The young man raised his fingers lightly, but all he touched was the sky in front of him. The blond man who released his domineering aura on the court was like the moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, which was out of reach. The light touch dissipated like a bubble...

An unknown amount of time had passed - so long that the whole game was over. Niou woke up as if from a dream. When he lowered his brows and wanted to leave this place - a voice suddenly sounded above his head!

"How do you feel about my match?"The man's voice was sharp, like a sword that was completely unsheathed and could not be retracted in time.

The boy's nose wrinkled slightly, and his breath seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder on the battlefield... It occupied the entire space in front of him.

Ren Wang looked up, and the light was completely blocked by the man in front of him. His face was not clear in the darkness of light and shadow, leaving only the slightly golden hair on the edge.

Just by the outline, he recognized this as——

"——Why are you here? Aren't you playing a game?"

If he heard correctly, Byodoin Phoenix - should be the captain.

The captain left the team without permission and ran to the audience, okay?

Byodoin Phoenix hugged his shoulders and snorted coldly, then sat down,"Why can I be sure of your position if you don't ask me?"

The voice was as arrogant as ever, and Niwang was actually a little used to it.

"Who else but you can be the tennis player who can contact the Government of Time! That's too easy to guess, since you knew I would come! And you prepared the tickets in advance, how could you not confirm my seat!"

He said calmly.

His voice was extremely calm, so calm that there was not a trace of... He looked like a furious fox who was blowing his beard and glaring at him and had no intention of giving way to others!

The Byodoin Phoenix frowned, this kid is abnormal……"

Bang— the rough fingers acquired from years of catching monsters and playing tennis lightly touched the boy's white forehead, and bang—a loud head bang hit it.


"……It hurts……"The eyes of the young man who was muttering to himself suddenly sparkled.

The world suddenly became real, and the bubble that was originally fragile seemed to be covered with a steel skin, becoming strong and real.

He turned his head and looked at the man who was looking at him with a serious face, rubbing his forehead blankly,"So, you are here!"

"Humph, what do you mean by"I'm here, I'm always here!" Byodoin Phoenix said with a frown on his face.

What does this guy mean?

"It’s nothing, I just think that the moon in the mirror and the flowers in the water will also disappear!"

The delicate-looking boy smiled lightly,"If that's the case, then it's easy to deal with!"

Isn't it just tennis? Isn't it just being strong? He can just catch up step by step. The boy is young and he still has time. When he reaches the age of the Byodoin Phoenix next to him, is he still worried about not being able to reach his level? God knows how many years this uncle has been playing tennis!

Byodoin Phoenix is the captain and cannot stay here for long, and Nioh has no plan to keep him.

He is very lazy and doesn't want to make many friends. It's okay to be tossed around by Byodoin Phoenix. Forget about the others, he doesn't want to be friends with a bunch of middle-aged uncles.——

"How old is the red-haired guy in your team? He looks older than you. He must be 50!" Ren Wang touched his chin, raised his lips slightly, and said something insulting,"Are you sure you can still play tennis at this age?"

He saw that the opponents of this group of uncles were all college students in their 10s and 20s, or players who had just entered the professional arena.

"……"The steps that Byodoin Phoenix had intended to take could not be taken.

He turned around and looked at Niou in shock,"What did you say?"

"Is there something wrong with what I said?" Niou tilted his head and pointed at the particularly obvious red-haired guy among the Japanese team members,"That face full of vicissitudes of life wrinkles, I said he was 50 is indeed exaggerated, but the lowest should be 40!"

"exaggerate——"The Byodoin Phoenix sneered and asked,"Then what did you call me?"

"Byodoin——Uncle!" After returning to his true nature, Niou was very naughty.

"hehe——"The corners of the Phoenix's mouth were stiffly pulled up, and his fingers moved slightly. What should I do? I want to eat raw grilled fox meat.

"Come on, let's talk about how I am an"uncle"?"Bidoin Phoenix grinned.

Although his appearance has never been the reason for his popularity, and he doesn't rely on it to make a living, but considering his youth at the age of a sophomore in high school, it is not too much to call him a senior. Calling you"uncle" is extremely excessive.

Onijujiro looks like he is in his forties or fifties, and no one would say anything, but he is in his youth now!

Looking at his face, how dare this little fox Niou Masaharu shamelessly call him uncle?

Niou Masaharu silently moved his butt,"It's not my fault. Who made you wear a black kimono when I saved you that day, your hair was full of blood foam, your face was full of fatigue, and your face was pale. I didn't call you uncle, I have already done you justice.……"

There is no fox that is the most naughty, only the more naughty!

Niou Masaharu, who is still not as good as the Phoenix of Byodoin in tennis skills, has made full use of his eloquence. He is bound to take the lead in this aspect and climb up steadily!

"……"Byodoin Phoenix thought of his miserable appearance that day and fell silent. It seemed that there was really nothing he could refute. It was just that this kid was a little too naughty.

He moved his fingers, and sure enough, his fingers were still itching.

He smiled and showed his big white teeth,"The ticket I gave you should be in two weeks.……"

"so what?"

"We have time to take it slow!"

Ren Wang thought that the Phoenix of Byodoin had made up her mind to torture him, and would definitely call that group of miscellaneous uncles to fight or fight in a round, and beat him to the ground, unable to get up. In the end, when the game was completely over in the evening and everyone had dispersed, no one came to challenge him -

Ren Wang muttered:"……I can't have wronged him, can I?~"

Byodoin Phoenix doesn't look like a warm, kind, and generous person.

Byodoin Phoenix:...

Carrying his tennis bag back to the hotel, Niou, who didn't want to wait any longer, started exercising very consciously.

He was very inspired by watching a day of competition today. The way these uncles and young people compete is completely different from that of domestic junior high school students.

Instead of focusing on rotation and tricks, they pay more attention to the strength and destructiveness of the ball. They strive to make every ball hit the ground firmly, causing severe damage to the opponent's racket or court.

Especially the bald head in the middle, who impressed him the most. The muscles all over his body showed that he was an absolutely super-powerful player - even if he boasted of his hidden strength, he was still amazed, and thought to himself that he was no match for him.

"Under seventeen, what exactly is U17?"Ryooh wondered puzzledly,"Under 17, under 17 what or what under 17? Level? Years of playing? It can't be a five-dimensional value, right? Under 17——"

He is almost 20 now.

Niou was really confused, totally confused and didn't understand.

Following the principle of joining if you can't beat them, since you don't understand, but since you have seen the moves in the game, you always have to learn - years of experience in kendo have made him a strong learning ability.

The swords were very kind to him, striving to let him learn the essence of every skill. Every sword in the family was taught to him.

After a few years, his kendo has already blossomed and become colorful, and people can't find any routines!

This ability was used by him in tennis. He was able to enter the ranks of the main selection within a year, relying on this strong learning ability and the physical foundation laid by kendo.

Shaking his slender arms, Niou silently added five more lead blocks to himself.

Alas, sometimes not being able to gain weight is also a kind of trouble. Obviously, I have enough strength, but I am regarded as a technical player...

Niou, who was worried about being too thin, silently did another set of pull-ups.

Ding Dong -

He didn't stop until a thin layer of sweat appeared on his body. Just then, the doorbell rang. After thinking about it, he took the tennis racket and went to open the door. After all, he was in a foreign country - the mountains were high and the emperor was far away, and he didn't have any acquaintances. What if someone wanted to come and persecute him?

After all, he was so handsome!

——Boys must protect their own safety when they are outside.

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