Hitting the core from high altitude——

Saya Samonji:"……"

If you do this, the lord will kill you!

Don't doubt that he is talking about the person in front of you.

The lord is still very fond of the short sword!

This is a rule that they stick to in Honmaru.

King Fangren realized that the king had more and more swords, so he would give gifts to each sword from time to time... If there is no gift this time, there will be one next time!

In order to prevent forgetting, he also thoughtfully made a record every time to ensure that there is always a knife that can receive a gift every three times.……

"Don't you know my name?"Saya Sawamonji is a talkative person. For the sake of each other's safety

"I don't know!" Byodoin Phoenix shook his head honestly. He didn't know much about sword tsukumogami, so naturally he couldn't match their appearance with the sword.

"I am Sayo Samonji——"He kindly pointed to the lower seat of Niou not far away, where a pink-haired man was eating, and said,"I am his younger brother!


That must be Sozo Sawamonji!

An old father who loves his son (Niou) very much!


"Or I'll just throw you over there!" Byodoin Phoenix said bluntly. He had already thought about it - Sayo Samonji would also tell Souzo Samonji what he did.

It was bound to go wrong anyway! It would be better to let him have some fun.……

"I advise you not to do that!"There is a difference between one martial arts training ground and the next one.

"If you want to come to Honmaru again in the future, you'd better be quiet.……"


This meal made the Byodoin Phoenix very upset. The front part was squeezed by the short swords next to him and there was no room for survival. The back part was stared at by that Souzo Sawamonji.

Again, if the eyes could be limited, his body would probably be full of knives.——

"Are you okay?"The Phoenix of Byodoin, who was always as flamboyant as the sun, was obviously a little out of spirits after dinner. Although it was only a minor problem, Ren Wang still noticed it.

"I'm just relieved.……"Byodoin Phoenix said

"Reassured? Reassured about what?"Ren Wang was puzzled

"The past cannot be changed, and no words can erase the sadness of the past.——"Byodoin Phoenix said,"But the family members you have now, every one of them is managing their relationship very seriously!"

"I can now sincerely believe that you are living a good life and your family is happy!"

Ren Wang laughed,"Pu Li~ I thought you were going to say something!" He said warm words in a serious manner.

He was really not used to this Byodoin Phoenix.——

"Thank you for comforting me!" Niwang put his hands behind his back, his lips curled slightly, and then expanded to an extremely brilliant level,"I am lucky enough in this life to meet the swords and to meet you, don't feel sad for me!"

You should be happy for me!

Everyone cares about him and loves him so much, allowing him to understand and feel the warmth and happiness of the world, so what is there to be unhappy about?

He should smile even more brightly.——

"I heard that every organization founded by a king has its own name.——"Just before leaving, Byodoin Phoenix asked

"That's right!"Homura of Suho-no-myou, Scepter 4 of Munakata Reisi, and Heishi-in of Kunijōji Daikaku.

Each of them has his own unique name - either continuing the modern one or establishing it anew.

"how about yours?"

"What mine?"

"You are already a formal king, and you have me as your subordinate, so don't we deserve to have a name?"

Ren Wang:"……But there are only two of us!"

That's not necessary!

"The name is a sense of belonging. Don't you want to have a special connection with me?"The Phoenix of Byodoin didn't care before, but after watching Niou and the short swords get along today, he was happy but also a little envious.

Then he inexplicably wanted to ask Niou for something.……

"……"Niou frowned. Why did this topic sound so childish?

But since the Phoenix of Byodoin said so, maybe it was really important to him.……

"Let me think about it!"The name is actually a curse, and it cannot be treated casually.

"Tell me when you have made up your mind!"

The Phoenix of Byodoin left quickly like a busy man of the century. Then he was left with a fatal topic - naming!

Nioh sighed for the 23rd time,"What is this all about!"

Don't you know that he can't name it? Why are you making it so difficult for him!

"My Lord, isn't your exam due next week? Why aren't you studying hard yet?"Souza Sawamonji put the fruit plate next to Niou.

"I'm so worried now——"He has been a good student since he was young, so Nioh is not afraid of the supervision of his father, Sozo Sawamonji.

"Regarding the name of the Colorless Clan - what should I do? I really can't think of it!"He had never thought about this before, but since the Phoenix of Byodoin had brought it up, he had to consider it.

"Eat some fruit first——"Souzo Sawamonji interrupted with a smile,"If you really can't think of one, just pick one at random!"

With that guy's IQ and level, there's no need to worry about the name, just pick one at random.

"……Brother Zong San, where are the responsibilities you promised us?"

"Don't be responsible for him!"Souza Sawamonji was so decisive that Niou didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Such a brother Souza is so childish~

"However, before leaving, Byodoin-senpai asked me to bring you a gift~" Niou smiled and took out a small box from his pocket,"He is actually a nice guy!"

"Humph, we don't need his gift! The things he bought must be of poor quality!" Souzo Sawamonji still had no expression on his face.

"I picked the gift~" The white-haired boy leaned over and said with a smile."……"

"You did it on purpose!" Sosan Sawamonji was furious. This guy was blocking him today.

"No way, I was clearly choosing a gift for Brother Souza very seriously!"Nio chuckled:"Open it and take a look, I believe you will like it!"

Souza Sawamonji looked at him for a long time, and finally took the box. Byodoin Phoenix is a superfluous person, but the intentions of his own children are always good.

The inky black box was opened, and what came into view was a dark blue rope. The knot was woven in a simple and elegant manner, and even silver thread was passed through the middle, shining in the sunlight.

There was also a pattern embroidered on the knot at the end. Souza Sawamonji knew that it was the sword pattern of the Sawamonji school.

"Very beautiful!"He likes pink the most, but pink and pink don't look good together, so the decorations on the waist are mostly dark blue. It's hard for this child to notice it so carefully.……

"I knew that Brother Zong San would like it!" Ren Wang said with a smile,"So Brother Zong San, are you willing to help me think of a name now?"

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