In the ward,

Byodoin Phoenix stared at Byodoin Phoenix lying on the bed.

After a while, he silently stretched out his hand.——

【Master, becoming a clan is something you have to do voluntarily.……】The silver fox reminded weakly.

Binding someone while they are unconscious is a bit too... shameless...


【Oh~ Really?】

Ryooh had no intention of retracting his hand, and he stretched out his hand towards the person on the bed even more firmly.

Sorry, I'm forcing him. He is very strong, and it's not the first time that I've forced him - but this time it's - I've locked him up!

If Byodoin Phoenix doesn't want to have the ability, get up and beat him now, don't throw everything on him... Humph!

His power comes with a soft white light, which shines through the palm of his hand and touches the body of Byodoin Phoenix.

At the moment the two sides touched, the light instantly merged into the body, and Byodoin Phoenix's entire body radiated white light.……

"I hope all the results will be as I wish!"

Ren Wang withdrew his hand and muttered to himself

【Shinsengumi, do you have any plans?】 Kitsunesuke asked

【nothing……】This was just a guess between him and Yagen Toushirou. If the guess was successful, then everything would be happy. If the guess was not successful, then it would be a big dream and it would all be in vain.

Therefore, everything depended on the final result.

He lowered his eyes, his clear green eyes were as blue as the sea, and the fox in the sky was staring at the sleeping blond man.

"……"Don't let me down!

Whether you can cross the final level depends on you!


Watanabe Duke followed the footsteps of Byodoin Phoenix and returned to the gathering place of the Neon Team.

His face looked strange and a little red. Tanejima Shuji asked with concern,"Duke-kun, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I was just impressed by the boss of Byodoin.——"

Watanabe Duke said with a smile.

He never thought that he would be threatened by a Japanese kid in a peaceful country, France, and the threat was very accurate. The knife was only one millimeter away from his neck...

He could even feel the cold air radiating from the knife...

Watanabe Duke had a feeling that the person who released this strong pressure was not the knife, but Niou Masaharu himself!

This person - too strong!

"I still think your plan is too risky.——"Watanabe Duke said,"But I can't stop you!"

The final ending is that Watanabe Duke was conquered by Niou's [Persistence]. He walked here peacefully and quietly...

As for the title - this was decided at the beginning after Byodoin Phoenix saved his sister. When he joined the Japanese team, Byodoin Phoenix was his only boss - although Niou was not, who made him bear the face of Byodoin Phoenix now?


That night, the main castle was brightly lit.

Yagen Toushirou came out of the inner room with a cup of water and immediately saw Ichiki Ichijin.


Ichigo nodded and asked,"How’s the guy inside?"

"The situation is recovering, everything is getting better, but to what extent he can recover in the future is still uncertain.——"Yagen Toushirou glanced inside and felt relieved when he saw the person inside breathing slowly and slowly.

It was worth it for the lord to go through so much trouble and try every possible means to bring him to Honmaru.

This person must not disappoint the lord and let his efforts go to waste.……

"I feel it, we have a new companion coming!"Ichiki Ichijin is a top-grade sword, he felt the arrival of a strong man. So, he came to see his brother's situation.……

"Companion?"Yakugen Toushirou was stunned. His master's account was basically full.

Could it be a new fashion sword?

"Did Yakiri Hasebe go to pick him up?"

Ichiki shook his head,"I don't know, I just felt the presence, so I came to take a look. I guess everyone will be here soon.……"

He is not the only strong man in Honmaru


Putting down the things in his hands, Yagen Toushirou changed his clothes and followed Ichigo Ichijin to greet his new companion.


""Kokoshimaru-dono, what are you doing?"

The two brothers looked at the swordsmen sitting in a group with a puzzled look.

If they were not blind, there seemed to be a little fox in the middle of the group, silver-white, not Kitsune no Sasuke.

"In our Honmaru, besides the Gokotai, does anyone else have a pet?"Yaken Toushirou pushed his glasses.

"No, this is our new companion.——"Xiao Hu playfully raised the silver fox's paw to greet Yagen Toushirou and Ichiki Ichijin

"This little fox is so lucky, its owner is actually the Lord!"Xiao Huwan said, suddenly showing his fangs, well... he is definitely not a little jealous……

"Is its owner the lord?"

Yaken Toushirou was surprised. This is really strange.

"It seems that there is a sword called Damocles now. There are seven swords that can be contracted to masters. He is the seventh one and can transform into a little fox.……"

After the explanation, everyone finally understood the origin and function of this silver fox.

Although they were very bothered by the fact that there was a new fox in the main hall,……

"Anyway, the lord's strength has also increased, so it's no loss or gain!"

They have a grand goal in Honmaru, and they have to work hard with the lord to achieve it.

"So the lord is now... competing outside?"

"What is a tennis match like? I really want to watch it!"Niou Masaharu has played tennis for two years, but the swords have never watched a serious match.

Speaking of this topic, three swords in a pile of swords looked at each other silently, looked at each other, and then looked at each other again, and then remained silent, not saying a word...

I always feel that if I speak now, I will be beaten up by everyone...

I'd better shut up!


The U17 World Cup group stage officially started today, and Duke Watanabe officially became a member of the Neon team today.

He was very happy to help his benefactor fulfill his wish, but whenever he thought of the truth of the Byodoin Phoenix incident, he felt a little nervous.

As the only person who knows the truth among all people, who can understand this heavy feeling?

I don't know. Nioh——

"What happened to Byodoin Phoenix? Where is he?"

Before the first game, the team assembled. Everyone was there, except for Byodoin Phoenix.

Coach Kurobe said unhappily,"What happened to him these past two days? He's always late.——"

"Maybe... this……"No one lives with the Phoenix of Byodoin. It's not that they hate it. It's just that the pressure from the Phoenix Tyrant himself is almost unbearable for anyone.

"I'll call——"Duke Watanabe volunteered.

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