Byodoin Phoenix tried to hold on to the last bit of his energy and said,"If I really can't compete... then forget it.……"

If he had hoped to recover quickly from his injuries with the help of Nioh's power at the beginning, now he knew that it was impossible...

Byodoin Phoenix felt as if he was dragged into the sea - his limbs were weak, his body was extremely heavy as if it was weighed down by countless iron blocks, his breathing was gradually weakening... the light in his pupils was also disappearing bit by bit... the world - was about to disappear before his eyes!

"Byodoin Phoenix——"This was the first time that Ren Wang felt this boundless fear.

"You, a kid, can get anxious too.……"Byodoin Phoenix tried hard to raise the corners of his lips for the last time,"I'm a little tired.……"

He tried to widen his eyes, his voice getting lower and lower, but with a strong sense of unwillingness,"If - I can play another game——"

"Should have……"



Hearing the voice in his arms gradually getting lower, Niou Masaharu lowered his eyes, the frost on his face was cold without a trace of warmth.

He suddenly raised his eyes, and his icy eyes stared at the Time Traveler in the distance,"——Don't leave any alive!"

The light voice, with an extreme chill, froze the surrounding swords!

They had never seen their lord so angry!

""Yes!" Several swords responded sharply.

The Time Travelers, who were already a defeated army, had no way to escape under the coordination of the short swords. The battlefield was quickly cleared and the Time Travelers were killed.

Yagen Tengshiro had already started to treat the Phoenix of Byodoin after the sword arrived.

"Lord……"The five tigers looked worriedly at Niou who was holding the Phoenix of Byodoin.

Since the treatment by Yaoyan brother just started, Niou Masaharu has not moved at all.

"Yiqi Ni, is the master really okay? I have never seen him like this before!"The well-behaved boy looked worried.

"I don't know either……"Ichiki Ichizhen rubbed Gokotui's head. He also saw this scene. This is the lord's human friend, but it seems that he is not an ordinary human friend.

"I just hope everyone is okay!"We can only hope.

The sun will finally rise... and everything will slowly get better!


"How is it?"As soon as Yagen Toushirou finished bandaging, Niou asked hurriedly

"My lord, his condition is not good!"Yaken Toushirou frowned and said,"The environment here is not good. I can only do simple bandaging for the time being. He must go to the hospital!"


Niou held up the body of Byodoin Phoenix and walked forward. They were already near the gate of the hospital. So they were very close...

As soon as he entered the gate, he was discovered by the sharp-eyed nurse, who quickly called for the doctor to help. In the emergency room, doctors and nurses were anxiously and panickingly pushing disinfection equipment to get them in place.

Niou stood at the door in a daze, watching the doctors tear off Byodoin Phoenix's coat, revealing his scarred back.

It was dark in the middle of the night just now, and the situation could not be seen clearly from outside. Even though he was very close to Byodoin Phoenix, he could not see his specific injuries clearly.

Moreover - the knife of the Time Traveler will not only leave external injuries, but will also cause severe damage to Byodoin Phoenix's soul.

【Kitsunesuke——Is there no way to take him to Honmaru for treatment?】Rio said coldly

【He can't get through now.——】Kitsunesuke said. It's not that he doesn't want to help, it's that the physical condition of the Phoenix of Byodoin doesn't meet the basic conditions for time travel.

It's no joke that a human body is stabbed by the Time Travelers.

Even if a strong divine sword is slashed by the Time Travelers during the mission, it will cause irreversible damage, or even death on the spot!

——Not to mention humans!

Niou clenched his fist and pounded it hard on the white wall,"Damn it!"

He thought he was strong enough, but he didn't expect that he couldn't protect anyone at the critical moment!

The doctors had already gone in, and the door of the emergency room opened and closed. Through the cracks in the door, Niou could see the scene inside.

He was ready, but - he still gasped when he saw it again. The room was filled with a disgusting bloody smell, and even a little bit coming through the cracks in the door was frightening!

——This is the most ominous smell in the world.

Doctors came and went, and everyone's face was full of solemnity.

He looked at the blond man lying flat on the bed, and the doctors were performing emergency treatment... Through the gap, Nio saw the bloody back and the blood flowing down the limp arm... It was particularly dazzling -

Nio took a few quick steps and walked to the door.

The noisy voices of the doctors talking inside poured into his ears, and Nou could no longer concentrate on listening to what they said.

He could only see - the tall man lying there, his brows furrowed, even if he was unconscious, it could not relieve his pain in the slightest, and the clothes on his upper body had been completely cut off at this moment.

His excellent eyesight allowed him to see the wounds on his back for the first time - the wounds were mainly on the back, and the most serious one was the penetrating wound caused by the strange samurai sword, which stabbed straight into the back and was pulled out mercilessly -

Yagen Toushirou helped to remove the hidden damage caused by the time-traveling army, but the blade was still there.

In addition, before he was fatally wounded, he saved a little girl, and the whole person was buried in the rubble... His brilliant golden hair was now gray and fluffy, and the wisps were particularly ugly, and his body was covered with smoke and dust from the ruins... The man who was usually as domineering as the scorching sun was now in a state of embarrassment...

Looking at the eye-catching wound on his back, Ren Wang thought to himself that it would be better to be covered in dirt!

The attending doctor came out, and Ren Wang closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down,"Doctor, how is he?"——"

"He is in very bad condition now and needs surgery!"

"……You continue to say——"Niou's breath was stagnant.

For athletes, surgery is a big taboo.

"Trauma is nothing!" said the doctor."His self-healing ability is quite strong. Although he lost a lot of blood, the accident is not serious.——"

King Ni lowered his eyes. Is this good news?

"only——"The doctor changed the subject

"The wound on his back damaged the nerves."The knife was stabbed very accurately and directly cut the spinal nerve on the bone.

The doctor said seriously,"Looking at his appearance, he is a tennis player. This kind of injury will definitely affect his career.——"

"Even surgery in the human world can't restore it?" Niou clenched his fist.

Duke Watanabe next to him had a serious expression,"How could it be……"

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