Ren Wang's arms were still in the same position as before, with his right hand holding the racket, raised high. His hand was tightly pressed against his waist, and his whole movement was like a sharp blade being pulled out.……

"What? I just told you not to be distracted... It seems that Dongfang Jun is also a person who can only talk."

Ren Wang sneered,"Don't you feel a little pain in your face?"

Dongfang Yamei felt a little pain on his cheek.

On his dark face, but the delayed reaction was normal, and a trace of blood suddenly appeared.

"He went there with a straight face... It seems that Niou-kun has a very bad temper!"

Kusanagi Izumo said with a smile

"No wonder you like him, this kid looks like one of our Fengwu Luo people!" The young man smiled softly,"So, was this trip a result of hearing the news or was it just a coincidence?"

"Of course it's just a coincidence!" Hatta Misaki shouted,"Totsuka-san, with this kid, how could we bother Brother Zun to come here in person!"

This is too much of a face for him!

Hatta Misaki is still angry about the first time Nioh rejected them. He will not allow anyone to reject his brother Zun, who is the best in the world.

Suho Tsune did not speak. He did not deny or admit other people's ideas.

The accident is true, and it is also true that he was waiting for someone... Although tennis is different from their behavior, it can also test a person's ability. It's a good time to see what this kid is like - in the game, Nioh successfully won a game with one move,"2-2!"

The game just started, both sides were very calm, but Niou Masaharu seemed to be born with a provocative mouth.

Every movement of his body was implementing - if you don't provoke me, I will piss you off to death!

Niou changed the left and right direction, hanging Dongfang Yamei little by little, the tennis ball flew to the extreme left and extreme right, making Dongfang Yamei, who had been hovering at the baseline, almost annoyed.

Isn't this just consuming his physical strength!

"Niou Masaharu……"He shouted out the name fiercely and fought back, but unfortunately the series of running left and right had consumed some of his physical strength, and the ball did not hit the opponent's backcourt smoothly.

Niou curled his lips and smiled, signaling Yagyu to step forward. Yagyu Hiroshi cooperated with a jump, and the laser beam from the high racket attacked from the air.



It was obviously Yamabuki's victory at the beginning, but in the blink of an eye, Rikkai University had already gained the upper hand.

"Coach Bantian, the two of them are still unfamiliar with each other, why is it so difficult?……"

Coach Banda said with a sullen face,"These two complement each other in character and moves. Although their cooperation is not as skillful as Dongfang and Nan, they are better in cleverness and sophistry... This Niou Masaharu is a tough opponent!" His brain is really useful.

"Is there nothing we can do about it?"

The players next to him looked unwilling. They were a strong school in doubles, but now they were lagging behind in doubles.

"Now we can only hope that Niou Masaharu is not strong enough. After all, he is so thin that his strength will definitely be weak.——"

Coach Bantian looked at Ren Wang who was still jumping up and down and constantly tormenting Dongfang Yamei and said,"If Nan and Dongfang can hold on until then, it will be a turning point for victory!"

Not only Bantian thought so, even the people of Rikkai University couldn't help but worry about Ren Wang's physical strength.

"Liu, how is Niou's recent strength training?" Yukimura asked.

Although Rikkai University did training tests, Niou always ran and howled, panting and crying, stumbling and stumbling due to exhaustion. He did all the actions

"His movements are too big now - this guy doesn't even know, can he hold back a little?"Sanada hugged his shoulders and angrily scolded

"This only helps for a short time, but it will be too lax afterwards!"

Kirihara Akaya touched his head and leaned towards Marui Bunta next to him,"Marui-senpai, why do I feel like what Sanada-senpai said is a bit strange?……"

He has been in the tennis club for a month or two. Every time Genichirō Sanada disciplines him, he doesn't use this attitude or posture.

"Shh... Don't say it, don't say it!" Marui Fumita smiled mysteriously.

"Nioh, be careful with your own strength……"On the field, Yagyu Hiroshi also reminded himself.

He had a clear understanding of his own strength. If he was the only one left in the second half, he would definitely not be able to deal with the opponent's doubles.

"Ah, what's wrong with my strength?" The doctor of Renwang hit the tennis ball to the baseline and successfully scored another point. Then he turned around and smiled, retracting his outstretched arms.

"You...can't you think about your future?"Looking at his unrepentant look, Liu Sheng Biluo Shi had a headache.

"Phew~ Partner, you really don't know me at all. We have been partners for almost half a year!" He flexed his wrist again and smiled mysteriously.

Looking at Yagyu Hiroshi's puzzled expression, he added,"But it's good this way. If you have such an idea, why worry that the other party doesn't think so?……"

Yagyu Hiroshi was stunned:"……"

He looked up and down at Niou's body in disbelief. He still had thin arms and legs, and there was no difference from when he first met Niou. The only difference was that the muscles on his arms were very beautiful, and it could be seen that he exercised regularly, but everyone in the tennis club could do that.

There was nothing special about Niou's appearance.……


""Pu Li~" The white-haired boy's smile became more profound and mysterious


Dongfang Yamei kept hitting the ball towards Niou, making sure that every hit hit Niou's racket with full force.

Although Niou caught the ball every time, everyone saw his hesitation in his steps and the tension in his thighs.

Even Yagyu Hiroshi, who almost believed him, froze for a moment."……"Is Niou lying?

Everyone thought so.

Time passed by... the score was 5 to 3... when the referee blew the whistle, everyone was stunned to find that time had passed so quickly and the score had reached 5 to 3.

And Niou... the man they had sentenced to death and thought he would not be able to make it to the end of the game. Although he was panting, his eyes were shining with a light that made people unable to look directly at him.……



The white-haired boy sneered with a lively look,"Dongfang Jun, if Nan Jun continues to be distracted like this, I will win this game.——"

He actually took advantage of the two people's distraction and simply scored another point with tennis. Match point is coming

"How is it possible? Your body and your strength and stamina are totally inconsistent. How is it possible?……"Nan Jianjiro's pupils shrank, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Why not?——"Ren Wang smiled mischievously,"Can't I be born without gaining weight?"

He was thin because he was born picky about food and didn't like to eat, not because he didn't train enough.

As for the so-called panting and sweating, it was just because he ate less and sweated profusely.……

"You two are so average that you are fooled by your opponent!" His eyes suddenly became sharp, and he hit back hard.

Even at the end of the game, he still had enough strength, not as weak as he looked. This also proved what he said, it was true!

"Swoosh - the game is over, the score is 6 to 3, this round is won by Rikkai University!"

Everyone was cheering for the victory of the two. Niou and Yagyu also smiled at each other, gave a beautiful high five in the air, and returned to the audience.

However... they were greeted not only with flowers and applause, but also——

"It turns out that your physical strength limit is so high. It seems that I can give you more other training in the future!"

Ryu wrote this sentence without blinking.


Listen to me and thank you!

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