"That's the Byodoin Phoenix!" A beam of fire shot out of Niou's eyes, breaking through the dead silence of the lake, making his whole face come alive again.

He sneered and said,"How could the skills of the Byodoin Phoenix be so easy to imitate!"

Although he could forcibly change the perception of his appearance. But the difference in skills and five-dimensional values could not be made up in a short time.

He and the Byodoin Phoenix were not players of the same level from the beginning!

In this case, the phantom became the Byodoin Phoenix - hehe, that would be a murder!

"Then your next game……"Watanabe Duke took a breath and said

"You don't need to care about this.——"Niou stood up, threw the tennis bag on the sofa, sat next to it, and turned on the TV. The video of the game of Byodoin Phoenix was playing.

Duke Watanabe didn't bother to ask him how he got the video of Byodoin Phoenix's game.

"You are crazy!"A match against a not-so-strong British team had already made Niou pale. His body was so weak that he was about to collapse.

What about the strong opponents in the future?

America, France, Switzerland, and even Germany!

None of them is easy to deal with!

What should he do then?

——Risking your life?!

"How to do it is my business——"Ren Wang didn't even turn his head, staring at the TV intently

"Niou Masaharu——"Duke Watanabe is angry

"Bang Bang Bang——"Three knocks on the door made the two people in the room pause.

"——Come in!"When Duke Watanabe came back to his senses, Niou had already turned into the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple.

"Boss——"Yue Zhi Yue Guang walked straight in."I have a friend... his junior is missing."

His cold eyes stared at the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple motionlessly,"The name of this junior is - Niou Masaharu!"

Watanabe Duke took a short breath, which instantly attracted Yue Zhi Yue Guang's attention.

"Duke, what's wrong with you?"Yue Zhiyue looked at the man next to him with a sharp, searching gaze.

"Nothing...nothing!" Watanabe Duke was sweating.

"Really?" Yuezhi Yueguang asked casually, turning his head to look at Byodoin Phoenix again,"Boss, do you know this person?"

"——I know him!" Of course, Byodoin Phoenix knew that this was his only answer.

"He is the junior I am optimistic about, I asked him to do something else!"

The eyes of the Phoenix of Equal Court were still cold, without a single flaw,"What? Don't I even have the right to let my junior do something?"

"It's nothing, it's just my friend who is in a hurry!"Yue Zhi Yue Guang said,"Boss, can you let the kid come over to meet his senior now?——"

"He is dealing with something urgent right now, so he can't see anyone for the time being. Maybe it will take two days!"Bidaoin Phoenix looked at the red-haired Maori Shouzabulang behind Yuezhiyueguang.

"But I promise you - he will not be in any danger! Everything he does is in accordance with his own will!"

"Are you sure there won't be any danger?" Maori Jusaburo asked again to confirm the answer.

"Senior, I hope you don't think I'm annoying. I just haven't seen him for two or three days and I'm a little worried.——"

"I guarantee in the name of U17 that absolutely nothing will happen to him!"

"Then I feel relieved!" Maori Juzaburo nodded with satisfaction.

Byodoin Phoenix did not keep them for long. After the two came out...

Maori Juzaburo began to thank the tall and cold man,"Thank you, Moonlight-san. If it weren't for you, I might not even be able to find anyone.……"

He rubbed his head and said with a bit of self-loathing,"I am really incompetent as a senior. I know nothing and can't do anything.——"

Yue Zhi Yue Guang said,"No, you have done a good job!" At least it helped me solve the problem.

"Maori-kun, are you interested in watching the game together next time? I can also teach you some skills," Yuezhi Yueguang invited him,"as a reward for your help at that time!"

He remembered Maori Jusaburo, who came to him at first because he was confused about his height. Then can you help teach him?——

"Is that okay?"After getting the ending that could be taught, Maori Jusaburo, who was a little confused at first, instantly ignored everything and thought happily of Yuezhi Yueguang.

"Of course!"

Yuezhi Yueguang nodded, this was his compensation.

When things are pleasant, everything before is not important.

Therefore, Maori Shouzaburo did not see the inquiry in Yuezhi Yueguang's eyes, of course, these inquiries were not directed at him.

"Have you heard of Yuezhi Yueguang's name in the competition before?"Ryo asked.

As soon as the two left, he changed back to his original appearance. Maintaining the power of the Byodoin Phoenix requires the dual assistance of spiritual power and mental power.

It is not a big deal for him normally, but it is a burden for him now.——

"A person with extremely strong mental power! His mental attacks are very targeted, and many things cannot be hidden from his eyes!"Duke Watanabe sighed and said this

"It's really difficult.——"Niou thought to himself.

His identity probably couldn't be hidden from Yuezhi Yueguang.

But... he didn't expose it just now. If it wasn't for the sake of Duke Watanabe, it was probably because he was afraid that things would have unexpected results.

For example... the Neon team that lost the Phoenix of Byodoin.

He must and can only help him to keep it secret - just as Duke Watanabe said, the game with the British team is the easiest.

And each of the following teams is a first- class player that is difficult to beat... and the first mountain that Niou needs to consider now is the America team!

After seeing this name, Niou rubbed his back teeth unhappily.

He has no good impression of this nation that calls for freedom... Now, the most rubbish country in the world is America.

Doing disgusting things one after another secretly - but the team chosen by America is not bad.

It's this blonde hair - he really wants to ask, is blonde hair the standard for all captains?

Why do all captain-level characters have blonde hair ?

Is it to look fashionable and handsome, or to look good!

No matter what the reason was, when he and Reinhardt looked into each other's eyes, the boy could not help but feel shocked.

This level of mental crushing - is this the captain of America? He is quite capable -

Byodoin Phoenix licked his lips gently, and his moist eyes reflected the luster on everyone's face at this moment. He stared at the man opposite him closely...

This man, no matter from his posture or state, could not see any flaws!

He is a ruthless man!

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