It is not a good thing for a little girl to be brought up to be too smart!

"I will convey your meaning to Brother Zun……"Ren Wang sighed,"But whether he agrees or not, that depends on his intention!"

""Yeah!" Kushina Anna smiled,"Thank you Masaharu!"

"Look, look... that new girl actually brought a handsome guy with her.——"

"I didn't expect this girl to have some skills.……"

As soon as he entered the ballroom dance club, Ren Wang heard some chatter.

The voices that didn't sound very friendly made him frown."Why did you join this club?" he asked

"At that time, they were short of people, and there was only one event a year!"Kushi Anna said her reasons expressionlessly.

There was only one event a year, and the rest of the time was spent resting, which was in line with her philosophy of not wanting to interact with people.

Of course... although she also made some new friends in the process. Although some people were annoying, it was still quite interesting overall!

"Anna, you are here.——"A girl with a bright smile ran over from the crowd and said,"Oh, this is the brother you were talking about!"


Kushina Anna pulled Niou's sleeve and introduced her to him,"She is Duoji Toru, a friend I met here, she is very interesting!"

"Really?" Niou lowered his eyes. The girl's hair was bare to her shoulders and scattered slightly as she ran. She looked as sunny as she should be at this age.

There was no trace of gloom on her face, and she was very lively and cheerful.

Niou's smile became even bigger,"Thank you for being friends with my Anna!"

"She is a bit quiet, so I'll leave it to you during the ballroom dance club.……"

Niou's appearance is more delicate and beautiful than that of ordinary girls. He smiled slightly, and when he lowered his eyes to look at you, you felt that he only had eyes for you.

The little girl Duojitou blushed instantly, and nodded stutteringly,"Anna has a very good personality, and she is also very caring... We both take care of each other!"

""Pu Li~" It's so cute!

The ballroom dance club was going smoothly, and of course it would be even smoother if there wasn't a group of people following behind! I forced myself to practice the whole dance with Anna despite the scattered and chattering eyes outside, and an hour passed.

"Masaharu……"Kushina Anna raised her head softly

"Hmm?" Ren Wang tilted his head, thinking she had something wrong.

"The people outside have been watching you for a long time. We are almost done practicing here, why don’t you go first?"

Ren Wang's mouth twitched:"……"

It's really embarrassing for Hyotei!……

"Can you be alone next time?" he asked

"Well, no problem!" Kushina Anna nodded with a blush on her face,"Duoji-san is a very good friend!"

"Really?"The girl's tone was sincere and not a bit reluctant, which made Ren Wang's eyes soften,"That's great!"

It doesn't matter if you only make one friend, for Anna Kushina, it's a big step forward in life!

After adding the phone number of the girl named Duoji Toru, Ren Wang smiled and said goodbye to the two.

At the same time, he decided to tell Atobe a few more words.

"Atobe-kun……"After glaring at his friends who were smiling happily beside the tree, Niou walked straight to Keigo Atobe.

"What's going on in the ballroom dance club? I feel like Anna is not happy there.……"

"Humph, there are too many female cats!"Tetsube snorted coldly. Sometimes he was annoyed by some of the young ladies in Japan, who were arrogant and self-righteous. They always did things that were annoying!

"If your sister wants to continue to be there, she must learn to protect herself!"

"Phew~ Really?" Niou blinked,"Then let her stay there!"

Liu took out his notebook and began to read the information,"Hyotei Ballroom Dance Club, a gathering place for young ladies. Although there is no bullying, civilian members who join are prone to depression, and it is common for them to quit the club within half a year!"

He raised his eyes and looked at Niou sharply,"Are you sure you want your sister to continue staying there?"

There are some things that it is not easy for Atobe to intervene in, let alone say it clearly.


"Phew~ Do you think my sister is a cutie who can be bullied by anyone?" Ren Wang chuckled,"She has been busy at home lately, so I don't have time to take care of her!"

"It would be great if this club's affairs could take some of her attention away!"

Bullying, bullying a non-existent little girl with special abilities, is not something to be taken lightly.

Instead of worrying about whether Anna will bully him here, it is better to say hello to Fushimi Saruhiko in advance, let him do a good job of news public relations, greet Qing Wang, and prepare to put pressure on those troublesome young ladies to shut up.

As for why not to find Suho-no-mikoto...

Of course, the country's affairs must be solved by special people!

It's a waste not to use them!

Liu looked at the complacent young man, and his doubts became even greater? Niou is really becoming more and more difficult to see through, both in terms of strength and behavior.

Speaking of which~

What little secret did Yukimura tell him in the letter before?

He didn't read the letter, and Niou didn't tell them the whole story after he became a member.

Liu paused to write. There are things in the tennis club that he doesn't know about, and this feeling is really depressing.

One by one, his partners have secrets, and everyone is moving forward.

Is it only if he evolves that he can catch up with his partners?

Liu fell into deep thought.

He couldn't help but think of the person who enlightened him- if it were you, what would you do?

……Akuto Nissan.

The practice match with Hyotei ended, and the Kanto Tournament officially began.

As usual, the meeting was held first, and the location was Tokyo.

Niou has become the new minister of Rikkai University, so he must attend this meeting. To be on the safe side, Sanada was called.

He didn't want to reveal his identity now.

Sanada:... Am I your shield? Niou

:... Pooh ~ You are very self-aware of your identity!

In the huge conference hall, which can accommodate hundreds of people, representatives of all tennis schools participating in the entire Kanto Tournament sat scattered around.

Although everyone talked to each other, they all had pride on their faces. They are all outstanding representatives selected by various counties and districts... They also represent the highest level of combat power in the Kanto Division, and they have their own pride! However

- when the two people in dark green uniforms pushed the door in, they were like nuclear bombs falling into the sea, with a bang, and set off huge waves.

The surrounding small boats set sail one after another, hiding those who should hide and looking sideways, wanting to find out what was going on.

When seeing the unexpected figure behind the black-faced Emperor God as always... everyone:...? ? ? ? ?!!!!

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