
They were pretty close.

What to solve?

Lin Xuecha replied with a doubtful look.

The man's face instantly darkened.

Just as Lin Xuecha was about to knock on her forehead again, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along as he asked with a smile.

"Your Highness, right?"

The man glanced at her indifferently.

Every time he saw Su Nanxing's expression, Lin Xuecha would always have the impulse to tell him.

However, she suddenly had the urge to tease the man in front of her.

"Father, it seems that you are right. You don't agree to the marriage between us, and you've also said a lot of things to advise me not to marry you."

An unfathomable glint appeared in the depths of the man's eyes.

He gave a faint "En" sound.

"Then, what did you say?"

"What can I say? Daddy is Daddy, and kinship can't be more important than love. In my heart, nothing is more important than Mommy or Daddy."

"Then, where is This King?"

The man pursed his lips and asked with an unfriendly expression.

"What kind of position do you place This King in?"

Lin Xuecha pursed his lips as well.

He lowered his eyes.

Her long and slender eyelashes masked the expression in her eyes. Her tone was somewhat apologetic.

"If Father does not agree to our marriage, regardless of where I put you, we will never do so. Your Highness, you also know that to father, snow tea is snow tea, and the most important person, snow tea, would never go against him. Your Highness, please forgive him."

The man's face suddenly turned pale as if he had been punched hard by someone.

The hand he pressed onto Lin Xuecha's slender shoulder tightened bit by bit.

A cold and furious look suddenly appeared in his eyes. It was as if his entire body had turned as cold as ice, but there was also a hint of scarlet on it.

He almost bit his teeth as he squeezed out a sentence.

"Do you dare? Say it again!"

Lin Xuecha was silent for a moment, then she lifted her eyes and looked at Su Nanxing.

"Father is indeed the most important person in Snow Tea. There is no doubt about it."

The man sat with his back to the light and a faint shadow shrouding his handsome and elegant face. His tightly pursed lips suddenly curled up slightly.

The smile on his face grew larger and larger, until even his deep eyes were filled with a dark ruthlessness and a sliver of danger. Only then did he slightly stop.

It stopped at the arc of a smile that was not a smile.

His gaze was fixated on Lin Xuecha's face, and just as he was about to say something, his lips suddenly felt a hint of softness.

The expression in Su Nanxing's eyes suddenly froze.

Lin Xuecha kissed him on the lips and then quickly left.

She smiled at him like a flower.

"Daddy is the most important person in Snow Tea, that's true. But Your Highness is Snow Tea, the person you love the most. There's no difference between the two."

Hearing this, the danger in the depths of the man's eyes receded slightly.

However, his hand still gripped her shoulder with a restraining force. He looked at her and coldly said.

"So, just now you were teasing This King?"

Seeing that his expression had not calmed down, Lin Xuecha bit her lips and explained with a frown.

"However, too many things happened tonight that made me a bit playful. If you don't like it, in the future, I will …"

"There is no future."

The man's gaze was cold as he cut off her words.

"If you dare to meet in the future, see how This King will deal with you!"

Lin Xuecha curled his lips, "Got it."

Seeing that she had obediently complied, the man's facial expression finally eased up a little.

"What exactly did the Marquis Anping say?"

Lin Xuecha raised his eyes and looked at him.

She spread out her hands and said somewhat helplessly.

Seeing his attitude, it seems that he is quite against me marrying you. I only said a few words and disobeyed his words. He even locked me in a small house and wanted me to think over it.

She had been locked up by him for nearly the entire day, but her father wasn't soft-hearted in the slightest. From this, it could be seen how much he disliked this marriage.

Su Nanxing's eyes were deep and dark, but she suddenly remained silent.

Lin Xuecha looked at him, and asked tentatively.

"Exactly what happened between you and father? Did you provoke him? But he said no. Oh, right, father said he saw my portrait in your tent. What does that mean?"

He hadn't seen her for the past ten years, so how could he possibly have a portrait of her?

However, she had to pay attention to her father's words …

Perhaps, the problem with the both of them lay in that inexplicable portrait.

The man's eyes flickered. After a moment of silence, he pressed her head back against his shoulder.

However, Lin Xuecha refused to comply. He stared straight at him, and the man didn't force himself to do so.

"There is no conflict between this king and Marquis Anping. On the battlefield, this king is the strategist, he is the marshal, and between us, there are many times when we share the same thoughts. There is basically no conflict between us, and this king does not know where the problem is …"

Lin Xuecha squinted at him.

"In that case, why would you say those words to me today? You must know something. Quickly, tell me."

"This King indeed does not know the reason."

Su Nanxing stared at her eyes and slowly said.

"I only know that Marquis Anping does not want this duke to be his son-in-law."

Lin Xuecha also stared at him for a long time, but she could not find anything wrong.

