[What about the same power system? Is that OK?]

Niou's eyes glowed green, and he remembered how he saved the Byodoin Phoenix.

In order to save him, he made the Byodoin Phoenix his clan. The Byodoin Phoenix also gained new power and became stronger and healthier.

【If Yukimura also——】

【I advise you not to do this! 】 Kitsunesuke spoke seriously

【Why not?】Rinoh frowned

【There are also incompatibility and sequelae between powers! 】 Kitsune no Suke said, [The reason why the Phoenix of Byodoin did not have any problems is because he is powerful and has special attributes.——】

The merits and blood of the demon hunter family accumulated over thousands of years have made the Byodoin Phoenix extremely strong. So, it didn't say anything last time... and the Byodoin Phoenix was injured and in danger of death. But Yukimura is different. He is sick now - his physical fitness is rapidly declining, and he has no blood to protect him!

【I suggest you ask Suho Takashi before making a decision.——】Most of the information about the Sword of Damocles from the Government of Time is because of Red King.

Red King's power is too violent, and the probability of problems is also greater. I believe Nioh will find his own answer there.

Nioh: [Okay! ]

The door of the bar was pushed open, and the boy walked in with a serious face. Kusanagi Izumo rarely saw him like this, and smiled and teased,"Why are you so unhappy? Is it because you didn't pass the music exam?"

Seeing that Nioh didn't speak, he continued to comfort him,"Okay, it's not your fault that you sing badly, as long as you don't despise yourself.——"

"It's not because of this!" Nioh was so angry that he laughed. Was Kusanagi Izumo comforting him or was he disgusted with him?"I came here to ask you, brother Zun, what if the power is not compatible?"

"……"Kusanagi Izumo paused, attracting the attention of the King.

The King suddenly realized that he had almost forgotten that Kusanagi Izumo was the second in command of Houmaira. He also knew a lot of things... Asking him would get the result faster.

"Kusanagi-kun, can you tell me what you know?" he asked impatiently.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Kusanagi Izumo said in a serious tone.

"I - something!" Nioh hesitated, as if he had something to hide.

Kusanagi sighed,"This kind of thing happened to the Red Clan before.——"

The man's eyes were particularly heavy,"That guy was almost burned to death by Brother Zun's flames!"

Although it was later proved that he had impure thoughts, it was also the first time that Kusanagi Izumo saw the most terrible ending of mismatched attributes.

"If you are lucky, you will only get less power and be a little weaker!"The blond man couldn't help but think of the current Jutsu Tadara and Fushimi Saruhiko.

"What if you are unlucky?" asked Ren Wang.

"I've just told you the answer, you'll probably die!" Kusanagi Izumo sighed,"Just like sometimes dreams also depend on suitability. If you're not suitable for this circle, you'll pay a price if you force yourself to fit in!"

"Although I don't know why you ask these questions, you must be mentally prepared!"The blond man said solemnly

"Got it!"Ren Wang's eyes darkened. He thought, unless it is a last resort, this plan must not be initiated.

The doctors must be more powerful.——

"Oh, there's one thing I haven't told you yet!" Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Kusanagi Izumo was ready to tell the good news. He took out a photo and handed it to Nioh with great interest.

"This is——"Ren Wang took the photo and his eyes lit up after a glance, and he felt much better."Pfft~ You actually sent Anna to school!"

"Of course, Niou-kun, you have already told me about this matter. If I don't send it, wouldn't I really become a bad person?" Kusanagi Izumo said

"What grade is she in?" Niou recalled the height of Kushina Anna. The girl was thin and small, and looked particularly fragile. She didn't look very old.

"11 years old!"Izumo Kusanagi said."Although Anna is a genius girl, she has never been to school. In the end, we decided to send her to the sixth grade according to her age!"

"So, she is going today……"

""Learn some courses before the New Year!" Since you are going to school, you have to show your attitude. Suohon recently helped Anna find a teacher, and Anna Kushina has been going to class every day.

"The teacher that Zun Ge personally found?"Ren Wang was a little curious about the identity of this teacher.

Chi Wang went to invite him personally!

Who could it be?

"So what do you mean by coming here every time? Don't you trust me?" Munakata Reiji pushed his glasses and said with a little dissatisfaction.

"Just stopping by!" With a snap, the flame gradually began to burn along the cigarette tail. Zhou Fangzun looked at the surrounding environment boredly,"I didn't expect your house to look like this!"

"I'm just an ordinary civil servant, there's no need to live too well——"Seeing him snooping around, Reiji Munakata was speechless.

Was their relationship so good that they could interact with each other casually in private?

"Anna's status is special, and I don't feel comfortable letting anyone else teach me, so I can only think of you!" Zhou Fangzun explained.

"Haha, don't tell me that a strong Houmaira can't teach a sixth-grade girl."The excuse is so casual!

Zhou Fangzun blew out a smoke ring and said lightly,"Our people are not professional, and those guys always have ulterior motives!"

Zhou Fangzun was really worried that those bastards would teach Anna Kushina bad things.

Fight violence with violence, one knife to kill blood, and so on!

Although this is also his life creed, there are some things that cannot lead a little girl astray.

"You are really considerate!"Munakata Reiji mocked.

Then, he continued to tutor.

Suohono chuckled and continued���Looking out the window, the whole room seemed peaceful and tranquil, and everyone was in a good mood, except Anna Chi Ming!

"Reiji, I really can't learn it!" She raised her pitiful little face, holding a pencil in her hand, looking helpless,"Anna didn't mean it, Anna really can't learn it!"

Reiji Munakata sighed,"……"

It seems there are still many things to teach. The first thing to teach is etiquette,"I am much older than you, you should call me brother, or uncle!"

Although he didn't want to admit it, but - it is indeed more than just uncle, Munakata Reiji curled his eyes and smiled with interest,"After all, Suou and I are old enough to be your uncles!"

"Huh?" There was a big confusion in Anna Kushina's little head.

Why is there still a need to wait for the generation upgrade?

Suoh Takashi couldn't smoke anymore,"Ahem... Can you please stop teaching these things to children?""

What uncle? Is he that old?

""Red King, we should all accept our age!" Munakata Reiji remained calm. Suohon was furious."……"Don't think he doesn't know that Munakata is just watching the fun!

Wait until you put away the smile in your eyes before talking to me. You are full of bad intentions, that's enough!

"Ha ha……"Seeing his frustrated look, Munakata Reiji laughed happily."Anna, let's continue studying! You can mark the parts you don't understand, and I will explain them to you later!"

"oh……"Children don't participate in the world of adults. Kushina Anna continued to pick up the book with a painful mask. She decided that from today on, she would like Masaharu less. The little girl didn't forget that it was Masaharu Niou who suggested that she read. It was so painful!

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