"To my palace."

For a moment, she seemed to see a resentful expression on the hill's face.

But it was only for a moment, and then he regained his playful look and made fun of yuan Qingwan: "Mr. Yuan, you are such a person. You should abandon our pavilion leader so pitifully. You don't need to use it. Turn around and look for other men."

In the evening of Yuan Qing Dynasty, one of her legs stepped into the carriage. When she heard Shuqiu's words, she was stunned and took back her legs: "how did I abandon your Lord?"

"Now you go to find other men, instead of abandoning them after taking advantage of us, what is that?"

In the late Yuan Dynasty, he glanced at Shuqiu, whose look was incomprehensible. It seems to be looking down on him.

"It's like I'm always in trouble." Yuan Qing said in the evening, "I don't have time to argue with you about this right now. Even if there's something, wait until I finish what I'm doing."

"I'll go with you."

In the evening of Yuan Qing Dynasty, she looked at Shuqiu. She thought that if she did not let Shuqiu follow her, she would not be able to leave easily, so she said, "come up."

It's also very close to King Mo's house by carriage. In the evening of the Yuan Dynasty, there was only time to drink two cups of tea on the carriage, and the carriage stopped.

She has been restraining herself and thinking about the good side of things.

After getting out of the carriage, I saw that the gate of King Mo's house was closed, and my heart was filled with uneasiness.

Yuan Qing ran to knock on the door in a hurry in the evening. It was the two gatekeepers that opened the door.

They know that the relationship between Yuanqing evening and Su Beimo is good, and they also change their attitude.

"Mr. Yuan."

"Is mo Wang in the mansion?"

The two boys looked at each other. One of them hesitated smartly and said: "to be honest, you are not the first one to look for the Lord, but the Lord is not there. After the emperor held the riding and shooting last time, he came back and left without any explanation. It has been many days..."

"What's wrong with his coming back that day?"

"Everything is normal."

Su Beimo is not the kind of person who leaves without saying goodbye. At that time, someone sent someone to send a letter to Su Beimo in the evening of the Yuan Dynasty

In the late Yuan Dynasty, he stepped back two steps and was just held by the tree hill: "eh? Mr. Yuan, the name of Mo Wang is outside. He will definitely not have anything wrong. My subordinates have heard that his internal power is very powerful. If it's like the rumor, his internal power should be equal to that of our cabinet leader. "

Where is the problem of internal power? What the late Qing Dynasty worried about was the poison on Su Beimo.

Even though she didn't know what the poison would be, she couldn't feel it

"If you're so worried." Tree hill way: "tell us cabinet Lord, he has a way to find for you."

Yuan Qing got on the carriage in a hurry in the evening, but Shuqiu didn't respond for a moment. He yelled: "Mr. Yuan, what are you going to do?"

"Shangqing Pavilion."

The treehouse quickly mounted the carriage.

The number of people in front of the gate of Shangqing Pavilion only increased when they left. In the late Yuan Dynasty, Shuqiu was stunned and frowned: "it seems that the pavilion leader has not yet chosen the right person. This is the first time that this situation has occurred. There are so many people, but none of them is in line with the eyes of the pavilion leader." He responded: "Mr. Yuan, go through the back door. If so many people see you go through the front door, I'm afraid there will be countless rumors."

The late Yuan and Qing Dynasties were not entangled.

Shangqing pavilion has always been like this. When it comes to the day when people can be selected, those people will come as usual. Knowing that they have been here so many times and have never been elected, they still persevere.

If one tenth of the people here can insist on doing business like this, I'm afraid the country will be more secure.

Now, there is a news circulating in the Shangqing Pavilion. They have always been cool and indifferent to the master of the Yuan government, and they have done some incredible things for him, regardless of the rules they set.

As soon as I entered the pavilion, I heard a group of women gathered around to discuss her.

"Don't think about the Lord. You'd better find another lover as soon as possible. The Lord has been attracted by the young master yuan."

"Mr. Yuan is a man after all. Even if the Lord is confused by him, he will wake up sooner or later. What kind of woman does the Lord want?"

"Yes, I would like to be a concubine to the Lord."


Maybe it's because Xuanye really doesn't care about these things under his command. These women dare to discuss such obscure things so openly.

Shuqiu couldn't listen any more. He was about to walk past, but he was stopped by yuanqingwan.

In Yuan Qing's face can not see any look, can only feel her attitude towards this matter seems to be just as a play.

Because of the shelter of the trees, the women could not see the hills and the late Yuan Dynasty.

"Let's go." Yuan Qing is familiar with the place in the evening, and there is no battle today. She soon finds the room Xuanye likes to stay in."Lord." Yuanqing knocks on Xuanye's door: "can I go in?"

