The game is always full of ups and downs, even if the Byodoin Phoenix is very strong. But the U17 World Cup is a team competition. If one person makes a mistake, the whole team may lose.

In the past two years, there have been many strong teams in the U17 World Cup. The American team that he defeated before, where Reinhardt was, was just one of the stronger ones!

As a spectator, Nioh had made sufficient preparations, but when the ending came, he still felt that everything came so fast and so suddenly!

Obviously... everyone worked so hard, and the Byodoin Phoenix was so strong! Obviously, this shouldn't be the ending -

Nioh, who was sitting in the audience, exhaled a breath of depression, he knew that this ending was inevitable.

Although the current Neon team is very strong, compared with the strong German team... the gap is still very large!

Don't you see, even the red-haired middle-aged uncle couldn't laugh out loud in this game!

Meeting Germany in the group stage directly cut off Neon's continued path.

Although the group points are still at the forefront, but - the role of points is only the final ranking!

"Niou-kun——"Yue Zhiyueguang came to find him

"I know I will go and let them not worry!"

The Byodoin Phoenix disappeared the moment the game ended.

Not really...

He calmly took care of all the things that had ended, told everyone where to go, summarized the experience with the coaching staff, and arranged the return tickets and the necessary travel...

He was so quiet that no one noticed anything unusual. When everyone thought that the Byodoin Phoenix was satisfied this time, it disappeared!

"Where can he go?"

Coach Kurobe was not worried. The will of the Phoenix of Byodoin was stronger than they thought. At most, he would find a quiet place for a while.

But he was only a 17 or 18-year-old boy after all...


If you hadn't said it, I would have forgotten that the ghost Jujiro was also a 17 or 18-year-old boy.


"Let's split up and look for it.——"The U17 player said.

The phone is not working, this is the last resort.

In the crowd, Yue Zhiyue nodded, and when everyone separated to look for him, he called Niou.

He firmly believed that Niou Masaharu and Byodoin Phoenix would have a deeper connection than them.——

"Can you find him?" Maori Jusaburo also heard everything.

"Let's try it!" Niou dialed the phone, but no one answered.

Maori Jusaburo sighed,"France is so big, how can we find him without his contact information?——"

They are not gods, how can they rescue people in the vast ocean?

Nio paused, it's not that there is no way, but there is no way to show it in front of Maori senior——

"Senior, how about we split up and look for him!"

Niou said seriously,"Bidaoin Senior lost the game. What if he hides in a corner crying, or wants to jump into the river - jump off the building - jump into the lake?"

"We have to hurry and find him. We can't let him take you there alone, right?——"

Niou's words were very serious, but Maori Jusaburo paused for a moment and believed it.

The red-haired boy's expression suddenly became solemn,"You are right.——"

He slapped his thigh with a serious and anxious look,"We must find him quickly.——"

He stood up and patted Niou on the shoulder,"What are you waiting for? Hurry up - the two of us will search faster if we split up!"

After Maori Jusaburo's back disappeared, a silver-white fox suddenly jumped out of Niou's body.

【Master, are you a little bit stupid?——】

As the sword of Damocles, it certainly knows what kind of subordinate Niou Masaharu has contracted.

Mori Jusaburo and Niou Masaharu are really one person who dares to say and one person who dares to believe!


【I was surprised too! 】

Who wouldn’t be surprised



With the help of the power induction between the Sword of Damocles and his subordinates, Niou quickly found his direction.

The Phoenix of Byodoin did not go to any incredible place.

This is France, so he chose the highest and most famous place - to overlook the beautiful mountains and rivers, the four seasons!

"They all thought you would be by the river!" The white-haired boy walked to the blond man and casually put his arm on the railing like him, saying

"Humph, by the river! Do you think I'm going to jump into the river?"The man sneered, mocking his friends' unreliability.

"Then why don't you come find me by the river?"

"We have telepathy.——"The young man narrowed his eyes and smiled,"Before you came up, didn't you feel it?"

Ren Wang pointed at his heart,"That is the power between us.——"

At present, he only has one subordinate, the Phoenix of Byodoin. So it is not wrong to say so!

The man's eyes became much deeper at this moment, but the boy who was only concerned with understanding him did not notice

"Do you know what I'm thinking as I stand here?"

"The feeling of the top?!"

"right——"The man laughed frivolously,"From the moment I stepped onto the tennis court, I knew that one day I would be the best in the world! Become the strongest person in the world!"

But today he lost. His friends passed all their will to him, but he——

"Why do you want to put the outcome of the team competition on yourself?"Ren Wang propped himself up, sat on the railing, and glared at him unhappily.

"You haven't even had a chance to fight that Borg yet. What does it have to do with you if they lose?——"

Byodoin Phoenix didn't even have time to play in the singles match!

"But I know……"The blond man was about to say something, but was interrupted by Niou.

"I never thought I could beat Reinhardt!"

The Phoenix of Byodoin looked back:"……"

"What are you looking at me for?" The young man smiled and said,"Even if the illusion becomes you and I borrow your power, I am the one who is really fighting the game!"

The war between him and Reinhardt - it was Niou Masaharu who used his blood and flesh, and every cell in his body to fight for his life to win the game. It was a victory he won fairly!

The young man narrowed his eyes and raised his head proudly,"Are you going to deny my record?"


The young man's eyes glowed with golden shadows under the shining light, and he proudly announced his achievements from the high and mighty emperor.

The Byodoin Phoenix rolled his tongue and chuckled,"That is indeed your victory!"

"Humph~" The corner of Ren Wang's mouth curled up, and the emperor turned into a prince, with a cunning smile,"If we can't compete this year, then we can come again next year.——"

"If it doesn’t work, I will be your successor!"

The young man said,"If they can’t do it, we can do it together!"

"Humph, I will graduate next year, and you are still in the third grade!" Byodoin Phoenix snorted, but did not object to the topic of successor.

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