"If you calculate carefully, about a month later——"

"Isn't that the time for the Kanto Tournament finals?"Kirihara's math has improved, but everyone is not comforted.

"If it happens to be the day of the finals, we won't be able to make it.……"

Although most of their friends are taken care of by their parents when they are sick, they are companions and partners who walk side by side, and they have different meanings to each other. What is being realized now is also everyone's dream, so they hope to walk side by side to the end!


"It may not be that day, so you don’t have to worry so early!" Yukimura chuckled and counted the days,"I feel it should be after the Kanto Tournament is over!"


The third-year members all breathed a sigh of relief. Kirihara nodded and was about to say something when he saw... a strand of white hair on the table.

""What is this?" he asked.

Kirihara leaned over to the table and looked at it carefully. After a while, he realized,"What kind of animal's hair is this...?"

The well-behaved and innocent Kelp suddenly became serious.���,"Senior Liu, I remember that animal hair is not allowed in hospitals, right?"

"In theory, it is true!"

Yaki Renji nodded, and his expression suddenly became serious,"Yukimura, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Under normal circumstances, few animals appear, because sick people's immunity will be reduced. At this time, fine hairs will cause them to breathe poorly, easily causing various infections and breathing discomfort...

And Yukimura is now seriously ill!

His body is as fragile as a crispy chicken~

This situation is very serious- the erudite Liu's face changed, from sunny to thunderclouds!

"Doctor - Call the doctor!——"

"Kirihara, hurry up and use your loud voice to call the doctor.——"

""Sanada, where are your long legs?"

Everyone was serious and ready to rush out of the ward at Yanagi's command, but Niou seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.


Idiot, you don't even take care of your own things!

Fortunately, Yukimura is online.

The gentle boy said slowly,"This is my friend's cat. I took it to the doctor and it's fine. It doesn't come often.……"

The gentle sound miraculously stopped the horrific chaos

"Yukimura-senpai, do you have friends who come to see you?" Kirihara successfully maintained his cute and well-behaved image.

"You asked this question, how could Yukimura not have other friends?"Marui Fumita was speechless

"I also noticed……"Liu glanced at the milk on the table. There were still water drops on the wall of the milk carton, which was obviously still warm.

Yukimura's friend should have just left.

"It's Maori senior——"Yukimura said without hesitation,"He heard from somewhere that I was ill recently... so he came here!"

At this point, his deep purple eyes swept over Niou.

The white-haired young man turned his head to the right, not wanting to look at him.

Well, it's not his fault - we are all family, we must know each other's news, this is a matter of principle!

"I didn't expect that Maori senior——"Yanagi had a complicated look. He used to dislike Mori-senpai...


Mori-senpai cared so much about Yukimura!

Yanagi Renji lowered his eyes and secretly made a note for Mori Jusaburo.

——On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, I brought my cat to see Yukimura, and it almost caused the patient to have difficulty breathing and die!

Five black stars!★★★★★!


It takes at least a week after Yinhua's match before the next match.

During this period, making sure that their condition does not decline is the first priority for the tennis club members.……

"Yukimura, did the doctor tell you how long it would take you to recover from the surgery?"

Niou came to Tokyo today for something important to do, and after finishing his own business, he came to see Yukimura.

"The healthiest state may take four to five months!"Only Niou was here, and Yukimura also revealed his true condition

"But the premise of all this is——"

"My surgery will be successful!" Yukimura's voice was a little ethereal.

The people in the tennis club knew about this a long time ago.

Surgery is risky, and the risk of surgery is extremely high for his disease.

He may not be able to come down at all!

The sunlight falling on the window is so bright, and the dark world covering the whole body is separated by a wall inside the window. Niwang's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but say

"I will bless you——"

"……"Yukimura looked up.

Niou looked into his eyes and said again:

"I said I would bless you——"

This is the destiny promised to him by the Golden King!

Although sad, at least it is good for Yukimura at the moment.——

"You will be fine!"

He said it with great determination, and the young boy's youthful blood rushed into Yukimura's heart, warming his whole heart.

His teammates... it's just... there is a deep undercurrent under those warm eyes - just like the sunlight shining outside the window now, there are always corners in the whole house that it can't reach, and there is darkness and coldness!

Yukimura did not forget that this is a hospital, a ward!

There are miracles here, and there are also tragedies - although he longs for God to bless him, he must also be prepared for the worst~

Nioh's attitude is too serious, Yukimura doesn't want to disappoint him, nor does he want him to bear too much.

What if he really can't get off the operating table - at this moment, how uncomfortable must Nioh, who encouraged him, feel!

Thinking of this, the boy half-jokingly said,"What guarantee do you have? This is——"

"I promise you with my life!" Ren Wang interrupted him directly, the light shining in his eyes was more persistent than before.


Believe me, Yukimura , fate is on our side!"……"

The sun's light was too dazzling, but even the sun could not compare to these eyes, which at this moment shone brightly into his heart!


Climbing up the Imperial Pillar Tower again, before meeting the Golden King, Niou confirmed one thing.

He had actually seen Tezuka Kunimitsu here - yes, it was here during the New Year. He had once caught a glimpse of a figure in a black kimono at the end of his eye.

At the time, he only felt that he looked familiar, but he didn't expect that he was an acquaintance!

Now - no, it's not embarrassing.

It's not him who is embarrassed. Anyway, now……

"……Niou-kun, long time no see!"

——I can't see Tezuka!

Niou's dead eyes don't want to talk anymore. Has he awakened some kind of crow's mouth attribute?

Who can tell him why he met this guy here... What principle, what reason!

He doesn't want to be one of the bees - not at all!

But he can't help but say hello when he meets.

"Long time no see, Tezuka-kun!"Putting on his usual smile, Niou said,"Why is Tezuka-kun here?"

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