"Man, you have successfully aroused my interest. You dare to snatch a man from me. Ha, you are very brave!"

On the other side, Ren Wang wanted to poke out his eyes.

"……"Shit - just poke his eyes out!

In the doubles match, there are obviously two of them!!!

Why are they only attacking him!!! He asked to disgust Mori-senpai first!!!

Unfortunately, these two people seemed to have their eyes on him.

The direction of their attack was not towards Mori Jusaburo at all, but they were attacking Nioh alone.

"Haha, Xiaochun, this man has no patience at all. He is not suitable for you at all.——"

Ichiuji showed an intimate smile, leaned over, and smiled at Golden Haru in a flattering way, trampling on the bottom line of Niou's heart,"This kind of person can't stand big occasions at first glance.……"

He waved his hands, pointing fingers at Niou Masaharu like a matchmaker.

"Come to think of it, I'm still the best!"

Golden Xiaochun nodded in a serious manner and exclaimed loudly,"Ah, Yuji, you're the best! I really, really - I like you so much!"

"Let's use our special moves together!"Wearing glasses, his eyes with almost zero vision were shining brightly. Niou didn't know how he did it.

But - he was looking forward to what kind of... what kind of tricks the funny combination could use.……

"——Water ballet!"

The two people in ballet dresses suddenly appeared in front of them like mermaids emerging from the water, with intoxicated expressions, dancing arms, arms that were so soft that they couldn't be softer, waving their hands... and the tennis ball whizzed over ~



Maori Jusaburo:...

It's not unfair to lose this ball!

It's so disgusting, I don't want to see it again!

Niou and Maori Jusaburo covered their faces at the same time, feeling that they couldn't bear to watch. The golden Koharu, whose plan had succeeded, put his hands together and let out a long sigh towards the person next to him.

It sounded very happy, but to Niou it sounded like a pervert upgrade.

He rubbed the goose bumps on his body and let the invisible debris fall to the ground.


Oh, let this sad and lamentable thing end quickly.……

"Maori Senior——"

Although they were disgusted, the water ballet trick had been seen through by them and was no longer effective. Niou fixed his eyes and winked at Maori Jusaburo.——

"All we need to do is to locate the tennis ball!"Rin said.

Maori Jusaburo nodded.

They were full of confidence, they had it all planned out!

None of them had expected——

【F cup! 】(囧~)


Damn it, I'm about to get stye——

"You two bastards, do you have any sense of public morality at all!"

Niou and Maori Jusaburo hadn't said anything yet. Marui Fumita on the sidelines couldn't stand it anymore!

He had never seen such a perverted trick, putting a tennis ball in front of his chest to simulate - damn it, how can he face his girlfriend in the future?!!!

Marui Fumita, who changed girlfriends the most frequently, collapsed!

He even wanted to take a tennis racket and hit Golden Koharu in the face with one racket. Let him feel what is more painful than death!

Niou sighed, and said to Maori Jusaburo who was in the same situation behind him,"Mori-senpai, how do you feel now?"

Maori Jusaburo glanced at him, and his eyes magically cleared what he wanted to say, and he naturally continued,"Fortunately - except for a little nausea, there are no other symptoms!"

Niou sneered, turned his head to look at the two people who were hugging each other intimately, the light in his eyes exuded a mocking taste,"Yes... a little disgusting, there are really no other characteristics!"

"I heard that Shitenbo Temple is all about comedy, but this level can’t be called funny!"

He smiled sinisterly, his smile looming with his words,"Pfft~ a bit low!"

What is the purpose of showing off one’s charm to attract attention, other than making people’s pupils shrink for a moment in shock?

"This guy who doesn't understand romance actually dares to laugh at us for being low... Do you know what high-level humor is?"

This is their specialty, the specialty of Shitenbo Temple, and even more so the specialty of this doubles team.

"High-level humor? ——Ha!" Niou sneered,"You think you can deal with Rikkai University with such a boring trick? Who gives you the confidence?"

Golden Haru and Ichiuji were severely ridiculed. For so many years, no one has ever talked about their [funny] with such a cold and sharp look!

Too much——

"Yuji... I'm angry!"Golden Koharu was shaking with anger, and she didn't forget to act like a spoiled child to Yuji Ichi~

Ryo's eyes flashed, and he quietly watched the two of them continue to act.

As far as he knew, Golden Koharu was a little...Pu Li~ Let me see how long you can pretend

"I'm here to avenge you. Damn it, how dare you say that about my Xiaochun - how can you be so mean to my Xiaochun?"Ichiuji waved his hands angrily, hit the tennis ball hard, and rushed forward like a sword, quickly breaking through the half court, ready to welcome the second wave of counterattack.

"Let you witness my love for Xiaochun——"He was so emotional that he even wanted to call out to the world.

Niou smiled slightly, his emotions were not affected at all, he calmly took a step back and handed the battlefield to Mori Jusaburo who had been prepared for a long time.


The counterattack without any hesitation stunned the golden Koharu and Ichiuji Yuji who were still immersed in [funny].

These two people did not look unaffected, but they were really unaffected.……

"Hey, handsome guy, didn’t you say it was disgusting?" Golden Xiaochun took a step forward, a hint of coldness flashed across his bespectacled eyes,"You’re really pretending!"

"What, are you unhappy because you didn't get the result you expected?" Ren Wang chuckled,"Who said I must have a huge physiological reaction!"

The more disgusted he felt, the calmer he was. No way!

"What about the handsome red-haired guy next to you?"Yuji Ichiuji couldn't believe it. Their [Love each other and disgust people method] is very useful in any doubles match. The disgusting opponent makes me vomit and even can't look at myself at all - but these two people are calm and composed, too calm

""Pu Li~" Niou smiled brightly,"Didn't I tell you this? Don't use ordinary standards to judge Kaida!"

The young man had a smile on his lips, raised his racket, and put it on his shoulder calmly. I thought these two people had some special skills, but I didn't expect that they just made people laugh so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs.

It's nothing great...

Niou walked to the baseline lazily, and said to Maori Jusaburo next to him openly,"The plan we made at the beginning is useless. We can just crush them with our strength!" Maori Jusaburo was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently.

Golden Koharu put his hands on his hips and pouted unhappily,"You two are going too far……"

"Too much, being weak is the original sin on this field——"Ren Wang grinned broadly. He was not a philanthropist.

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