Another half an hour later, Niou fell from the sky like a rag, lying on the tennis court in a mess. He paid the price for his bad mouth.

Of course, it didn't count, after all, he - the white-haired boy raised his eyes, there was no fear or panic in his pupils, only a bright light that was breathtaking. The blue lake water condensed energy, as if expecting the next huge wave to roll up and submerge the entire ghost ship.


The Byodoin Phoenix, who originally wanted to see if he was dead, stood there silently.

""Pu Li~" He supported himself with his hands and staggered to his feet. He was so tired that he almost couldn't stand. But his every move was naturally unrestrained."You... are scared... or hesitated!"

He suddenly laughed,"You saw it! I almost caught you in the end……"

There was suddenly something in the eyes of the Phoenix of Byodoin. He looked at the person in front of him with a complicated look.

"Humph, since you are so ignorant of the consequences, I will wait for you at the same time tomorrow night!"

"Humph!" Niou gritted his teeth,"According to the regular game process, there is still one ball left, uncle, are you ready to run?"

Byodoin Phoenix's eyes were dark,"This is your own choice!"

I wanted to let him go tonight because he still had some resilience. Unexpectedly,……

"Uncle, you have to cherish these few times, otherwise I will bite you to death next time!"The white-haired boy's eyes were deep, leaving behind the fox's cunning and only the wolf's persistence.

Bang - the overwhelming ball shadows exploded between the two. His body was already infinitely exhausted, but Nio still controlled his mental power in his eye sockets, trying to see every shadow clearly.

Whoosh - the pirates were already attacking with swords wielding swords, and Nio felt that the racket in his hand had also turned into a knife. With both hands tightly grasping the hilt, he lifted it up and split the pirate in front of him.

But before he could stop, a steady stream of ghosts and phantoms rushed towards him...

Hiss - the white phantom floating in the sky bit his arm.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock!

The blood flowed from his arm to the ground. There was no trace of retreat in the boy's eyes, and his eyes became brighter. Standing on the enemy's ship, there was no way out. He wanted to tear open a way. Even if he failed and was swallowed up, he would - take half of the other party's life.

He didn't believe it - how big a wave a mere middle-aged uncle could make!



The body rotated to control the blade to draw a big circle around, and at the same time, the sword light flashed. Ren Wang raised the sword and fiercely shot a circular sword light from top to bottom, mercilessly piercing the enemy's core.

In an instant, the dark shadows that originally surrounded him were completely dissipated.

"call——"His breathing was light one second, and heavy the next.

Although this move was very cool, and he wiped out five or six pirates. But... the enemy was too strong, and pirates kept coming.

He looked up, without a trace of fear in his eyes, and went outside through the waves accompanied by the black fog, and met the pair of eyes that were also shining.

"This time - give up, next time——"

Before he could finish his words, he was knocked down by the pirates' swords and finally submerged in layers of shadows.

The Phoenix of Byodoin watched this scene in silence:"……"

What he should be saying is - next time, I won’t let you off so easily!


The boy came back to his senses and panted heavily. The black fog dissipated and the underground tennis court was still bright. He raised his hand to block the dazzling light above his head, and also blocked the unwillingness in his eyes that penetrated deep into his heart.

"Come again tomorrow!"

The Phoenix of Byodoin Temple left.

The sound of footsteps gradually faded away. Niou glanced at the figure through his fingers, and a happy arc appeared at the corner of his lips.

Although he lost, this game was really fun!

Niou returned to the room exhausted. Today he gained a lot, more than ever before. He witnessed a new world and had a new direction.

It turns out that adults are playing in different dimensions. Isn't what they, the junior high school students, are playing now outdated?

Since we have made up our minds to catch up, we must learn to quickly overtake on the curve and rush to the finish line!

Early the next morning, Niou walked into the tennis court with his tennis bag and notebook.

Today's task is to take notes!

Video recording - the task!

"Since you are the one who caused this, you will be the one to record it for me. You must record it in 360 degrees with no detail.

Kitsunesuke quietly crawled out of Niou's mind and said,"Shinsen, this is against the rules!"

It is a product of the Time Government and cannot disturb the lives of real people.

This is the rule.——

【In that case, helping other forces to cheat your Shinsengumi is also the rule of the Government of Time? 】Speaking of this, Nioh has something to say.

【Ah, this……】How to explain this?

Kitsunesuke's fox eyes were rolling around.

【Well, I'll apply for it, what do you think? 】 Kitsunesuke tried to smooth things over.

【I want an answer within ten minutes.——】Ren Wang chuckled and gave a restriction


The little fox jumped away, and Ren Wang silently took the camera pole and placed the camera there steadily.

Today's game is more exciting than yesterday. Perhaps it is because it is the second day. Both sides have shown extraordinary willpower and fighting power. With more people, Ren Wang realized that there are young people in this team of adults, such as... Hmm?

What's going on!

He seems to have heard Yanagi Renji analyze this person before. Isn't this... that - the former minister of Hyotei?

It seems that his name is Yue Zhiyueguang. Why is he here? He is only sixteen years old now. At the age of sixteen, Yue Zhiyueguang has been mixed in the team of adults. No matter how powerful he is,���It's not that exaggerated.

What's going on?

""Under seventeen? U17!" Niwang muttered,"What does this word mean?" He had not bothered to look for the answer online before, but now looking at the phone in his hand, Niwang suddenly felt that sometimes the answer is also very important.

He took out his phone and started to look up information. Although he did not find the member information, the origin of the name U17 finally appeared -

U17's full name is under seventeen, which mainly refers to tennis players under the age of 17.

Hehe - just seeing this under 17, Niwang's face couldn't hold it. Under 17 - are you sure there is no typo?!!!

He picked up the phone and carefully compared it with the red-haired adult who just came off the court.

This person, this face doesn't match 17 years old at all?

And the uncle of Byodoin, although calling him uncle is indeed a bit exaggerated, 17 years old is also exaggerated!

Before today's game officially started, Niwang's spiritual core was mostly punctured.

It's so shocking!

【"Shinsen-sama, I'm back. The government of time said they can open a green channel for you. They can help you this time~" It happily announced the result.

This time it was a special case, so there was nothing to say, so they agreed.

The little fox looked up obediently, with an expression asking for praise, and then met the terrified face of Niou, whose pupils were shocked.

【"Squeak - Lord Shinsengumi, what's wrong with you?"

Kitsunesuke was frightened and cried like a mouse.

【Pooh~ You're back. I remember you can leave my body, right?]

Ren Wang held his forehead, looking dreamy: [I'm a little tired now, so I'll ask you to help me record the entire content of the game today.——】

Things were too fantastic, he needed to take a good rest to clear his mind.

Seeing Niou's look, Kitsunesuke couldn't think of any reason to refuse, so he quickly agreed.


"Boss, why do you feel absent-minded today? You are not in the right state?" Kimijima asked

"Nothing!" Byodoin Phoenix retracted his gaze,"The game is over, everyone has worked hard, now let's go back to the hotel together!"

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