She then collected her thoughts and said with a frown.

"Could it be that it's because father has been with you for a long time and views you as a good brother, that once you become his son-in-law, his heart will be a bit separated from you, which is why he's so resistant?"

Su Nanxing smirked, and did not refute her words.

"It's also possible."

Lin Xuecha sighed deeply.

"If that's truly the case, it wouldn't be a difficult matter. As long as he is enlightened, it would be good. I'm afraid that this isn't the reason why he …"

She had never known that she would worry about marriage one day.

There was a tinge of sadness in her eyes.

If not for the murder tonight.

I'm afraid that tonight, her father would really dare to advise the old emperor to take back her marriage fate with Su Nanxing.

What should she do then?

After all, his father really was his father.

No matter how hard she tried to hold on to her love, she couldn't let her father down either.

The best thing was to let the two of them make a living together, and she didn't have to, as it would be difficult for her to stay in the middle.

However, the two of them frankly said that there was nothing wrong with the situation between them …


Whose problem was it?

It can't be, it's her problem, right?!

Su Nanxing's distant gaze was fixed on her beautiful face that was deep in thought.

He looked at her for a long time before saying, "Snow Tea, no matter what, you can't give up on me."

Lin Xuecha thought that he was talking about her father, so he nodded and replied.

"Of course not. "Since I've already given my heart to you, I naturally won't give you up. Unless you're in love with someone else before we get married, or if you've already married another woman, it's a completely different story."

The man's eyes narrowed.

He held her tighter and the strength in his hands increased.

He pursed his lips and only spoke after a long silence.

"For the rest of my life, the woman I love will only be you. If I marry another woman, there must be a reason for it. In the end, I will only have you as my wife."

A flower appeared from the corner of Lin Xuecha's lips, looking at him with a helpless and funny expression.

"If you say such romantic words, can't you not talk about those who would ruin the scenery? With me here, who else do you want to marry? Who else would you dare to marry?!"

The man couldn't say a single word. He pursed his lips to the point that there was not a single crack. His expression was also extremely dark.

The quieter it was, the more oppressive the atmosphere became.

The smile on Lin Xuecha's face slowly disappeared.

She got up from the man and slowly sat up straight.

She looked at him, the corners of her mouth twitching, trying to keep the smile on her face.

"You, what's wrong? Other than me, you really can't marry anyone else. Could it be that you've forgotten? "

There was no answer.

She did not get an answer.

She only knew that when she flung his hand away in fury, he had forcefully held her down and, with a resolute posture, trapped her in the imperial garden.

She was so unwilling that she wanted to push him away. She even used her inner force, but he didn't move an inch.

She kicked him, he let her kick him, she bit him, he let her bite him, whatever she did, he let her do it.

Finally, her eyes turned red and she bit her lip as she glared at him.

"You once said that you will never marry another woman in this life, then what exactly do you mean by that?!"

The man pressed her under the dainty peony.

His appearance was very dark and gloomy, and also very deep. It was so deep that Lin Xuecha was completely unable to see through it, and was unable to guess exactly what he was thinking.

He did not answer her question, but spoke to her in an ambiguous manner.

"Whether it is true or false, it is true or not. Snowy, you are responsible for believing this king. This king allows you in the future."

A burst of strength suddenly came from his shoulder as Lin Xuecha suddenly regained his senses.

Following that, Ting Zhu's somewhat doubtful voice sounded out beside his ears.

"Princess, your servant has already prepared water for you. Are you still going to bathe and change?"

Lin Xuecha blinked his eyes.

After a long while, she raised her eyes to look at Ting Zhu, and after being silent for a while, she pursed her lips and smiled.

"Go, why not? If not, at night, the mosquitoes will torture you very miserably!"

Lin Xuecha was very afraid of mosquitoes.

For some reason, the mosquitoes had their own feelings for her.

She lived with Ting Zhu for ten years and slept in the same small room.

Every time she woke up, especially in the summer, Ting Zhu would feel refreshed.

Ting Zhu could not help but laugh.

"Then quickly go, princess. In the future, you must not return with Your Highness after spending so much time outside. Princess doesn't know how angry the duke is …"

Lin Xuecha replied indifferently, "I understand."

Lin Xuecha had never allowed anyone to serve him when he bathed.

She undid her belt, took off her clothes, covered her neck, and slowly put them aside.

However, the girl suddenly stopped.

Under the dim light, there were many vague red marks, especially on the side of her exquisite collarbone and chest. There were even more Lin Xuecha's marks, which could not be ignored.

The woman was at a loss for words.

After a long while, her face finally turned red and she cursed.

"He's getting more and more presumptuous …!"

If this continued, she would probably be completely eaten by him before she even married into the main gate of Ninth Prince Palace!

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