The expression in Su Nanxing's eyes changed slightly.

Lin Xuecha looked over, to see a young man walking out from the restaurant.

He expressionlessly looked at the bully.

He pointed the sword in his hand at the tyrant's throat, his eyes lowered as he asked in an extremely calm manner.

"Is there a next time?"

When the tip of the sword was pressed against his throat, the ferocious expression of the bullies finally changed.

Tears streamed down his face as he clasped his hands in supplication.

"I don't dare, I don't dare. Hero, since you have so much, just let me go this time. I still have an eighty year old mother in my family waiting for me to provide for her. I beg of you."

The young man's expression slightly changed.

He was visibly moved. However, the sword in his hands still didn't loosen its grip on the throat of the tyrant.

Instead, he stretched out his other hand, fiddled with something in his sleeve, and threw something from a blue money bag onto the tyrant's body.

The liquor store owner's face changed as the corner of his lips twitched.

He wanted to say something to the young man, but he didn't in the end.

The young man's sword pierced towards the throat of the tyrant.

His tone was extremely cold as he issued the warning.

"The next time, I will personally send you to prison. These silver pieces will be given to your mother to eat. If you dare to use them recklessly, the result will be —"

The tip of the sword heavily sliced through the tyrant's clothes, leaving a deep cut. However, it did not pierce through his skin.

The bully was so scared that his face changed. He kept his eyes closed and shouted.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't! Hero, spare me! This little one will definitely be filial to Mother, definitely!"

Lin Xuecha's eyes showed her appreciation.

She nodded and said, "A true hero should be like this."

Su Nanxing's eyes were as thick as ink, their depths unfathomable. She only watched silently as the young man walked past.

The young man seemed to have noticed something.

He looked back, and the figures of Lin Xuecha and Su Nanxing instantly appeared before his eyes.

The young man's pupils constricted as he walked over and saluted them.

"Your Highness, Princess."

Su Nanxing indifferently acknowledged, as there was a courtesy in place of history.

Li Churan stood up.

Just now, they were quite a distance away from each other, so she could not smell the alcohol on Li Churan's body.

Lin Xuecha frowned slightly.

"Lord, can you still go back to the manor by yourself?"

Li Churan glanced at her, and the corner of his mouth hooked up into a smile, but that smile was not natural.

"Of course you can, Churan will take his leave."

Finished speaking, he turned around, and did not give Lin Xuecha and Su Nanxing another glance. His feet moved slightly, and his center of gravity became unstable.

With a single look, Zhang Xuan could tell that he had drunk too much and was slightly intoxicated.

Lin Xuecha wanted to say something, but Su Nanxing was one step ahead of her.

"Qian Wu, send the substitute Shi Mu back to his residence."

Qian Wu accepted the order and followed behind Li Churan with the mask in his arms, acting as his protection.

Lin Xuecha's gaze followed the young man's leaving figure.

She frowned and bit her lip.

"Imperial Censor, are you trying to use this wine to get rid of your worries?"

Although he was asking this, Lin Xuecha would not put it down to himself.

Li Churan had mentioned it earlier.

The reason he wanted to marry her was because his parents were urging him to marry her.

And she just so happened to suit his taste, that was why he wanted to marry her.

Perhaps, he had a favorable impression of her, but it shouldn't have reached the stage where he could borrow wine to dispel his worries for her.

Su Nanxing pursed his lips and smiled.

"Why do you care so much about the matters of others?"

His words were standard, but his tone was definitely not very good.

Lin Xuecha snickered.

She naturally knew that Su Nanxing had misunderstood him slightly.

However, it was such a good feeling to be noticed by others.

She couldn't help but want to tease him a little.

Lin Xuecha glanced at Su Nanxing, then shifted his gaze back to Li Churan's leaving figure.

"The lord is a hero, and now that he's so drunk, I'm curious about the reason, is that not possible?"

The man grabbed her chin in a disgruntled way and shifted her gaze back to him.

He narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "This King is jealous that you're so concerned about him. What should I do?"

Lin Xuecha smiled as he held his hand and took it down.

She stood on tiptoe, leaned forward, and kissed him on the lips.

Then she pulled away, smiling, and asked, "Is that any better?"

Su Nanxing frowned, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

He pondered for a moment before replying in a serious tone.

"Let's go a bit deeper. It should be fine."

Lin Xuecha's beautiful face blushed a little as she waved his hand away.

"If you walk away, you'll know how to take advantage of me."

The man laughed heartily.

Lin Xuecha felt that his days of love were passing by too quickly.

In the blink of an eye, two more days passed.

In the past few days, because he was close to being fifteen, every time Lin Xuecha got to night, either lightly or heavily, the Emotional Gu would erupt once.

At first, it was okay, but Lin Xuecha had hidden himself in the ice cellar, forcefully suppressing the pain of the Emotional Gu.

However, yesterday's results were obviously not good.

Sweat covered her forehead. Her body was obviously so cold that she was on the verge of death, but it was as if a volcano had erupted within her, causing her to feel extremely hot.

Luckily, Su Nanxing noticed that her expression was strange, he held her in his arms and kissed her deeply, then used his Spirit Qi to help her circulate her Qi, suppressing the heat in her body.

