When the national championship flag flew over Rikkai University again, the national competition for tennis players was over.

The students in the third grade were about to graduate, and the main players in the second grade would become the mainstays of the third grade.

For Rikkai University, the departure of the seniors in the third grade was more of a relief than a sadness.

However... one of them was different after all.

"Maori-senpai, this is a gift for you……"Kirihara became the representative of the group and sent the prepared gift to Mori Jusaburo.

"My gift?" Maori Jusaburo was very surprised. He didn't have a close relationship with everyone at Rikkai University.

"Well, the seniors said thank you for your great help in the past two years!" Kirihara Akaya's eyes were burning with sincerity,"I wish you a safe journey ahead!"

Midsummer is finally about to pass, and autumn is coming... and before autumn comes - the rebellious Nioh embarks on a journey——

"where are we going?"

"The most romantic place in the world - France!"

Ryooh opened his arms to welcome the cool breeze at the end of the summer in this romantic country.……

"Senior Maori... let's go!"On the streets of Paris, a young man wearing a baseball cap and with only a little white hair showing by his ears squinted his eyes and smiled at the tall red-haired boy next to him. The red-haired boy looked at this different style, took a breath, stepped forward, and blended in.

France, he's here!

…… a week ago

"Thank you for your gift."The national competition in July was over. Although he had retired, his life as a junior high school student was not over yet. Maori Jusaburo easily found the classroom in Nioh.

"This is a gift for everyone, not just for me.……"

It was during this incident that Niou realized that everyone in their tennis club was so shy.

"Anyway, thank you.——"Maori Juzaburo felt the wrist of his hand. This was the first time he received a gift from his juniors.

He was very happy!

"Who is that very tall person you mentioned before? Can you introduce him to me?" asked Mori Jusaburo.

Niou looked him up and down, and for some reason, a particularly interesting idea suddenly came to his mind,"Mori-senpai...what do you want to do next?"

"Hmm?" The red-haired teenager tilted his head, not knowing what was going on.

"If I had known that the place you were talking about was in France... I wouldn't have come with you!"

The whole frame was filled with blonde hair, brown hair, green eyes, green eyes, and blue eyes.

This scared Maori Jusaburo to death, as his English grades were not very good and he was a little socially anxious.

It was so painful!

"Phew~ Just think of this as an opportunity to practice English together!"

Rio doesn't have this worry. As a Shinsengumi of the Time Government, he has to learn many skills, and communicating with foreigners is just one of them.

"But, Niou, how do you know people from abroad? Maori Jusaburo asked

"I know someone, an old man who is playing here, and he invited me to come.——"

He raised his eyes and handed the room card to Maori Jusaburo,"You want to meet that tall tennis player, right? He's here too.——"

Rather than him being the middleman, it would be better to let the two of them meet each other. What's there to be unhappy about as a tennis player? Just play a game! The main character is a man who can take action and never talk nonsense -

Mao Li Juzaburo has been hit a lot recently.

At first, he thought his junior was taking him to a place in Japan to meet friends.

It turned out that his place was - France.

He also thought he was coming to watch a small game, but——


"Welcome to the U17 World Cup Exhibition Match!"

——It’s the World Cup!!!

"You didn't tell me before!" Maori Jusaburo was a little depressed

""Pfft~ Didn't I tell you?" Nioh tilted his head with an innocent look.

He chuckled,"It's okay, Maori-senpai, it's not too late now!"

Maori Jusaburo:... It's not too early, thank you!

The red-haired teenager is now in tears, fortunately this junior is quite well-behaved and has no opinion on him, otherwise with his IQ, he might be deceived and sold out!!


But complaining doesn't stop him from watching the game.

This year's U17 World Cup is held in France, and what is being held on the field now is the World Cup exhibition match.

It has nothing to do with the overall ranking and elimination, it is just to show the strength between countries.

After a day of competition, Maori Jusaburo was very happy, his eyes were shining, and he didn't look depressed and bored at school at all.

"Nioh, I didn't see how powerful that person is.……"Hisaburo Mori vividly described,"I never knew tennis could be played like this!"

It's amazing!

"Tomorrow... you might be happier!" After seeing the schedule clearly, Niou smiled.

Tomorrow is the exhibition match of the Neon Team, and their opponent is the Australian team.

At night,

Maori Jusaburo was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He got up from the bed and wanted to see what Niou was doing. But when he walked to the door, he heard faint voices...

He gently opened the door a crack, and the conversation outside came in clearly.……

"I asked you to come alone, but you brought a burden to me!"

First there was a sneer and irritable voice.

Maori Jusaburo felt that the burden was talking about him, and frowned unhappily. What right did this person have to say that he was a burden?

"Senior Mori is not a burden!"

This is Niou's voice.

Hearing the junior defending himself, Mori Jusaburo felt warm in his heart.

Well, it was not in vain...

Byodoin Phoenix looked at him defending others like this, feeling particularly unhappy,"How is he not a burden, he looks like that idiot! No matter how you look at him, he is stupid!"

Watching a game, he can still yawn. People who don't respect others are not worthy of watching the game.

Mori (weakly raised his hand): I am jet-lagged...

Niou still had a smile on his face, but there were a few more gunshots on his head. Don't they know that they are the most protective of their Rikkai University?

The state is full, who cares who he is.——

"If I remember correctly, Uncle Byodoin, you just told me that there was a competition here! You didn't pay for my car fare... I paid for my airfare and accommodation myself! I brought a few people here, and we paid for it ourselves!——"

The boy's lips curled slightly, and his voice sounded full of smiles, but there was a knife blade hidden in his voice, scraping at him piece by piece."Watching the game is the right of everyone who loves tennis!"

"This is France, and France is not owned by your family!"

The implication is that you are meddling too much!

"……"The Phoenix of Byodoin bared her teeth, her eyes flashing with thunder and lightning,"You just want to go against me, right!"

She knew that he didn't mean that! He didn't even owe the accommodation fee.

"No way, I'm just explaining the facts to you, my senior!" Niou smiled, his expression was just right and obedient, and he confronted the other party with an unyielding tone.

Mori Jusaburo was his senior, and if he dared to look down on him, he would be an enemy of the entire Rikkai University!

"After all, I am a good young man of the 21st century. I respect the old and love the young. I am very protective of my seniors!"

He emphasized the last two words.


The coldness in his eyes grew stronger. This kid actually quarreled with him because of someone else! He is also a senior!!

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