A sharp light flashed in Niou's eyes, like the sharpest arrow piercing straight into Tamagawa Ryoo's heart."……In the end, it is you who will bring humiliation to the team!"

"But he——"Tamagawa Ryoo's eyes were filled with reluctance,"But he is not suitable for——"

They both knew who this"he" was referring to?

Nioh looked helplessly at Kirihara, who was still in a state of confusion and was watching the game seriously.

Really, even Sanada glanced over here several times in a roundabout way, why didn't Kirihara prick up his ears and listen?


Nioh sighed helplessly and angrily,"What is suitable? What is unsuitable?"

"Just like what Yukimura did back then. Before him, the captain of the tennis club was always a junior high school student!"

"After him, history was completely rewritten——"

All dissatisfaction, resentment, alienation, and discord will be reduced after having a common goal!

Kirihara does have a gap with the second-year students, but his undoubted strength is also recognized by the second-year students. Problems other than strength are minor problems...

In this school called Rikkai University, more than ten years of victory in the Kanto Tournament and two years of victory in the National Tournament have laid the foundation for the principle and program of strength first for everyone.

"If you want to fight for this position, I have no objection——"The bright sunlight reflected in the clear green eyes, and the young man's eyes were brighter than anyone else's."But the premise is - beat Kirihara and show me!"

Tamagawa Ryoo was silent.:"……"

Beat Kirihara... Hehe, that devil-like person is simply not something they can compare to!

No one wants to be a snack in the devil's mouth, being bitten to pieces without leaving any good skin.

"If I can't win……"

"I won't support you!" Niou said coldly.

Tamagawa Ryoo clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of unwillingness. Why can that fool Kirihara Akaya get so much favor?

Why do so many third-year regulars of Rikkai University stand by him.

He is obviously the most popular person in the second grade - he is also the most prestigious person among the first-year freshmen - why?!!!

Tamagawa Ryoo, who couldn't stand it anymore, ran out without looking back.

Uraya Shiita was about to chase him, but was stopped by Niou,"Let him go——"

Uraya Shiita said reluctantly,"But Senior……"

"If he can't even stand this kind of frustration and harsh words, then he has no value to be trained!" The white-haired young man's eyes were full of cold light,"You know, Kirihara is the one who still rushed here to challenge the three giants of the tennis club despite the repeated attacks from Sanada Yanagi Yukimura.——"

All the attention and love did not come out of thin air!

Qi Yuan was recognized by the tennis club's regular selection based on his own strength.

"Uraya-kun, what I just said to him is also for you. If you want to become the captain after Kirihara... then work hard to improve your abilities!"


"You just watched him run away like that?" After the game, Liu glared at Ren Wang,"What if something happens?"

After all, Yuchuan is just a teenager.

"" Pfft~ It's okay, I'm watching!" Ren Wang curled his lips. He never retracted his mental power and kept following Yuchuan.

After all, he was still his junior, so he still had to consider his basic personal safety.


It’s quite safe to play!

"You are indeed becoming more and more like a minister now!"You are rigorous, serious, and know how to finish.……

"Is it really okay to put it forward so bluntly?"Liu was worried about what would happen if Yuchuan got stuck in a dead end.

"It's his own problem. No matter what industry he is in, if he wants to go further, he must be open-minded and love himself deeply!"Ren Wang looked far away.

"If you can't even do this, you are destined not to be a strong person!"

Looking at the current situation of Hyotei, with Hiyoshi Wakaba and Hojo Taro, they will have nothing to worry about in the next two years.

If Rikkai University can't make a decisive decision, they will be embarrassed next year.

"I don't want Qieyuan to bear the blame!"

"Senior, are you calling me?"Kirihara, who was watching the game, turned around stupidly.



"When did you two get so close?"Liu suddenly discovered something.

"During the New Year~" When visiting a friend, he also visited Kirihara.

Then things started to get out of control.

However, the final result was good!

Nioh didn't care too much.

The end of Yanagi's game means that the singles second game officially begins, singles second -

Sanada vs. Akutagawa Jiro!

""Haa~" A lazy yawn was heard, and the people from Rikkai University looked sideways. Atobe's face turned pale.

This person didn't look like he was here to compete, but to sleep!

How embarrassing!

"Akutagawa Jiro, you idiot, wake up for me quickly!" The sheep yawned without any response and continued to be immersed in his dream.

Atobe said angrily,"Karachi, wake him up for me!"


The middle school student, who was so burly that he didn't look like a middle school student, lifted the light sheep-headed boy and easily lifted him above his head, pretending to throw him down.

Nioh whistled,"Pu Li~ Hyotei's style is getting crazier and crazier now! Not bad, not bad~"

Yanagi & Sanada:"……"Are you serious?

Of course, he couldn't really fall. The boy, who was originally drowsy, woke up instantly after feeling the fresh air above his head and started to scream.

"Atobe, put me down quickly!"

"Get off the court and join the game!"

The old man snorted arrogantly.

The young man Akutagawa Jiro rubbed his eyes and finally saw the situation clearly. His teammates, opponents, and——


The little sheep's eyes lit up, and instantly emitted a hundred thousand volts. Ahem, his eyes instantly glowed with excitement, and he excitedly jumped off Huadi's body, rushing straight towards Marui Bunta without any regard for anyone in his eyes.

"Wen Tai, when did you come?……"

The sheep turned into a big dog, rubbing against each other, and was so happy.

"Ah, okay, okay~" Marui Bunta’s face was full of doting smile."I saw you were sleeping, so I didn’t disturb you!"

Akutagawa Jiro was very sad because he missed Marui Bunta’s wonderful performance because of sleeping.

He turned his grief and anger into fighting spirit, and was determined to let Marui see his growth in today’s singles match!

"Wen Tai, don't worry, no matter who I'm with today, I will definitely beat him to a pulp.——"

"Really?" Marui Bunta, who was originally encouraging, suddenly became speechless.

"What's wrong with you, Bunta?"Akutagawa Jiro paid much attention to Marui Bunta, and he immediately discovered

"Do you want to look back?——"

"Hmm? -- Hmm? ? ? ?!!!"When the little sheep saw what the face behind him looked like, his face turned pale with fright.

"Why is it him?——"


Huh, are you looking down on him?

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