"Yagyu~" A game was over, and Niou walked into the court with a leisurely pace. A group of non-starters who had just played against Yagyu Hiroshi hurriedly bowed and chose to leave. The conversation between the starters was not something that small minions like them could listen to.……

"Are the warm-up activities over?" He looked at Yagyu Birusi with a smile.

Yagyu Birusi pushed his eyes and said bluntly,"You can just tell me what you want to do.……"

They have been partners for a year, so there is no need to beat around the bush in front of him. He saw that there was something ambiguous in this guy's eyes.……

"Let's play a game!" Ren Wang held the racket with a scorching gaze,"You have countless emotions in your heart that need to be vented, and so do I!"

"How about it? Want to have a fight?"The young man said something so enchanting that it was impossible to refuse, especially Yagyu Hiroshi who had been looking forward to it for a whole year.

""Okay!" He agreed in a resounding voice. The next second, his eyes behind the glasses flashed with a sharp light, and Yagyu Hiroshi said,"It's time for you to witness my progress!"

"Oh, I'm really looking forward to it!"Ryo smiled and tilted his head.

This temporarily arranged competition officially started after the club activities were over.

As for why we had to wait until the club activities were over,——

"They don't deserve to see their partner lose so miserably!"Although Niou is like this, he is also very protective of his child.

Of course, this sounds a bit too provocative.

Yagyu Biroshi pushed his glasses and said,"Yes, of course he lost miserably, and I feel embarrassed too!"

Don't get me wrong, he said Niou lost!

The two of them stared at each other in the air. The game hasn't even started yet, but the sky is already filled with flames.

"Wow, these two seem to be quite ruthless!" Marui, who likes to watch the fun, said,"Are they serious?"

"Rikkai University's competition is a real one!"Liu pushed his glasses, put on the camera, and took out his notebook, waiting for the two of them to start the competition~

"Speaking of which, Yagyu's strength should not be better than Niou!" Marui asked.

Although Yagyu looked very confident, it was true. But - some things... are destined!

"I can't beat him, so I don't understand, what's the point of Niou arranging this match?"Yanagi Renji also couldn't understand Niou's operation.

If it was just to attack Yagyu, there was no need to be so cruel as a partner! Niou is not such a cruel person.

But if it's not for this, what's the point of this match?

All the mysteries had answers at the beginning of the game, when Niou waved his hand.

Niou waved his hand lightly, and a dazzling white light quickly covered his entire body. When the white light faded, the white-haired boy who was standing there had disappeared, and was replaced by a purple-haired boy wearing glasses and pursing his lips.

Purple hair is normal, wearing glasses is normal, and pursing the lips is normal, but - what's abnormal is - there is an identical one on the opposite side!

"Damn, how did he do that?!!!"

Everyone saw the changes just now. The person standing there just now was clearly Niou, how come it turned into Yagyu Hiroshi in the blink of an eye?

Marui rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but no matter how he rubbed, the people on both sides were exactly the same,"Is this guy cheating?"

Yagyu Hiroshi's pupils widened, his face full of shock,"Niou, what are you doing?" The one who responded to him was 'Yagyu Hiroshi' with a sneer on his lips,"Laser beam——"

A bright yellow light suddenly hit the inner court, and the speed was so fast that it felt like lightning. Yagyu Hiroshi didn't expect that he would take the lead in attacking without saying anything, and he was caught off guard and scored the victory directly.


""Wow, he even learned the special moves!" Marui exclaimed in amazement.

Yanagi Renji was so excited when he took notes that he wrote furiously on the notebook with a pen, as if he was going to draw flowers.

He was so shocked by what Niou showed today. Could he transform into everyone? Or could he only transform into Yagyu Birosi?

Everything excited him. He couldn't wait to write down all the data in the notebook - the two Yagyu Birosi in the middle of the court had already started to stare at each other and communicate with the tennis ball.

His special moves and appearance were learned clearly by the bastard opposite him - no one would be able to open it.

What made Yagyu Biroshi even more upset was that, although it was only one attack, the laser beam displayed by Niwang was almost perfect. Even if he had completely mastered the laser beam recently and completely integrated this move into various opportunities, he would not make mistakes again. This was simply a slap in his face!

Yagyu Biroshi was very upset, and the consequences were serious - it was like a full-scale burst, attacking without cost, shooting towards the fake Yagyu opposite. It was quite a posture of wanting money but not life - causing the surrounding spectators to exclaim

"I've never seen a Yagyu who doesn't fight so hard!"The first person watching the fun, Marui Bunta, said

"So, can Yagyu-senpai also be a passionate type of player?"Afterwards, the second Kirihara Akaya who was watching the fun said so

"It seems that we can give him more training in the future!"This is a very satisfied Yanagi Renji. He said before that he was too indulgent to Yagyu.

Now... finally found the right time and excuse!

The game in the field is still going on. Facing Yagyu's super explosion, 'Yagyu Birushi' seems to be particularly at ease, with light steps, calm eyes, and a gentleman's elegance when waving his hands. He completely integrates the word gentleman into his tennis. He is more like Yagyu than Yagyu!

"Nioh, this guy is amazing!"If they hadn't determined which side was real and which side was fake at the beginning, they might have been fooled by Nioh.

Marui took out his mobile phone with great interest, ready to leave a souvenir of this crucial scene!

""Bunta, don't do anything stupid. That's Niou after all!" Liu said without raising his head,"No matter how many photos you take with your phone, it's a match between Niou and Yagyu. There can't be two Yagyu at the same time!" He said this for a long time, but no one answered. Rikkai University's military advisor raised his eyes and saw a trembling body in front of him, and Marui Bunta was shaking so much that his hands were about to fall off.

"What's wrong with you?" Others also noticed Marui Bunta's abnormality.

Marui Bunta said tremblingly,"But what I took a picture of were two Yagyu!"

"Yanagi, Sanada, are you saying that there is something wrong with my eyes? Am I already terminally ill?"

"What did you say?"Several people were very surprised and surrounded them with a bang. The two Yagyu Hiroshi in the camera really shocked them so much that they were speechless.

But no matter how shocked they were - there were really two Yagyu!

"Nioh is cheating……"If even the camera can't tell the difference, then I have completely become someone else!

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