[Shinsen, where did you go just now? I almost couldn't get in.——】As soon as he left the Golden King's tower, he remembered Kitsunesuke's voice in his mind.

Niou propped his chin with his hand and asked,"Weren't you able to come in just now?"

He didn't feel anything unusual.

【It is true that I can come in, but it was very difficult for me to come in! 】 Kitsunesuke said aggrievedly

【This has never happened before.——】

This is the first time for it.

Nio groaned. There has never been a first time before. This is all quite interesting.

【What time is it now? Do we have time?】

【What does the Shinsengumi want to do? 】 asked Kitsunesuke

【Go to Wuluo——】Nio said

【What do you want to do? 】 Kitsunesuke pricked up his ears.

【Didn't you say you couldn't get in just now? Let's do an experiment——】


Niou chuckled. Yes, it was an experiment.

The bar street was very lively at midnight, but there was only one bar in the corner that was out of place. There was no noise within 50 meters.

Niou felt like laughing when he saw this unique scene.

It was the power of the king!

The lights were still on inside HOMRA. With a creak, Izumo Kusanagi wanted to say that they were closed, but when he looked up, he found that it was……

""Why are you here?" The blond man raised his eyebrows and asked,"Isn't your home in Kanagawa? It's so late, why are you still staying in Tokyo?""

"I have something I want to ask Red King!"

Kusanagi Izumo was stunned,"You know it!"

Knowing it implicitly and saying it openly are two different things.

"Well, that's easy to guess, isn't it?"Ren Wang smiled and sat down.

"What do you want from him?" Kusanagi Izumo hadn't finished his words when a tapping sound came from upstairs. The gentle young man rubbed his eyes and came down."Kusanagi, do you have any wine that can help me sleep? I want to sleep... Niou-kun today?"

The young man widened his eyes in surprise, and the sleepiness that was already brewing disappeared."Why are you here? Have you decided to join Houmaira?"

"Ten bundles……"Kusanagi Izumo called out helplessly."Maybe something happened to Niou-kun, wait a moment!"

It's not normal for people from Kanagawa to appear in a bar in Tokyo at night.

"I'm just visiting.……"Nioh's short-term Kusanagi Izumo thoughtfully prepared juice for him."But what Jutsu-kun said is right, I do have some thoughts.……"

"Huh?" Now it was Kusanagi Izumo's turn to be surprised."What has happened to you?"

He had rejected her so harshly at first, and he did the same thing the second time they met.——

""Pu Li~" He lowered his eyes and said,"It is indeed because of something!"

He came to Wu Luo just to do an experiment.……"Where are the others? Why are there only a few of you here?"

HOMRA is not closed, where are the other members?

"Of course, I'm going home to sleep!" Kusanagi Izumo knocked on Nio's head in annoyance,"Although we look like gangsters, we are also an orderly organization! We still have to ensure good sleep every day.……"

Niou recalled Hatta Misaki's height in his mind.……"

He still doesn't grow taller even with normal sleep. It's really Hatta's own fault.

"Why do you suddenly want to join?" Kusanagi Izumo asked, putting down his cup and supporting the bar with both hands.

Nioh pondered for a moment and gave the answer."Actually, I just wanted to hear Mr. Suho's thoughts!"

"I have doubts and want to ask him to solve them.——"He bowed his head very respectfully. Since he was seeking help from others, he had to show the proper attitude.

Wiseman's words made him a little uneasy - he didn't want to take on too many other responsibilities, but he also understood that people without power could not decide their lives.

Whether it was the future or tennis, he hoped to be able to make his own decisions, rather than being succumbed to the so-called fate.

Why did he come to Houmaru to find the Red King? Because among all the destinies he could see, the Red King's story and ending seemed to be the most tragic.

The predecessor of the third king in the information... he wanted to know - what he thought!

After getting off Wiseman's airship, Niou was very confused, and what really made him make up his mind was——

——The feeling he had when he stood at the door of the bar

【Kitsunesuke, how do you feel?】

【The Red King's aura is right above, but I don't feel any obstruction! It's normal here! 】The fox voice of Kitsunesuke rang out, [Shinsen, the government of time has acquiesced that the Red King will not affect us——】



"So, you are confused and come to Brother Zun to solve your doubts?" Kusanagi Izumo asked

""Hmm!" He didn't want to become a king after becoming a Shinsengumi.

Even though Wiseman and Kunijoji Daijue said that he was destined to be the seventh king, he was unwilling to accept the arrangement of fate. Kusanagi

Izumo looked at the fire in the boy's eyes and smiled silently.


With his fists slightly clenched, the clear blue lake was full of rising flames. Now Niou was just an angry child who was unwilling to accept his fate. If he had doubted whether Niou did it on purpose or had some purpose at the beginning. Now he had no doubts at all...

Kusanagi Izumo said,"Jutsuka, you talk to him, I'll go call Zun down!"

Suoh Zun had always recognized Niou, and he was on guard against him.

Although he didn't know what Niou didn't want to do, Houmura had always done things that defied fate, and Zun would be very happy.

"Haha, Kusanagi-kun agrees with this!" Jutsu happily sat next to Niou.

"What on earth has happened to you? If it is dangerous, Houmaru can help you."

He likes Niou's personality. If Niou really has any problems, he will not ignore it. I believe that Zun Ge will not

"I don’t know… how to put it!" You can’t say he’s worried about something that hasn’t happened yet. That sounds a bit silly!

"I can feel that you are in a heavy mood.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou Fang is a very thoughtful person, so I would like to ask him……"Niou chuckled.

Jutsu Tadara's eyes lit up and he smiled proudly,"Isn't it!"

Finally someone could see the good in Suohonori like him. For a long time, Suohonori was regarded as a hot-tempered old man in everyone's mind, but in fact, the heart of the flame was extremely warm and soft.

"Niou, I believe in you!"If she had a crush on him because of Anna at first, now Jutsu Tadara has truly accepted Niou Masaharu.

"I really think you are suitable to join the Wuluo……"He looked at Niou with gentle eyes.

Houmura is a place where origins and pasts are not questioned. Here, all you have to do is not hurt your companions.

If Niou, who is a thoughtful man, joins Houmura, many interesting things will happen...

As soon as Suoh-mune came downstairs, he saw the two people talking happily. He walked to Niou with his hands in his pockets and said domineeringly,"Is there something you want to tell me?"

""Hmm!" Ren Wang lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

"Do you want to resist fate?"The power of the Red King made him feel the unknown breath in the heart of the King of Ren.

"Yes!" He did want to resist the power of the Seventh King and the unknown fate.

"Do you dare to hold my hand?" Zhou Fangzun's eyes flashed with a smile, and he stretched out his hand. In Niwang's sight, there was a pair of extremely delicate hands, not as many wrinkles and extra broad palms as imagined, just like all ordinary people...

But it was these hands that saved many people and accepted many people. Now they are also accepting him who wants to escape and resist - but——

""Huh?" Niou was stunned,"Mr. Zhoufang, I didn't come here to join Houmaira!"

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