Urayama Shii is totally stupid

"Humph, I thought this was really a military exercise, but I didn't expect you guys at Rikkai University to really take advantage of us!"

A cold smile came from above my head.

"Nioh, won't you give me an explanation?"

"It's just a game, do you need so much explanation?"Ren Wang smiled and looked up.

"Humph, if that's the case, then you guys at Rikkai University will have to face your first defeat!" Atobe Keigo lowered his eyes and nodded to Oshitari Yuushi.

Nioh pretended not to see it.

The seventh game began. This was Rikkai University's last chance. If Nioh couldn't seize it, they would completely lose the chance to win.

But... would things really go as they wished?

Of course not!

"Since you dare to do this, you have the confidence and strength to do so!"The white-haired young man lowered his eyes, and his eyes were cold,"I told you, don't presume to guess what the fox is thinking!"

Bang - before the tennis ball was about to hit the baseline, Niou appeared there like a deep-sea ghost and hit back.

His shot made everyone present relax.���Tone——

"This guy finally made a move!"

If he didn't make a move, they would think this game was a joke.


"I'm already 5 to 1, what can I do? The final outcome will not change!" Xiangri Yueren sneered

"Niou Masaharu, I want to tell you that doubles matches are different from singles matches——"

No matter how strong Niou is, he can't turn the tide when he's outnumbered!

The red-haired boy jumped high."You will pay the price for your arrogance today.——"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience

"Is Niou-senpai capable of this?"

"This is 5-1!"

"Yeah, no kidding.……"

As the discussion deepened, everyone began to doubt——Can such a big gap really be recovered?

As the saying goes, the emperor is not anxious, but the eunuchs are anxious to death!

Compared with their anxious speculation, Ren Wang calmly hit the first ball back.


""Nio... Senior!" Uraya Shii was dumbfounded. Didn't Nio Senior not intend to take action? What's the point of taking action now?


"Now I'll show you what it means to come back from the deadlock with absolute strength!"

His words seemed to announce the end of the game, he would definitely win.

But - could it really happen?

Xiangri Taketo laughed at his exaggeration,"With your current state, you can beat both of us!"

A huge advantage of 5 to 1. Just relying on Niou alone?

It would be okay if Yagyu Biroshi was beside him, but could the person next to him still move now?

"Senior, I will help you!" The people of Rikkai University have a heartfelt desire for victory. Whenever someone stands up, a second person will stand up to accompany him.

Even though his heart was broken by the blow he received from Niou Masaharu, Uraya Shiita struggled to stand up with his shaky body.

He is from Rikkai University and will fight for Rikkai University until the last second!

It's a pity that his loyalty was wasted in Niou!


Niou only took a look, then grabbed his collar, lifted him up, and threw him gently out of the field.

Urayasu Shii, who was outside the white line, was too dumbfounded. What was he doing?


"Watch from the sidelines!"

The effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkey has been achieved. This guy is useless. Don't stay in the field and delay him from quickly cleaning up the battlefield!

Today he wants to see these first and second year students of Rikkai University.

In a formal competition, is the so-called friendship and excitement more important, or is the real strength more important!

"You two——"He smiled provocatively at the two people opposite him,"Let's get started, I hope your stupidity can make me a little happier!"

"What did you say ?"



"Haha, so what if you hit me?……"Mukaito stayed in the air and called out to the man behind him.——" but——

""Pu Li~" Niwang smiled softly."How can I let you find it?"

Oshitari Yuushi looked around. The ball that had just hit Xiangri had disappeared. He couldn't find it anywhere.……


"Here it comes!" Niou smiled softly. The next second... thump~ the sound of the ball landing so lightly that it couldn't be any lighter was heard.

Hinata Gakuto turned his head in anger, only to be met with a pair of smiling eyes,"I'm sorry, Hinata, I disappoint you again. Mastering the basic landing points of tennis is our basic skill!"

""Pu Li~"


With Niou's soft laughter, he easily won back a game.

At this time, Hyotei's people were not panicking. It was just a game, and the match point was still with them. It was nothing.

But then -

Niou Masaharu showed them his god-like control ability. The ordinary swing of the ball and the trace of no tricks.

With the most powerful basic skills, he has already fooled Mukai Taketo. Or he kept jumping up and performing his most proud stunt tennis.


""Xiangri, stop jumping up, you're blocking my view!" Oshitari gritted his teeth. The figure that jumped high blocked his view, and the tennis ball seemed to have the help of gods and ghosts and ran out from nowhere. He couldn't defend against Niou at all.



It’s almost back!

Urayama Shiita feels like he’s not himself anymore!

Too excited, too thrilled, too scary!

"Niou-senpai……"Niou is in such a relaxed state, everything seems so light in front of him

"What's wrong?" Ren Wang asked calmly.


Pu Shanzhui swallowed his saliva and said,"It just feels too easy!"

He was so stupid that he could only say this.

"The easy part is yet to come!" Ren Wang curled his lips,"Do you still remember how desperate and sad you were just now?"

"……Remember it!" Urayasu Shiitai said in a trance.

He was a little stupid now, the whole person was a little stupid.——

"Then watch as everything is bullshit in the face of true strength!"

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