The disciple was embarrassed.

So everything he said just now was heard by Ren Wang?

"Um...I can explain this matter.……"

Ren Wang smiled:"Oh, tell me about it~"

I want to see what fart can come out of this person's mouth

"Yes, that is……"The young disciple looked at the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple watching the excitement nearby in shock and fear. He had countless resentments in his heart. The eldest master was too unreliable. He knew there was someone behind him, so why didn’t he stop him? He didn’t even remind him!!!

Who is his heart on ?

The disciple pouted in his heart. He still had the nerve to say that he didn’t have any special feelings for him. It seemed that his heart had gone to a different place. He didn’t have any special feelings...

Thinking of this, the resentment in his heart exploded! He had to do something. Anyway, the eldest master couldn’t punish him in the end.

The worst that could happen was that he would go out to exorcise demons for a month. He had experienced this before!

The disciple cleared his throat and said directly to the King of Ren, who was still interested,"I mainly want to be an assist and break through the window paper between you, so that the two of you don’t have to talk about it and don’t know what to do.——"

The disciple patted the shoulder of the Phoenix of Byodoin and recommended him to Niou,"Young Master Niou, although our eldest master looks fierce and is not a good person, to be honest, he has a special feeling for you!"

"Super real——!!!"

He smiled and looked excited,"You can definitely give it a try. After all, you're a man, and you won't lose anything if you try!"

This direct sales pitch confused Ren Wang.

After saying that, the disciple patted his butt and left, running faster than anyone else. Only Ren Wang and Byodoin Phoenix were left... Holding hands and looking at each other with tears in their eyes, they were speechless... Pah, the embarrassment of looking at each other in silence!

It was really embarrassing……

"cough cough……"Finally, it was Byodoin who broke the silence,"That guy is out of his mind, don't bother with him!"

""Pu Li~" Ren Wang lowered his eyes,"Okay, whatever you say is what it is.

It's more embarrassing to expose everything now, right!

"By the way, since I'm already in Kyoto, why don't you take some time to go to Kanagawa with me?……"Ren Wang raised his eyebrow and asked,"When are you leaving?"

At this moment, they had already left the martial arts arena and came to the reception room.

"You can always stay for a few days!" Byodoin Phoenix wondered,"What are you going to Kanagawa for?"

Niou smiled and said,"My family wants to see you too.——"

The Byodoin Phoenix, who was drinking water, spat out water with a puff,"Ahem...what did you say?"

Is it okay to say that?

"I accidentally became the king, and you became my subordinate, so the swords in my house want to meet you!"Ryo said leisurely while lying on the table."Your reaction can't be fear~"

"By the way, where are your family members? Why are you always with swords?"Byodoin Phoenix took a sip of water and asked to change the subject.

"This... there must be some reasons!" Niou paused for a moment before speaking.

The Byodoin Phoenix, who did not get an answer, was also stunned. If an ordinary thing does not get a normal answer, it means that there is something abnormal!

"……"For a moment, he wanted to apologize but didn't know how to start.

Seeing that the boy's eyes were slightly restrained, although he was not disappointed, his mood was obviously not good. Byodoin Phoenix knew that he had said the wrong thing.

Nio lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and suddenly felt his body warm while he was in a daze. His broad chest was still slightly sweaty from just doing exercise, and he was full of sports style.

But people with sports style are always careless and don't care much about these minor emotions - but now...

Nio didn't expect Byodoin Phoenix to be able to detect his low mood so quickly, and it was another hug...

The young man's emotions were passionate and unrestrained. He asked everything he wanted to know, but when he realized that it was inappropriate, he could express his apologies in time...

The two chests were very close - so close that he could hear the sound of Byodoin Phoenix's heartbeat. Compared with the last time when her breathing seemed to be intentional and hot, this time... it was normal and comforting.

Even though she was about to break the 1.80 meter mark, Byodoin Phoenix was still half a head taller than him. The hard hair brushed across half of his cheek, but it didn't feel as itchy as he had imagined... He only felt as if his heart was placed in soft warm water, being warmed and treated with care!

Ren Wang was not angry in the first place, and he was even less angry now.

"I... didn't mean to bring up your sad story!" He said this sentence with great hesitation and clumsiness.

The Byodoin Phoenix, who was always sharp-tongued and would not hesitate to attack people, for the first time retracted her spikes and showed him her softness at the core.

"I don’t know...what happened in your family. But - if you are wronged in the future, you can tell me at any time and I will take care of it for you!"

Nioh patted his chest, motioning him to let go, and then smiled gently,"It’s not what you think, my life is very good now!"

Although he has experienced lows, everyone takes good care of him. He lives happily in his new home.

Seeing the disbelief in the eyes of the Byodoin Phoenix, Nioh smiled and teased,"Byodoin-kun is not afraid of my swords, so he doesn’t believe it!"

The young man put his hands on his hips and smiled brightly,"No matter how scared you are, you still have to go to Kanagawa! My Souzo said that if you don’t go, then don’t even think about going there again in the future.——"

These words made the Byodoin Phoenix's skin tighten unconsciously."……"

How can you limit the future directly?

"I'll go!"

I must go!

"When are we leaving?" He was even a little anxious.

"Let's finish your business first!" Ren Wang smiled.

He just arrived here today, and since he came to meet guests, of course he had to eat before leaving, otherwise it would seem very impolite.

Although Byodoin Phoenix's father looked very kind, and the elders in the family were also very good, there were some issues - they had to meet, and the head of the family and the elders had to discuss again before a final decision could be made.

Byodoin Phoenix and he knew this very well, so there were a series of activities such as looking at rooms to kill time, kendo duels, etc.!

They were all waiting for a final decision.


"The life story of Niou Masaharu is so unsettling."The head of the Byodoin family sat on the main seat with a serious face. Thinking of the information he had seen, he couldn't help but marvel at it.

"I thought Phoenix's previous experience could be regarded as a legend, but I didn't expect this child to be even more extraordinary!" The elder on the side also said so. The God Judge of the Time Government concurrently serves as the Seventh King - and is the only survivor ten years ago!

Such a person, after experiencing such a terrible disaster, can still live with a healthy mentality and peace to this day, which is enough to show that this child will become a great man in the future!

Moreover - he is also a good child with an excellent character, grateful, and knows how to advance and retreat!

"If Phoenix can become good friends with him, the Byodoin family will surely prosper in the future!"

"It’s too early for you to be happy, because now Fenghuang has been accepted as his subordinate!" Other elders were also worried.

The head of the Edoin family sneered,"Do you think the way they get along is like a simple king and a subordinate?"

Is this elder blind?

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