This really wasn't a joke.

She had already said so.

Once someone touched her, that person in her life would be the light that she could not endure.

Once the Emotional Gu is untied, then in this life, the bodies of both of them will definitely belong to each other only.

No one can touch, no one can touch.

If he broke the rule, he would die.

They would all die.

"She will not be married. Even if there is a marriage in name, I will not truly marry her back to the clan."

The numbness on her chest had already spread to her shoulders, but Su Nanxing held her even tighter.

"It's already troublesome enough for you to have one. Wouldn't it be asking for trouble if I were to find another one?"

Was this considered his promise?

Lin Xuecha felt that it was a little strange.

She had been furious just now, but why was she so obedient now without a trace of anger?

Even though he had said it himself, the person he liked was her.

But she was still satisfied.

In this dynasty, there were very few men who believed in only one person in their entire life.

However, the man in front of her turned around and made a promise to her.

The tenderness in his heart had turned into disaster, and Lin Xuecha couldn't help but curl up the corner of his lips.

The man smiled and asked.

"You're not angry?"

"Hm, I don't feel like it anymore."

"No more fighting?"

"Hm, let's stop this."

The smile on the man's face deepened, "You aren't giving This King a reward? This King's sincerity was misunderstood by you for such a long time. "

Lin Xuecha looked at him for a while and took the silver needle from his chest.

She lowered her eyes and sighed deeply.

"What reward? You're from the royal family."

She put away the silver needle and looked at him.

"I remember that long ago, I told Your Highness that one of the reasons I wanted to break off the engagement with the Fifth Prince was because I didn't want to marry a member of the royal family. Your Highness also clearly remembered the reason, so …"

The man's black eyes were deep as he called out to her in a low voice. There was a hint of warning in his voice.

"Snow Tea …"

Lin Xuecha suddenly laughed, and rubbed his acupoints, helping him to remove the numbness on his body.

"You'll believe what I say, and you're still calling me stupid? Who's the idiot now?"

She did marry a non-royal.

But, that was before he met Su Nanxing.

Now, she was very sure of her own feelings, and even then, she had never spoken of them.

However, in her haziness, she understood.

If it was Su Nanxing, she was willing to marry.

Regardless, whether he was one or not, she should be wary of him as long as he had her in his heart.


Lin Xuecha could very clearly feel that the hand Su Nanxing was holding her wrist with, had tightened.

She smiled. There would always be a day when she would be able to affect his mood.

Just as she was secretly thinking about such fun things, suddenly, the world spun and her vision blurred. By the time Lin Xuecha managed to react, she was already pressed down by the man.

He was half-kneeling in the carriage, his hands on her sides to cover her, to lock her in, to meet her gaze.

An unexplainable palpitation in his heart started to unknowingly tense up.

However, there was no reason for it to happen either. In fact, it was even more expectant than before.

The man's eyes were fixed on her.

He slowly leaned forward, and with gentle strength, he covered her charming lips bit by bit, devouring all of her beauty.

When he was full of emotion, Lin Xuecha unconsciously raised her hand, wrapped it around his neck and gave him a rough kiss back.

The man froze.

His breath felt even hotter than before. He deeply kissed her, insisting that he would not stop until her breathing had become a mess.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was now the eleventh of July.

Lin Xuecha's birthday.

It was exactly the day after Lin Xuecha's Emotional Gu flared up.

Since Lin Xuecha was bestowed the title of Ninth Prince Su Nanxing, no one would be optimistic about him.

There were even some storytellers who said that before the two of them got married, they would part ways.

Some said that they truly loved each other, and some even refuted that in the future, they would definitely love each other and kill each other.

However, this kind of storyteller, regardless of how small their reputation was, would disappear the second day after saying this.

Furthermore, the people who were making up the rumors, the people who were rumored that Lin Xuecha and Lin Xuecha would love each other and kill each other, had also disappeared.

No one knew where they had gone to, but when they returned after a day of disappearance, they were all silent.

The family members asked again and again, only to discover that they were shocked.

Their tongues had actually been cut off.

There was no possibility of him opening his mouth again.

That said.

It was unknown whether it was Lin Xueju or Su Nan Xing, but the two's minds had been broken and their relationship had developed at a rapid pace.

In the Ninth Prince Mansion, their figures could be seen everywhere.

Normally, when Lin Xuecha trained in the art of tea, he would already be back at the palace, and would only be playing the zither with Su Nanxing.

She stood up and carried the tea over to Su Nanxing.

A hint of a smile could be seen on that man's face, which was as beautiful as a painting.

His eyes were dark.

He stopped what he was doing and accepted the tea from Lin Xuecha and took a sip.

Lin Xuecha's gaze was fixated on him the entire time.

Seeing him slightly furrow his brows, she couldn't help but ask, "Is it still not nice to drink?"

Su Nanxing drank another mouthful of tea and suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing her neck down and prying open her lips.