After exiting the ice room, Zi Hui deeply disagreed.

She didn't blame Su Nanxing and Lin Xuecha, and had almost wiped her gun and made a round in advance.

However, she was actually secretly blaming the Emotional Gu in Lin Xuecha's body for tormenting him.

Su Nanxing's internal injuries had not yet healed.

During the month of returning to the capital, he had repeatedly refused to listen to advice and had used his internal energy time and time again just for Lin Xuecha.

He really did not want to live anymore, was that what he meant?!

Marquis Anping who had been separated for nearly ten years finally returned to Capital City from the border.

He was the hero of the nation.

is the pride of Tianchen Kingdom.

Everyone knew that there were two treasures to the Tianchen Kingdom.

There was also the Ninth Prince Su Nanxing.

There was also the Marquis Anping General.

These two people, were symbols of Tianchen Kingdom.

In the entire nation of Tianchen Kingdom, no one knew the father of the emperor's name.

But they were sure to know the real names of the Marquis Anping and the General of the Marquis Anping.

A month ago, the Ninth Prince Su Nanxing, His Highness Jing Ran, had returned to the capital.

However, on the fifteenth day of the first month, the current Son of Heaven personally issued a decree. Everyone in the entire city went to the Capital City gate to receive the great general and Marquis Anping.

The people of the entire country were all overjoyed.

Lin Xuecha stood in front of the family members.

Lin Xueyu followed him.

The old emperor didn't come, he only instructed the Crown Prince Su Jin and the others to come to the city gate to welcome the Marquis Anping.

However, this was already a great honor.

As the horse hooves approached, Lin Xuecha's eyebrows twitched. No matter how calm he was, at this moment, he could not hold back and revealed a smile.

Ten years.

Ten years.

She, and her father, were finally going to meet again!

Marquis Anping was much older than he remembered.

His black temples from before had now been dyed with white.

But he still had an unyielding heroic spirit.

A pair of sharp eyes bloomed with a brilliant and piercing light, and it didn't smile.

When he saluted to Crown Prince Su Jin, he was trembling in fear, but was neither servile nor overbearing.

That was her father.

Her proud father.

For many years, the worship and yearning for him had already sunk deep into the marrow of his bones. It was not something that could be understood with a single glance from the bystanders.

Lin Xuecha's eyes reddened, and she actually had the urge to cry.

To others, the word ten years sounded like a word, a long term.

However, she knew very well.

Ten years of experiencing hardships and hardships was enough to rejuvenate a person.

After greeting Crown Prince Su Jin and Su Nanxing courteously, Marquis Anping's gaze involuntarily turned to Lin Xuecha's side.

Marquis Anping's Wife's eyes were already filled with tears.

She stared at him, staring at this man who had not returned home for a long time, calling out to him in a daze.

"Master Hou …"

Marquis Anping also looked at her, his lips curled into a smile as he nodded to her.

"Bi Yu, it's been so many years. It's been hard on you …"

That simple sentence of his caused the Marquis Anping's Wife to break down in tears.

She sobbed and bit her lip.

She shook her head, "As long as the Marquis comes back, it's worth it no matter how hard I work."

After she finished speaking, the aunts behind her also began to cry.

Not that they were hypocritical.

Rather, they had been separated for far, far too long.

Lin Xuecha and Lin Xueyu walked forward, and they all bent down to pay their respects to Marquis Anping.

"Snow tea. Greetings, father. Father is fine."

"Xueyu greets father. Father is well."

Marquis Anping also walked forward and bowed, then helped the two of them up.

His gaze lingered on Lin Xuecha for a while longer.

The face that resembled his late wife struck him squarely in the heart.

The tip of his nose was slightly sour. He quickly looked away.

"Good children, they are all my good children, how are you doing?"

With that, he turned to look at Lin Xuecha.

He saw that she was born slim and graceful, and was also a very elegant person. However, she was not a child that was restrained in a nunnery all year round.

He reached out his hand and caressed Lin Xuecha's black hair.

"Little girl, you've suffered."

Lin Xuecha could not hold back her tears.

However, she barely controlled her words and actions as she forced herself to calm down.

"Snow tea, I've been waiting for father's words for a long, long, long time."

Lin Xueyu was silent. Within his transparent eyes, there was a slow flow of water.

Amongst all the family members present, she was the calmest and most self-centered woman.

When Marquis Anping asked about her, she answered.

When he didn't ask her, she would just stand quietly by the side, looking at Lin Xuecha and Marquis Anping with the deep affection between father and daughter.

There was a strong sense of alienation in the gentleness and politeness.

Marquis Anping's Wife could not watch this any longer.

She wanted to say something, but she heard the Crown Prince Su Jin say something.

"It has been a long time since the Marquis Anping has returned to the capital. I believe I have to reunite with my family and relatives for a while. I have prepared delicious food and wine, and I invite the Marquis Anping to bring my family and family to the palace for a gathering tonight.

Marquis Anping turned and cupped his hands as he bowed.

"This old subject obeys the decree, thank you Emperor for thinking so much about this old subject, this old subject cannot thank you enough."

Crown Prince Su Jin glanced at him.

Following that, his gaze swept across Lin Xuecha.

Lin Xuecha's face revealed his true feelings, but he did not say anything.

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