niwang. He knew that Niwang had the qualifications to succeed the seventh king.

But he also knew that Niwang was not��……

"The second king, the Golden King, has the ability to judge people's fate!" His sharp eyes swept across, and a blazing fire burst out instantly. Zhou Fangzun narrowed his eyes unhappily,"If I knew that someone forced the people I was protecting! - Do you know what the consequences will be?"

His Red King's flame will burn the whole world!

This attitude of directly protecting Niou as his own shocked Weisman.

"Wow~" He looked at Niou curiously,"How did you turn it into this?"

In his profile, Suohono was a rebellious gangster boss. He was far from being as easy to talk to as he is now, and he still remembered to protect people.

"Then you have misunderstood Zun Ge's information.……"Niou Masaharu smiled and defended Suho no Takashi,"Homura has always been a warm organization, different from the previous generation!"

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