"Mr. Guo Changlu, I can only tell you that I am now... but I haven't encountered any problems yet.……"

Seeing that Kunijoji Daijuku was not easy, Niou Masaharu felt that he should say something in advance, just in case.

"It's okay, it's okay. No matter how big the trouble you make, it can't be as big as the trouble they make!"Guo Changlu Dajue smiled gently, saying that he had seen too much over the years. One in 700,000 can suddenly become two in 700,000. What else in the world is impossible to happen?

Ren Wang lowered his eyes,"……"

Although it is hard to say now, but in the future - who can say for sure about some things?!

However, it is obviously impossible to say this to Kuni Changlu Dajue Ino. I can only accept this view silently...

Forget it, it is not impossible to put the old man's"grandfather's heart" that has nowhere to go with him, anyway, he has no other human family.

The King of Power - just like he said to the Sword of Damocles of the Red King before, they are also seven brothers in some ways.

And among them, he happens to be the youngest one - it can be said that they complement each other!

If it really doesn't work, he can try to restrain himself in the future and not cause any major trouble, which can be regarded as worthy of Kuni Changlu Dajue's care and concern.

Future: - Oh!

Ino did not forget the business,"I came here today to ask about……"

"If you know the word destiny too early, you will lose the fun!"The King of Gold interrupted him calmly.

"Guochang Road Old Man……"Ren Wang anxiously stepped forward and said,"I just want to know if he has any sequelae! Can I help him and relieve his pain a little bit!"

From Kuni Tsuneji Daijue's words before, Ren Wang already knew that Yukimura would definitely survive this disaster safely.

But safety does not mean no pain - recovery after surgery is not a light sentence.——【I'm fine] and you can take it over.

This requires countless perseverance and persistence!

Yukimura may indulge in pain. As a friend, Nioh doesn't want Yukimura to experience such a thing.

"If you want to help him, it's okay.……"Kunijoji Daikaku couldn't bear to reject Nioh

"But some of the price will be paid by you.——"

Everything in the world is equal, and there is no such thing as nothing and joy for no reason at any time.


Healthy people will suffer less pain and recover more easily. If possible, he can bear Yukimura's pain!

Kunijoji Dajue stared at him with his eyes fixed. The young man who had grown into a young man had lost his immaturity and was left with only tenacity and responsibility.

He seemed to have grown up completely, but the youthful spirit in his bones still existed.

He was willing to sacrifice his life for his friends, even at the risk of himself.

"It's better not to let them know about this.……"Guo Changlu Dajue half-closed his eyes

"I just wanted to tell you!" Niou said with a smile.

The people in the family are all so protective of their master. If they knew that he did such a thing for others, they would probably feel uncomfortable!

Byodoin Phoenix is a tough guy who is not afraid of anyone.

But their minister is a weak and helpless patient who is still sick. Yukimura must not be hurt at all.

Kunijoji Daijue keeping his mouth shut is the best ending.

Byodoin Phoenix:……

"Neither of you two thinks I will tell anyone, right?" Weisman, who was basking in the sun, suddenly said.

"you……"Ren Wang smiled with curved eyebrows,"Wiseman, do you still remember what they look like?"

He was quite confident in this aspect. He guaranteed that no one would recognize Wiseman who had lost his memory. Since no one could recognize him, there was naturally no one to complain to.


This kid is a talent, and his brain works very quickly at critical moments!

"By the way, what did Tezuka Kunimitsu want to see you for?"Since I had run into Tezuka, I couldn't just pretend I didn't see him and had to ask him about his purpose.

Niou just asked about it casually, as a recognition of Tezuka's strength, and it was also a face-saving thing.

"You mean Guoyi's grandson?" Guo Changlu Dajue said,"The child injured his wrist two years ago, and now it has reached the most critical period. Guoyi came to ask me if there is any way to repair it or a better hospital for diagnosis and treatment!"

Niwang raised his eyebrows, with a strange expression.

Guo Changlu Dajue remembered,"Guoyi's grandson seems to play tennis too!"

"So, you two know each other, right?"

Otherwise, Ren Wang wouldn't have asked about this out of the blue.

"Not only do we know him, but he is also the president of our rival school!"Speaking of this, Niou was quite confident,"However, we are the national champions, and no one in the national field can beat us, so they are no match for us.……"

"Nioh, you shouldn't be proud!"Wizman's friendly reminder: Pride makes people regress

"We have been the champion for two consecutive years. No matter how powerful Tezuka is, he can't beat us!"

Niou hugged his shoulders and talked about his professional knowledge. He was confident.

The young man hugged his shoulders and looked particularly proud. His handsome face was full of youthful light, and there was a hint of childishness.

Kuni Changlu Dajue smiled,"If I have a way, I don't mind helping him! What a pity!……"

The old man's eyes were full of regret,"Some things are too late. I might have helped him back then, but two years have passed. Unless I break through and stand up again, but that's too painful!"

Nioh was silent.

Yukimura has him to help him, Tezuka——

"What happened back then?"From what we can see now, Tezuka Kuniichi, who is now in the police station, was once a member of the Heishin.

Since it is related to Kunijoji Daijuku, the things that happened back then should not be buried directly.

"It's because the kid is stupid!"

Kunichanglu Dajue was also very angry when talking about this.

No matter how powerful the rest of them are, they can't compare to the young man's words"Forget it"!

He cried out all the sorrows and swallowed them himself. Let others enjoy a perfect life without any sadness -

Niwang raised his eyebrows,"What about the follow-up?"

He felt that things would not end in such a muddle. Although Tezuka Kunimitsu was not clear-headed at the time, there are still Tezuka Kuniichi and Kunichanglu University!

"In the end, the guy who hit others, Ren, was transferred to another school!"

"Understood……"The unfinished words have already had a result.

As for the future of that person, it has nothing to do with them. Since he has power, what is the use of it if he can't protect his family and friends?

He is like this, and so is the King of Gold.

While Niou was talking to Kuni Tsuneji Daijuku, the bored Wiseman had already started to search around in the room.

He is very smart... and has a lot of ideas.

Since Niou talked about tennis, he started looking for the school uniform he wore on the day he woke up in the closet.

"Ah, found it……"Weisman said in surprise.

His surprise made the two men frown. They couldn't help but ask,"What do you want to do?"

"Just listening to you guys talking, I think going to school seems to be quite interesting——"

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