A second before serving, Byodoin Phoenix even thought about whether to let him go, after all, this kid is so young - but has such a stubborn personality!

If he really loses his mind and rushes forward forcefully, he may lose half his life.

He knows his destruction very well. It is not something that ordinary people can handle!

But at the last moment, he changed his mind with a flick of his finger. The seriousness in those eyes was too bright and vivid. Niou was really - taking his opponent and this move seriously!

There was no fear in his eyes when he looked at Destruction, only the seriousness towards a tennis move. At this moment, Byodoin Phoenix couldn't help but feel compassion. Since he really wanted to see it, then give him this opportunity - so... the more excited Byodoin Phoenix is, the more unlucky his opponent will be.

Niou was severely injured!

"Let's end here today.……"Although only one ball was started,——"Your back is injured, and your clothes are probably all pierced. You can't go on!"

Do you really think it's fun to be slammed against the concrete wall with your whole body and soul, and you can hardly get down?

Nioh belatedly realized that there was a pain in his back,"hiss...Pu Li~ It hurts!" He hooked his intact left hand behind and touched it awkwardly, and looked up to see it was all bloody,"This is the first time I've been beaten to this extent."

Just one blow, and he was completely defeated!

It's worthy of being - Byodoin Phoenix!

This kind of strength is the ceiling in the whole world, it's not an exaggeration... and he has a chance to fight seriously with this top ceiling.

Haha, he didn't suffer this in vain.

Byodoin Phoenix looked at Nioh who was grinning again, as if he was looking at a fool."……"

Maybe we can't call him a fool, we should call him a fool. After all, fools can be smart sometimes, but fools are always fools!

Niou:... politeness, where is your Byodoin Phoenix?


Before the third day of the trip to Germany began, Niou chose to say goodbye to the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple

"I have seen how good you are. Next, I should concentrate on research instead of just wasting time here.——"Kitsunesuke's camera has 360 degrees of coverage, so he can go back and kill time slowly. And cooperate with everything in kendo to do more reasonable daily practice.

Byodoin Phoenix glanced at his face, said nothing, just nodded. Let him leave!

"Irie, what are you looking at?"Kijujiro discovered that Irie Kanata's mind has been focused on the Phoenix of Byodoin recently.

"Do you feel he is different?——"Irie Kanata asked

"No!" Gui Jujiro frowned and said,"It's different. It can't be that I let the game go yesterday, so it's different.……"

It doesn't seem like it!

The thoughtful Irie Kanata didn't want to say anything."……"Alas, this big, burly man

""Ki-kun, let's go play the saxophone tonight!" I'm in a bad mood and want to play the saxophone.

The stern-faced Jijiro can no longer keep his stern face."……Why don't you tell me about the specific changes of the Phoenix of Byodoin!" If you tell me more carefully, maybe he can observe it.

After checking out of the hotel, Niou was about to book a flight home. At this time, Kitsunesuke in his mind suddenly said,"Since the Lord of the Shinsengumi has finally come out, why don't you have some fun?"

Kitsunesuke is a fox that longs for the outside world.

Coming to this country that is completely different from the East, it is particularly excited and is planning to stay for two more days.……

【If we don't go to Germany, we can go to other countries, such as the United States, France, or even Russia.……】

The little fox's eyes were shining brightly. He had long wanted to see what a Russian was.

【Other countries will also have strong tennis players. Wouldn't it be great if we could take the best from them and discard the bad and go and see them? 】

Ryoou paused, his heart was shamefully moved.

Although he admired the strength of Byodoin Phoenix last night, hehe, just because of this guy, he got his first serious injury in his life, the two of them couldn't get over it.

Admiration is admiration, bite him to death is bite him to death!

【How much do you know about the U17 World Cup? 】Ryo asked as he walked out with his suitcase.

【A little bit... Neon's ranking is not too high!】 Kitsunesuke quickly gave the information. Nioh curled his lips and smiled, [Who is ranked first! ]

It was decided, next we will go to this country to meet their masters and learn a few tricks from them.——

【——Germany!】Looking at the fluttering tricolor flag, Kitsunesuke's tail couldn't even wag. The Shinsengumi just said he wouldn't go to Germany.


Is this world against him? Why is everything going wrong?

【What about the second one? He asked through gritted teeth.

The first one is Germany, so the second one can't possibly be Germany too.

【The exact ranking of the second place has always been controversial, but there are four relatively strong countries, Germany, France, and Switzerland.……】

Kitsunesuke talked about the professional terms on the computer for a long time, and finally said,"Shinsen, which one should we go to first?】


Let's go to Switzerland for two or three days first!"

Niou set off with great enthusiasm.

As for the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple, who had stepped into German territory, he looked at the elite-looking man in front of him and pulled down his mouth unhappily.

A certain elite:"……"


"Niou, I heard that you took a two-week leave!" Marui said as he came over habitually and threw himself on Niou's shoulder.

But the white-haired boy turned around as if he had eyes on his back, and dodged the hand that came from above with a light swing. The red-haired boy watched his slender hand, which was only a millimeter away from the thin shoulder, and finally missed.

He was dumbfounded!

"Nio, you react so quickly.——"Marui Fumita blinked and was completely dumbfounded.

The previous Nioh was also very powerful, but it seems not as powerful as this one.

"I went abroad for a trip these two weeks, and then stayed in Tokyo for a few days.——"

"——Stop!"Marui Fumita hit the core

"Do you have a house in Tokyo?" The red-haired boy touched his chin in a very surprised manner. His small mouth couldn't fit his whole hand. He looked at the rich man hidden beside him with a shocked face.

"Can you please stop being a psychopath?"Ryoou drooped his eyelids coldly.

I have met a lot of psychopaths and self-indulgent people recently, and there are a lot of people's contact numbers in my mobile phone text messages.

So, what I'm saying is, now that I'm back to school, can you be a little more normal!

"But I was really shocked.……"Marui Bunta's shock lasted until he arrived at the club office.

"What's that expression on your face?"Sanada, who had just finished talking about today's training, looked up and saw Marui Fumita standing there stupidly, and said unhappily

"I'm just shocked by Ren Wang's travel arrangements.……"Who can refuse a house in Tokyo and a trip abroad? Marui

's tone was full of envy.


"I didn't say the house was mine!"

"Does Niou-senpai have a house in Tokyo? You are awesome!"

Most people in Rikkai are obedient and only listen to the second half of the story.

"Niou-kun, when did you buy a house in Tokyo?" Yanagi Renji raised his lips silently. The white-haired boy's mouth twitched, and he just wanted to laugh...

Niou stood up, his legs against the stool, and the stool rubbed against the ground, making a long rustling sound.

He raised his chin high, and his jaw revealed a bit of coldness and unruly,"I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person——"

"Now I won’t pretend anymore, I do have a house in Tokyo!!"

The scene was silent.——

——Quiet as a chicken!


Everyone was speechless.

Yukimura Seiichi, who was always the calmest, also widened his eyes."……Niou……"

"Phew~" Ren Wang winked mischievously,"So, you were fooled by me!"


This guy is a bit naughty!

This guy is really a bit naughty!

However, the result of being naughty is that the matter is over - Niwang breathed a sigh of relief, but don't ask him why he went to Tokyo.

After two hours of club, Niwang, who was exhausted by the extra training, was walking on the way home, and his cell phone rang.——

"Niou-kun, this week——I’ll be waiting for you!"

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