Niou looked at Marui's cowardly look with amusement:"It's okay, I've already told him clearly, Dodanuki won't do anything to you." He really didn't expect that Dodanuki would scare Marui Bunta so much that he had a stress reaction.

In two years, he hadn't seen Marui Bunta so cowardly. He is worthy of being Dodanuki!

"This is my first time to see a tennis match. I wonder how good the lord is at playing tennis?"Hotsugaru clenched his fists excitedly.

Upon hearing this, the jackal Kuwabara, who was born with extra patience with children, smiled and said,"Niou is also very strong in our team. He has defeated many opponents this year. I haven't been there yet."——"

"Oh, so awesome?"

Yingwan's eyes lit up."I want to sit in the front row and watch the Master...Master's game!"

"I will also use my newly bought camera to capture every shining moment of the Lord... Adult!" Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki's eyes also lit up. Marui poked Niou's shoulder and asked,"Aren't these two family members of yours a little too fanatical about Niou?"——"

Moreover, [Sir], what a shameful name this is!

"There is no way, there are some things I just have to accept."Ryo said with a smile.

You didn't hear them calling me [Lord] or [General], right? Who knows the feeling of being forced to get used to it~

Marui Bunta touched his chin,"Why do I feel that your smile has a feeling of getting an advantage and still acting cute?"

Nioh continued to laugh,"Your illusion!"

Marui Bunta:"……"

The feeling is more obvious.

The first match of the semi-finals is a doubles match, Marui Bunta and Yagyu Hiroshi are happily on the court.


"Wait a minute.……"Niou stopped the red-haired piglet who was about to play with a strange expression

"Did you have a meeting last night to discuss this?"Why does it feel like I had a fake meeting?

Shouldn't he and Yagyu compete together as planned?

"Hahahaha, didn't you hear Liu's codeword?"Marui Bunta put his hands on his hips, looking smug,"Tsk tsk, I never thought! One day I'll be smarter than a fox like you - ah ha ha ha ~"

"……"This smile is too——

"Wait a moment!" Niou slapped Marui Bunta on the mouth,"Yanag, what's going on?"

Yanagi smiled calmly,"No matter what, you have to let them compete first. After all, the opponents are looking forward to it!"

Niou:... You are so cruel!

He let go of his hand angrily.

Letting go of the extremely happy red-haired pig to compete, Niou bared his neat white teeth at Yanagi Renji,"Yanag, let's talk about this - problem now!"

He was not going to leave without giving him a satisfactory result!

"What do you want to say?" Liu was very calm,"What did I tell you last night?"

Ren Wang was stunned and began to recall. He said,"I said that I will still play doubles as before, and there will not be much change!"

Liu snapped his fingers,"The game has only reached doubles two, and there is a doubles one waiting for you. Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Ren Wang:"……"

Phew, haha, he trusted his teammates so much. In the end, he got cheated!

"Now you can tell me who my doubles partner is, right?" He bared his teeth, looking happy,"The game is about to start, are you sure you don't want me to get in sync with the new doubles partner and discuss tactics?"

Liu smiled,"Mori-senpai - Niou is looking for you!"

Niou almost spit out salt soda in one breath

"You bastard Liu, say it again - who is my partner?"

Don't be so deceiving, right?

The Maori senior mentioned by Liu is a senior in their third grade, named Maori Jusaburo.

Like Marui Bunta, he is also a handsome red-haired guy, but this handsome guy is tall, cool, and has excellent tennis skills!

In terms of tennis skills, there is no disadvantage.

Maori Jusaburo is the only remaining tennis regular in the third grade, and he is the regular that Yukimura did not kick out when he first challenged him.

After Yukimura became the director, although there was no obvious conflict between the new and the old.

But - Maori Jusaburo senior was indeed absent from the tennis club's training for a long time due to various reasons - which has caused strong dissatisfaction!

The reason why he can sit in the regular position safely is, first, because he is the only surviving regular in the third grade. Second, it is because his strength is indeed strong.

But - in a doubles match, playing against a person he has never cooperated with, and in the quarter-finals of the national competition, are you sure you are not kidding?

"Liu, don't play tricks on me like this!" Ren Wang now reasonably suspected that he was being targeted by Liu."I need a very reasonable and serious explanation!"

"I can tell you the answer to this.——"The doubles match started, and Yukimura also turned his attention over.

"My worries are still there.——"Yukimura is talking about the fatigue effect of Nioh. Excessive intensity can cause great discomfort to the body and lead to deep fatigue.

"Although you have never cooperated with Maori, he is a high-explosive player and his strength is also online! If you have any problems during the game, he can help you——"

"The reason is reasonable, but why didn't you tell me?"This is what Ren Wang was dissatisfied with."And you guys also went to Yagyu together and hid it from me!"

He just saw Yagyu's expression, which was calm and not surprised at all. He knew about this a long time ago.

So he was the only one who didn't know!



"Don't worry, you're not the only one, Maori-senpai also doesn't know——"Liu curled her lips and patted his shoulder calmly.

""Pu Li~"

You are cheating a couple, Yanagi Renji, you are playing���Should Senior Maori vent his anger on his opponent, or on him?

As expected of a military strategist, this calculation is really sound.

"Don't worry, this is my return gift to him." Liu opened his eyes, not disguising the malice in his eyes,"Not attending training properly for a year has affected the overall progress of the team and made our management more difficult. Isn't it normal to trick him once?"

Liu felt very at ease. He didn't do anything, just let him and Niou play a doubles match together.

Niou's strength and agility are obvious to all, and he will not hold back Mori Jusaburo.

Niou suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Mori Jusaburo.

He, this group of people will at least give an explanation, but where is Mori senior——

""When they pause the game later, tell Marui to prolong the game a little bit and give me some time!" said Niou.

After Liu glanced at the opponent, he asked,"What do you want to do?"

"No matter what, we have to tell Senior Maori, otherwise he will change his tune and we will all be in trouble.——"It's okay to be fussy, but if you wait until the last minute to talk about it, it would be a bit of bullying.

He could have just talked to Yanagi and Yukimura in a good temper because they have been partners for nearly two years.

But Mori-senpai is different...

He has been away from the tennis club for more than a year. If he continues like this, it will not be good for the reputation of the tennis club and Rikkai University.

He glared at Yanagi without curiosity,"Don't pretend, isn't it because of this idea that you told me these things at this time?……"

Although everyone at Rikkai University only cares about tennis, they also value the friendship between seniors and juniors.

Yanagi had already figured it out, so she dared to do this!

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