Prince's Bride

9 Chapter 9: The King's Birthday Party

Bunny is helping the Queen, her aunts and others for the King birthday event.

Prince Siwan also comes to check and join the party.

That day, Prince Siwan get to speak with Bunny for a long time after their work is done for the day.

They are back in the living room of the royal house. And it must has been that everybody has left them to be alone there.

Prince Siwan begins

"How are you?...and do you enjoying here ?"

Bunny replies,

"Yes, your highness, there are so many things to do here."

"You seems to be very friendly with Jin"

"Yes, his majesty prince is so comfortable to be with... And it seems he loves living like normal person which I used to live before "

Prince Siwan,

"He actually is a very carefree guy. Very caring to his friends actually..... his gang even call him their mother..."

Bunny and the prince both laugh.

The prince continues,

"We have always wonder what kind of woman would have won him over... she must be really amazing one because Jin actually good in judging at people."

At this, Bunny is a little blush for a while but says,

"Actually, sometimes, it is the matter of the heart. Sometimes, it just doesn't associated with the brain."....she pauses for awhile..then says.." maybe it's best if both works (heart and brain) for a relationship."

The prince nods...

Then he asks about So Hyang...

"So how come you meet this girl, So Hyang"

Bunny says, "So Hyang is really wonderful human being. I became friends with her at high school...I know she works really hard for her scholarship to get it. It's really hard to find someone like her...she might seem very ordinary at first but she is special because....she is really herself...and I know she will fight for someone she care and what she believes. She is a fighter for life type..pretty much very proud of her even when she thinks she is lower. Besides, she always thinks about doing the best in everything"

" really admire your friend"

"Yes, your highness"

The conversation goes on for a little while more..


At the corner of the of the living room are the two royal maids and Bunny's aunts...peeping and secretly listening to their conversation.....

After Prince Siwan and Bunny parts, the four are still thinking about it...

One of the maid says,

"They are enjoying their conversation..but..."

"...but they are not talking about themselves, they are talking about Prince Seokjin and Ms So Hyang's

The two aunts of Bunny says..." It's none of your business. Now go back to your work."


Finally, the the king birthday party has arrived. Bunny is really glad she is able to take So Hyang to the ceremony.

Moreover, this time she is able to see the face of the driver who she has wronged Prince Seokjin with as Ye Jung, the driver is in charge of looking after them the ladies; Bunny, So Hyang and her two aunts. She looks at him for awhile when she has chance. He features are not really handsome but Bunny thinks this guy has a friendly clear smile that is attractive. He especially looks good with pink hair.

All of them reach to the royal palace in the city. It is very crowded. Many citizens are outside the palace to pray for their King as well as a lot of officials. So Hyang is very nervous. But Bunny takes her hands.

At the event, Lee Si Young, Prince Siwan ex girlfriend also comes with her family. The King distant relatives, including Manager of Museum Park Hae Jin. And of course, Bunny's parents.

The King then gives his speech.

"I want to thank you everyone for coming. And I promise whatever it takes we promise that the royal family will for the citizens"

And the crowd shout..."Long Live the King"

Then there is a party among the crowd and the party among the royals. There is even a ballroom dance Prince Siwan dances with Bunny, So Hyang and Si Young. Prince Seokjin also dances with lots of ladies. But of course, his eyes are still fixed on Bunny ..same go with Prince Siwan on So Hyang. But another man also examining these two ladies.

Manager Park finally finds Fany/Tiffany who is talking to a handsome charismatic man.

Park Hae Jin feels a little uneasy and goes to interrupt their conversation. Fany is very pleased to meet him.

"Oh..," she tells her friend, "this is my boss, the manager of the national museum"...and then turning to Park Hae Jin, "this is my old high school and university senior, Kim Min Jae, Ms Lee Si Young ex husband."..Min Jae feels a little awkward about it. And the conversation would go on...and Fany feels like Manager Park is a little jealous and she smiles.

Bunny is thirsty, so she goes to the drinks corner to drink. Si Young also come nearby.

The two ladies greet each other. They are in good terms until Si Young says,

"You must be really lucky. The late King is very fond of your family. But I wonder how his royal highness, Prince Siwan has surprised you...he is really a good man. He must have care about his fiance..He seems really friendly with Ms So Hyang too even to a weird degree.." then she adds.."isn't it a bit weird when he seems so alive with somebody into that person than his fiance"

Bunny keeps herself calm..."Yes, Prince Siwan is a good man. I am sure he will choose the best thing for his country and for himself too"

But then suddenly, Prince Seokjin comes to interrupt them, "Excuse me Ms Si Young, I have something to talk with Ms Chae Soo Bin...please excuse us"

Bunny follows Prince Seokjin then. Then they come into a palace garden where there are two of them.

"Do you really have something to talk to me?" Bunny asks.

The prince is a little shy..." ....not really yes yes.."...Bunny's heart beats faster for some reasons. Then he continues, "I really thank you for the rose. I have actually compose a song looking at it"...that makes Bunny smiles.

The night is really a good night for many people. Apart from Prince Seokjin and Bunny, So Hyang also gets to talk a lot with Prince Siwan...

They talk a lot their views on life. So Hyang wishes him the best luck. She somehow feels genuine for this man while he leads her on dance. Talking to him now makes her feel warm. She even forgets about their classes. "I wish the best for you and Bunny" and Prince Siwan just smiles and says.." Actually, I would go through life with someone I really care"

To this So Hyang asks him again..."Do you still care for Ms Si Young"

"Yes, I do,"...he says, "but it different now...I can never go through life with her". So Hyang sighs at this.


Another days has come and gone. Prince Seokjin has overtime that day at work. He finishes his work late at 1 am. He is very tired. He thinks could not go back to the house. But he has actually rent a condo near the museum for this purpose sometimes. He decides to stay there for the night. But when, he arrives his room door on second floor is unlock. He is very shocked. But when he switch on the light..he eyes go a little numb with the glittering colorful slice plastic paper all the bloom up over him...when everything is clear again. He could six young men standing in his room. They all says.."Surprised!!!"

Yes...they are all his BTS gang buddies.

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