"What did you say?" Hearing this, Ren Wang rubbed his ears in disbelief.

"You heard it right, the seventh king, the colorless king's sword of Damocles appeared over Neon Tokyo three days ago!"

Kunishoji said. Nioh


【Kitsunesuke, if I heard correctly, he was talking about the Seventh Sovereign, right?——】

【That’s right! Shinsengumi!】 Kitsunesuke’s tail couldn’t shake anymore.

Not only his tail, but his brain couldn’t work either!

Three days ago, it seemed that the Shinsengumi was still in France!

Then who does this sword of Damocles rising over Tokyo belong to?

And - if there is already a Colorless King, then what is his Shinsengumi?

Colorless Little King?

Kitsunesuke was not satisfied. Letting his Shinsengumi cross over to become the Colorless King was already the greatest sincerity and concession of the Time Government. Why was it automatically downgraded now and became someone else’s appendage?

It’s hilarious to even hear it!

Kitsunesuke, who puts his master’s life above all else, was furious. He jumped out with a bang and walked in front of Kunitsuneji Daijuku with his heroic little paws.

【Mr. Kuni Tsunero, as a representative of the Time Government, I need you to give me a reasonable explanation! 】 His round fox eyes were narrow and cold at this moment, [If you cannot abide by the agreement and give the Shinsengumi a reasonable status, I will inform the top leaders of the Time Government to abolish the peace agreement with you! 】

What a joke, there can only be one Shinsengumi in a world, one in a million - don't they have anyone to protect them?!!

"Not really——"Guo Changlu Dajue did not feel offended, he said calmly,"I saw a complicated line of fate, two colorless lines intertwined, and one of them originated from the crack in time and space!"

"You mean he came from another world?"Ryooh is not a fool

"That's right!"Ren Wang has become the seventh king. The sword on his head and the silver fox are not fake.

And on the fate line, another colorless line is shining with a strange light.……

"You better be careful next time!"

Although he is well aware of fate, his ability will be halved when facing the king. He can only warn the king.——

"There can only be one seventh king, so……"Kunijoji Daijuku was a little worried.

Niou curled his lips,"So I have to be careful to avoid his pursuit or provocation next time, right?"


Both of them nodded.

Facing the worried eyes of several people, Niwang was very calm. He hadn't seen anyone who dared to snatch food from the fox's mouth for a long time.

The current ending is just as he wanted. Anyway, he didn't want to have too much power and become a target in the open.

It's good for him to hunt the colorless king in the open in secret - after adding the contact information of Reisi Munakata, Niwang said goodbye.

Since connecting with the real world, Niwang can enter Honmaru through houses in various places. And his new residence is in an ancient garden in the city center.……

【Shinsengumi, we can't be careless this time! Kitsunesuke followed closely behind Nioh, [The power of the king is terrifying, and the Colorless King is the most special one among them. No one can define his ability... So, you must stay vigilant!]

Nioh stretched lazily, letting the breeze from the main palace blow his hair, his eyes flickered slightly, [Haha, isn't that good? It happens that there is someone in front of me as a precedent, so that I can learn to use power better!】


Kitsunesuke was stunned.

Niou chuckled and turned back, [Don't you think so?]

There is no happier ending than now. A stranger bears the title of Colorless King and helps him resist the storm of the king.

At the same time, show his own strength, let him use it as a reference, distinguish the difference...

In the end - sit back and reap the benefits!

【squeak……】Kitsunesuke was so stupid, he was only worried, and forgot that his family's Shinsengumi was one of the top ten in the government of time, and he was a [fox] who recovered a large number of swords at the young age of six!

Ah~ It turned out that it was the injury a while ago that made it continue to judge

【Since you have made up your mind, I will not say any more! 】 Kitsunesuke lowered his eyebrows and said, 【But guards must be arranged - otherwise the swordsmen in Honmaru will not agree!】


Yakiri Hasebe got the news immediately and made the most rigorous arrangements, including the extremely fast short sword, the agile sword wakizashi, and the strongest large sword and gun. The coordination of three to four swords ensured that nothing was missed. The greatest safety of the Shinsengumi could be guaranteed at all times!


""Shinsen-sama, what should we do with that person?" Yakiri Hasebe gritted his teeth when he mentioned this name.

"Huh?"Ren Wang didn't respond.

"Your spiritual power is mixed with a violent force……"Mikazuki Munechika, known as the most beautiful sword, reminded with a smile."Although it is not obvious, it is contrary to your blue spiritual power... Are you sure you have nothing to tell us?"


You've already reminded me!

"cough cough——"He put his fist to his mouth and coughed twice,"Um…I recently gained a new power, the King of Reality!"

"The name of power——【phantom】!"

Niou still likes to call it phantom.

It changes everything and affects everything. It is an illusion of looking at the moon in the water, and a shadow as black as ink!

His existence will be as natural as water and as silent as the wind. It will be as violent as the huge waves on the sea, and will sweep everything like a tornado!


Kitsunesuke, who was eating fried tofu, smacked his lips.【……】

Is there something wrong with this introduction?

"Commander, don't avoid the topic.……"The pink-haired beauty's voice had a sense of timidity, but it was filled with an undeniable persistence that made Ren Wang alert, and her voice was trembling a little.

The boy quickly stood up and said,"Souza-san, are you done with your battle?"

"Haha, that's right, it just ended yesterday!" Souzo Sawamonji narrowed his eyes slightly, half smiling, and looked at the white-haired boy in front of him with a cold look on his face.

"I didn't expect to hear that a lot of things happened recently when I came back!" He sat down lightly, his voice calm,"Yakiri Hasebe too, how dare you not tell me!"

Yakiri Hasebe felt a chill on his back, lowered his head and dared not speak:"……"

The first sword in their Honmaru was Souzo Sahmonji!

Generally speaking, it is rare to draw a Souzo Sahmonji as the first sword, but the young Nioh tapped the Souzo Sahmonji, which represents the supreme status, and it lit up! What's more


Souzo Sahmonji was not the Souzo Sahmonji they imagined!

This was a half-broken blade that had retreated from the battlefield!

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