Inside, Xuanye's "hum" comes. She pushes the door.

Xuanye sits in front of the window and looks down. Yuanqing evening goes by. All the people standing below can have a panoramic view. Yuanqing evening sighs: "it turns out that all the Lords of the pavilion are looking for people who are predestined by fate like this."


Looking at the acquaintances at the front of the crowd in Yuanqing evening, an Hao is very modest. He looks up with hope, but he can't see Xuanye's window.

It was only in the late Yuan and Qing dynasties that it became clear that the window was very clear from the inside out, but if it was only a carved window from the outside in, the people inside could not see it at all.

"Lord, I have something to ask you."

"Well." Xuanye asks Yuanqing to sit down. "This pavilion has already ordered people to do it."

It seems that Xuanye knows that she is looking for Su Beimo.

"Who to choose?"

Xuanye's eyes haven't left the people below, but now he asks Yuanqing to find someone.

These acquaintances were enemies, and those who didn't know each other didn't meet the requirements of Yuan Qing Dynasty.

She sighed and rubbed her head: "the pavilion master knows that I like to see the opera, but I don't like to enter the opera. The pavilion master always likes to have problems."

"As a price to help you find someone."

Yuan Qing night Mou son a bright, she way: "easy to say."

Most of the people downstairs are the childe brothers of noble families. Ordinary people don't dare to come to this place, but there are many ladies here.

Yuan Qing night squint, she saw a familiar person - yuan mo.

I didn't expect that she would come here. She even wanted to enter Shangqing Pavilion. In this case, she naturally wanted to help her sister.

Fertilizer and water do not flow to outsiders.

Xuanye pondered for a while and said, "well."

The hillock retreated and should have gone to announce it.

Yuan Qing evening pays close attention to the following trends, but does not forget to ask Xuanye: "I think the cabinet leader should be very curious about why I chose her."


You know Xuanye's awkwardness. Even if he has any questions, he won't ask. He has to wait for others to take the initiative to explain.

"Because I want to see what she's looking for." Yuan Qing's eyes narrowed in the evening. Since Yuan Mo had a crush on Su Beimo, she would be the first one who wanted to eradicate her. Knowing yourself and the enemy, she wants to see what yuan Mo wants to do: "but you don't have to be merciful later, my elder sister. You just need to ask for silver according to the value of the treasure."

She specially added the word value, so Xuanye knows what she means.

Shu Qiu's work efficiency is very fast. He sent Wu Qing to announce the matter. In the evening of Yuan Qing Dynasty, he clearly saw the sound of the crowd's perfection and Yuan Mo's smile.

I don't know which one in the crowd yelled: "it's not fair. How come they are all from Yuanfu. The first two times were Mr. Yuan. We can think that the cabinet leader was happy with Mr. Yuan. But now how love, even yuan childe's elder sister can be far away. If so, there will be no end to the coming of the second son's concubines.... "

There was some truth in what the man said, which was very interesting in the evening of Yuan Qing Dynasty, so she leaned her head out to see what was the reason.

But after all, there was a window blocking it. In the end, no one was found.

After a while, Shuqiu came back. He said, "my Lord, it's done."

"Well." Xuanye also took back his sight, "go and see what he chose."

"The price is..."

"Why don't you have a lion to open your mouth."

Yuan Qing evening in the side to listen to smoke the corner of the mouth.

Stupefied God, he has sat at the table, boiled tea into two cups, toward the yuan Qing evening wave: "come here."

"The Lord wanted to invite me to tea." In the late Yuan Dynasty, he frowned: "I'm looking for someone..."

"If I can't find it, no one can find it."

This wants to refute, Yuan Qing late or swallow words into the stomach.

She wants to give Xuanye a face and drink the tea. Unexpectedly, she will hold up the cup, but Xuanye stops her. Yuanqing looks at Xuanye puzzled in the evening, and listens to Xuanye for a long time: "medicine."

After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that Xuanye was talking about September. Yuanqing evening took out the small wooden box from his sleeve and said, "don't you want to take September back?"

Xuanye did not answer, he opened the small wooden box, took a September out to soak in Yuan Qing evening tea, and then said: "drink it."

"Is it the most effective way to put September into tea?"

Yuan Qing's eyes widened in the evening. She was a little inconceivable and distressed. Otherwise, could it still be used in September?

"Well, you can drink it."

Yuanqing no longer hesitates. She looks up and drinks. Then she looks at Xuanye's cloak and says, "Why are you so nice to me? Just because of my face? "If it's because of her face, it's not because of her.


"What's that for?"

"You don't have to know." Xuanye lifted his cloak, sipped his tea, put down his cloak, and thought, "you just need to know that this pavilion will protect you."

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