[Is this really the only reason?] Kitsunesuke, who knew that the silver-white fox was sent to Yukimura, asked

【of course not……】Niou smiled cunningly. How could he do things for only this one reason?

However, Kitsunesuke didn't need to know the other reasons for the time being, and would talk about them later.


Although I don't know where this raccoon cat came from, its appearance finally broke the silence of the long night.

And this exaggerated and silly performance made Yukimura suddenly feel a lot happier.

"You can't sleep on the bed, you can only sleep on the table tonight!" He is a patient now, and the bed carries germs. His own immune system is also very low, and it is not good for mutual infection and mutual harm. He stretched out his two hands and picked up the collar of the little raccoon very kindly, and put it on the table. Yukimura closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The silver-white fox, who dared to move after five minutes, wanted to cry but had no tears."……"

Woohoo, damn, this is what you said about your Yukimura Minister being a good person.

Who would grab a cat by the collar and put it on the table?

He even turned into a kitten, what a waste of such a good-looking appearance

【Meow... Bah, cough, master, are you there? Can I leave now? 】Under the eaves, he had to bow his head. He was now the fox of Nio, so he couldn't just run away. He had to ask the opinion of this shitty master.

【How do Yukimura's people feel? Is he particularly good?]

At this moment, Niou has not slept yet and is waiting for the final feedback.

To be honest, he is really looking forward to the collision between the silver fox and Yukimura. When these two characters, one smart and the other dark, meet together, many interesting things will definitely happen.

【He is really so nice.……】We are all foxes, so don't pretend to be innocent. Everyone can hear the gloating behind Ren Wang's words.

The black and white fox gnashed his teeth and said,"Thank you very much, Master, for finding me such a good person whom I have never met before."……】

I have never seen anyone who dares to grab his collar like this. Thank you so much!

Niou laughed [You're welcome! As your master, of course I have to think about you! ]

No one noticed that Yukimura suddenly had a little friend.


"Um, nurse, did you see a cat on my desk?"The next morning, Yukimura woke up and found that the cat was gone.

"Cat, no~" The nurse was very puzzled. This is a hospital, how could there be a cat? Many people in the hospital are allergic to cats."Maybe it's in the garden outside."……"

"Really? Good!" Yukimura's smile faded a little. Could it be that he had just dreamed last night?

There was no cat to accompany him at all. He was too lonely, so he had a fantasy?

The Son of God, who was always calm and composed, had a dark face."……"

He shouldn't be such a thirsty person!

Niou, who is far away in Rikkai University:...Ah, who missed me?


Once the year is about to end, everything gets busy. Everyone is busy passing the exams before the year ends!

Yes, the exams!

Although the most important achievement for a member of the tennis club is the victory of the tennis club and the champion of the national competition, as a player, they also need to take care of the final exams.

And the most miserable person is...

Yanagi Renji - to be honest, Yanagi Renji never thought that after joining the tennis club, what would give him a headache was not the improvement of the members' tennis skills, but the improvement of someone's academic performance!!!


His soft and smooth short hair had been scratched into a mess. The boy, who was always calm and composed, had his eyes wide open, as if he couldn't believe what he saw. The

A4 papers on the table seemed like C4 papers. The slightest movement would blow him into a bloody mess, with bones and flesh flying everywhere.

Niou covered his mouth to stop the cough in his throat, and looked at the collapsed person in front of him with a smile. He had never seen Yanagi Renji like this since he entered the tennis club.

Sure enough, there is harm in comparison~

Kirihara shrank his neck pitifully, not daring to say a word. He was the one who caused all the consequences now. He really didn't dare to provoke Yanagi Renji anymore.

"Kirihara, can you tell me how you got this score?"

Yanagi Renji raised the corner of his mouth (although the corner of his mouth was cold, which made him look even more terrifying)."Math 18, Chinese 23, English 46."

After seeing this score, Yanagi Renji was surprised,"How did you do better in English than Chinese and math combined?"

He didn't think this guy could understand that string of English letters.

Kirihara blinked his innocent eyes and said,"Because English only needs to write abcd!" The probability of guessing one out of four is still quite high!


Holding his forehead in pain, Yanagi Renji looked at the scores of other subjects that had not yet been read out. Those scores were even more terrible, with the lowest being in the single digits.

If Kirihara were to take the final exam with this score, he would definitely not pass it. Then what about his competition next year...

The tennis club has already lost Yukimura, and cannot lose another strong Kirihara.

"Everyone, the most important thing is to help Kirihara with his lessons!"Yanagi Renji gave the order with a serious face,"From so many subjects, everyone should pick one!"

We must comprehensively improve the outstanding and make up for the weak!

The others who were still watching the fun were instantly embarrassed. Well, actually, there was only Marui.


"Yanagi, I can't do it! I'm also flying low here!"

Marui wailed, proving his innocence. He could only take care of himself, how could he help Kirihara?

"I didn't say anything about you!" Liu looked at him speechlessly.

He didn't expect anything from him!

"Kuwabara, keep an eye on the person next to you and make sure he doesn't have any problems!"Yuliao's headache became more and more serious. None of the people in their tennis club were worry-free.

Although Kirihara was the most troublesome, others also had many problems. For example, Marui, who flew low at low altitude, could not guarantee that he would be so lucky every time. And...——

"Niou, could you please put your hands down? Stop laughing!"

"What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have anything to do with this, right?"Ryo is super innocent

"Remind me of your music lesson?" Liu almost broke his teeth from biting himself.

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