The rich fragrance of the tea reached her lips and tongue.

He pressed down on the back of her head, and after entangling himself for a while, he finally let go of her and spoke with an unsatisfied tone.

"This is the best."

Lin Xuecha blushed.

She pouted at Su Nanxing and pinched his waist.

The man froze and clasped her wrist.

"Don't do anything," he warned in a low voice.

This was also the most interesting thing that Lin Xuecha had found out.

The man seemed to be ticklish, and as long as she moved slightly more, he would be able to stop all his jokes at once.

"So what if you're messing around? You were just teasing me just now. I'm putting on an act!"

Su Nanxing sat with his back against the light and a faint shadow shrouding his abnormally handsome face made his eyes seem even darker and darker.

The current Lin Xuecha was not afraid of him at all.

In other words, her courage had never been weak, but it would make her a little unscrupulous.

She looked at him provocatively and wanted to reach out and pinch his waist, but he caught her red-handed.

The man tugged on her hand, pulling her into his embrace.

Since the guqin was placed around them, the man took advantage of it and rolled her to the other side.

Lowering his head and lowering his eyes, he did not hesitate to accurately and accurately trap her bright red lips.

She didn't want to be completely controlled by Su Nanxing, and used all her strength to reject the violence in his words. But unexpectedly, her resistance was instead like a kind of pestering tease.

The man's breathing became sluggish, his breathing became heavier, and he started to plunder even more.

After struggling for a while, Lin Xuecha's entire breathing became disorderly.

Her heart raced and her face flushed.

In the end, his physical strength could not withstand the tyrannical strength of a man, and his consciousness could not withstand the brute force of a man.

With a kiss, it almost robbed her of her breath, and she almost fainted from the lack of oxygen.

The man slightly loosened his grip on her lips, but didn't leave.

He pressed his lips to hers, calming his breathing a little.

His pitch-black eyes shone with a light of wildness and scorching heat, and his gaze was fixed on her face as he asked her this question in a low, hoarse voice.

"Do you dare to provoke This King again, huh?"

Lin Xuecha had been dealt with very miserably.

Her hand pushed against the man's chest, which was as hard as steel.

"I don't dare, I don't dare. Hurry up, it's so heavy …"

Su Nanxing chuckled. He was obedient and didn't do anything to suppress her.

He got up and stood where he was.

Lin Xuecha was like a rogue, he extended his hand out and waved, then smiled at him.

"Help me up."

The rays of the sun shone through the carved windows, illuminating the two of them. They were exceptionally beautiful.

The corner of Su Nanxing's mouth curled up slightly. He smiled lovingly, but held her hand and pulled her up.

Lin Xuecha straightened his clothes and somewhat messy hair.

Her face was flushed, and her bright red lips were slightly swollen.

Even though...

He was the one who beat him up.

The man's dark and deep eyes were fixed on her, faintly filled with desire.

Lin Xuecha acted as if he couldn't see anything.

Her eyes turned, as if she had thought of something, and held Su Nanxing's hand.

"Your Highness, are you hungry?"

The man raised his eyebrows and gave a concise answer.

"Hungry? Are you giving it to This King?"

Lin Xuecha's originally red face immediately turned even redder.

She unhappily hit him, "If you're hungry, I'll go get you something to eat."

She smiled, a little embarrassed.

"Although my culinary skills are so poor that no one wants it, didn't Granny cook noodles and porridge for us at the bottom of the cliff? I've just learned it, now that I've cooked for you to eat, do you want noodles or porridge?"

Su Nanxing's expression changed for a moment, as if she had stopped moving for a moment.

However, because of his fast reaction, Lin Xuecha did not notice anything amiss.

He smiled and stroked her head.

"This King will eat whatever you are better at cooking."


It was good to have someone pampering him.

Lin Xuecha laughed with excitement.

She nodded, narrowing her eyes in warning.

"Alright, eat whatever I cook for you. If it doesn't taste good, then you have to swallow it down."

Su Nanxing reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist.

The corner of his mouth curved into a smile that had a hint of meaning to it.

"Actually, nothing in this world is as delicious as you. Are you sure you won't give this king a taste?"

A trace of bashfulness flashed past Lin Xuecha's bright eyes.

But she actually shot a glance at Su Nanxing, and waved away his hand.

"Your mind is filled with thoughts, Your Highness, I am Yushu Yun Zhi."

Finishing her words, she hurriedly ran away, running towards the back kitchen.

In a line of sight that she couldn't see, the man's gaze instantly became reserved.

His doting gaze from before slowly turned into a bone-chilling cold pond.

He pursed his lips and called out, "Qian Wu."

The figure in front of him swayed, and Qian Wu immediately appeared in front of him.

He cupped his hands respectfully and said, "Mistress."

Su Nanxing's eyes were fixed on the azure-dressed woman who was running further and further away.

"Have you found out?"

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