After two hours of kendo training, Niou was visibly awake, but also visibly tired.——

"hiss——"The violent trembling of the waist tells of the pain of over-consumption. The fingers can only stay above the waist awkwardly, not daring to move at all, for fear that the slightest touch will cause secondary damage.

"I'm sorry, my lord - we just hit too hard!"Jin Jian's scarlet eyes were stained with blood, and the entire eye socket was red.

The speed of the short sword is very fast. Niwang is still recovering from training. It is certain that he will lose, and stumbling is inevitable.

"This is my own suggestion. Why are you feeling guilty?——"Ren Wang turned his eyes, dispelling the obvious pain in his pupils so that Jin Jian no longer felt so guilty.

Perhaps because he got up early, his green pupils were bright and vibrant today!

"Jin Jian also needs to practice well. I just rubbed your hem today!" Ren Wang smiled and comforted,"Maybe next time, I can hit you!"

Jin Jian's eyes gleamed,"I will definitely work harder!"

Seeing that the short knife finally got spirited, Ren Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

Rubbing his wrist and putting on his schoolbag, Ren Wang gritted his teeth and took a breath of cold air as he walked out of the house and into the real world. Behind him, the two swordsmen who watched him leave looked reluctant.

"……How about we train a little bit later?……"The road of Hasebe

"Do you think the Lord won't find out?" Sanrizuki Munechika's eyes darkened, and the corners of his eyes showed contempt.

"But he worked so hard.……"

"Although the lord is erratic and likes to play tricks on people, he has a strong character and keeps his word. What he says will definitely come true.——"


Although he couldn't bear it, if he stopped the child's growth too much, it would only have the opposite effect. Yakiri Hasebe understood this truth, and he knew that he should look at this matter calmly. can he comfort the pity in his heart?

Nioh's aura became visibly sharper, and his whole body was like a sword that was about to come out of his body. Just standing there, with just one look, you could tell that he was the one holding the knife!

It's just...

Nioh clenched his fists, his eyes flashed, and he retracted the thousands of blades in them,"I always feel like something is missing.……"

"——See blood!" Suzumaru Tsuneji closed his eyes slightly, but it did not affect his view of the world."The lord's breath is already very stable. But - it is not strong enough!"

Some truths can only be achieved with blood!

"You mean, I should fight someone?" Niou stroked his chin. He really wanted to fight the Time Travelers, but - his Honmaru was at a very high level now.……

"Go and give it a try!" Niou didn't want to give up hope,"Tell Kitsunesuke that any news about the time-traveling army in any time and space can be reported to me!"

After a pause, he added,"Remember... report it in the evening!"

He is still a student and has to go to school!

"Yes!" Suzumaru Tsuneji nodded.

Niou thought he would have to wait a long time before he could get a chance to practice, but unexpectedly, God suddenly gave him experience.

Tokyo is a good place!

Although Rikkai University is very powerful, the Kanto Tournament is only held in Tokyo. They had defeated Hyotei before, and the Kanto Tournament is not over yet. There is still one last game - their opponent is an unknown school - Yamabuki!

"Haha, a school I've never heard of!" Kirihara Akari was also laughing happily, and he suddenly said,"Senior Niou, this is not impolite, is it?"

He was just saying normal harsh words before the game.

The eyes of the three giants of Rikkai University flashed when they heard it,"I was wondering why Kirihara has been so quiet and polite recently, it turns out there is a master behind him!"

Yanagi Renji smiled, and his smile was malicious.

"Nioh, what on earth did you do?……"Yanagi said,"I've never seen Kirihara so honest."

He was really shocked!

Niou Masaharu was also speechless."……Phew, I don’t know either!

He just scared Kirihara once, and didn’t do anything else. How would he know why Kirihara was so obedient?

"Kirihara, please tell me.……"Niou turned his head and looked at him.

Kirihara Akaya also shrank his neck when he looked at him.


What should he say? He couldn't say it was because of the criticism from Niou-senpai last time.

He - had an inexplicable spiritual connection with Niou-senpai.

He could now feel Niou Masaharu's state, originally a lazy fox with cunningness. Now it was like a fox holding a sword, the sharpness of the blade hovering over his head, although it felt like it wanted to stab him -

Kirihara Akaya just wanted to say that he wanted to cry but had no tears, it wasn't that he was obedient, it was that he was afraid of ghosts!

Especially this kind of ghost that didn't play by the rules and mixed into the human world and became a human!

"I will do better and better in the future!"Kirihara couldn't say anything, so he could only say this.

If the three giants of Rikkai University were paying attention at the beginning, now everyone is watching.

"Niwang, what on earth did you do?"

Niwang blinked innocently:"……I really don't know what I did!"

He was innocent!

In the end, it was Yamabuki who saved him. Although Yamabuki was not famous in Kirihara's heart, it was a well-established strong school and the cradle of doubles in Tokyo.

"Yamabuki is quite famous!"Ryoou narrowed his eyes and looked at the crowd around him.

Whether they came for Yamabuki or for the finals, there were a lot of people.

Ryoou followed the crowd's gaze and saw a few people who stood out. Some were tall and had strange hairstyles. No matter what, the people of Yamabuki looked very excited.

"Doubles!"Ryoou sighed,"Partner, this time... do you want to……"

"You want to play doubles?"He immediately understood Ren Wang's idea.

"Hmm!" Their doubles still had loopholes, and the opponent happened to be a doubles expert,"Do you want to……"

"Good!" Yagyu Hiroshi nodded.

"I'll go find Yukimura!"

Yukimura will agree to anything that is good for the Rikkai University. Especially now, when Nioh wants to grow up……"Okay, you guys play doubles one, so you can see how the other team's doubles two plays."


"Marui won't mind."Yukimura chuckled. He and Kuwabara's partnership is very stable, so it doesn't matter if they don't play.

Oh, wait, not playing.……

"Wait, I have a new idea.……"An Lin's speed change is not very good, but facing Yamabuki, they are powerful enough to use this character to adjust the lineup at will."Niwang, call Marui over——"

Niou was speechless, and turned to look at Marui Bunta, who was only five meters away from Satoyuki Village:"……"He can hear you if you just shout, so why are you being so mysterious?

"Bunta, Yukimura is looking for you!"


Marui Bunta came over, and after the two of them whispered for a while, Marui turned around with a pale face and looked at Niou with a puzzled look.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked Yukimura

"You can give it a try... I always feel that this combination will bring new opportunities!" Yukimura said with a smile. Marui


Just to satisfy your bad taste and better develop Nioh

"Yes, but let's put it in the national competition. I think it's better to implement your second plan now."Since I and Nioh are good friends,……

"That's fine!"

Ren Wang didn't know what they said, he just knew the lineup of the doubles team, which shocked him.

"Maori senior and Yanagi……"Ren Wang was so shocked that he couldn't even utter a word. This...are you sure this isn't some kind of international joke?

These two are together!

"Isn't it you and Sang Yuan?" he asked the person next to him

"Alas, the favored are different.——"Marui Bunta sighed pretentiously."You said you wanted to see Yamabuki's doubles strength, so you sent Yanagi and Mori-senpai to play.……"

The boy's round eyes were full of wisdom."They have never worked together, but they are enough to deal with Yamabuki's people."

"It's all for you!" Marui Bunta spread his hands, looking helpless.

Nioh:"Pfft……"Don't say it in such a disgusting way!

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