The silver needle in his hand suddenly appears. While Yuanxi dance swings up, Yuanqing evening throws the silver needle out, and then hears the scream of Yuanxi dance.

After that Yuanxi dance is like a broken kite being thrown down from the swing.

The landing sound was very loud, and the red apricot couldn't bear to close her eyes. But in the late Yuan Dynasty, he looked on coldly. Yuan Xi dance fell at her feet, as long as she wanted, she could even step on Yuan Xi dance's fingers at her feet.

But she won't do that, because Yuanxi dance is miserable enough now. She lands on her face, and there are many small stones where she lands.

It's very likely to hurt your face again.

"Xiwu, are you ok?" Yuanqing evening dress as a concerned look, immediately to help Yuanxi Dance: "I did not tell you, this swing is not strong, you are not listening to me because of playing, now it's OK, let me see."

Yuan Xi dance also does not care about face, she wails, face has been bleeding in many places, and teeth are touching the ground, there is also blood oozing out, mixed with a lot of soil.

"It's broken." Yuan Qingwan looked at her face and pointed to her wound: "here, here, and here..."

Yuan Xi dance cry more severe: "what should I do?"

Then he listened to Yuan Qing's words that he had not finished saying: "those places I just said were not injured, other places were injured."

She sneered and pulled Yuan Xi dance up: "Xi dance, you don't cry, you try your teeth are still strong?"

Yuan Xi dance a Zheng, she pursed her lips, and then cry more turbulent: "my teeth are going to fall, I don't want to become Minfang storyteller Wang Ergou that kind of teeth."

As expected, one of Yuanxi's front teeth will fall out. Yuanqing's smile will be restrained. What Yuanxi said is true. Storyteller Wang Ergou is also a magical person. He is obviously a toothless man. He speaks very smoothly. Instead of splashing his imagination, he can make storytelling very interesting.

If Yuan Xi's dance turns into that kind of scene Yuan can't help frowning It's hard to imagine.

"It's OK. Even if it turns out that way, you're welcome." This seemingly comforting words in the late Qing Dynasty actually hit Yuanxi dance hard again.

Yuanxi dance pushes Yuanqing evening: "it's all your fault. Why do you want to make this flimsy swing?"

"Last time I saw that the rope was about to break, so I thought I would mend it at that time. I didn't expect that the mending that hadn't come would make you fall like this."

She said, "red apricot, tell the master about it and let him invite the best doctor."

Red apricot nodded: "OK, young master."

Yuanxi dance has not forgotten that she is going to frame Yuanqing evening. Her eyes are always looking down at the broken swing. The blood on her face is mixed with her cold sweat, which makes her look very infiltrative. Those servants she brings are far away from her, for fear that she will be unhappy and they will be affected.

"What are you looking for?"

Yuan Xi danced: "you lift up the swing." She had been looking for the hairpin that was placed in the grass under the swing when she was just on the swing, but she had never found it. Now it seems that there is no hairpin.

The grass under the swing is really just a small piece. As long as you pay attention, it is very easy to see if there is a hairpin hidden inside.

But now, it's really not.

Swing was lifted up, Yuan Xi dance on the ground to grope: "I clearly see something in the grass, but it is a blink of an eye, feel like my hairpin, how no more."

Yuan Qing sipped her lips in the evening. She stood up and said, "do you mean I have hidden the hairpin here?"

"No, I just think I saw it." When Yuan Xi dance's blood drops fall on her hand, she thinks that the most important thing now is not to frame yuan Qingwan, but her nearly destroyed face. She doesn't allow anything wrong with her face.

"Brother." Yuan Xi dance first turns around and grabs yuan Qingwan's hand: "don't you know how to cure? Can you take a look for me first? I'm afraid I'll be late when the doctor comes. My face can't stand any more tribulations. If it goes on like this, it's likely to be destroyed. "

Yuan Qingwan shook his head: "I'm sorry, I can't help you, because I haven't used medicine for a long time. If something goes wrong with your face, I'll be a sinner forever."

These things on others may not be able to do, but Yuan Xi dance can do it completely.

Yuan Qingwan is convinced that as long as she can't cure Yuan Xi's face. In the future, Yuanxi said she did it on purpose. Besides

This time, she was going to teach Yuanxi a lesson, and how could she save herself.

Yuan Xi dance's face is not light, even if she saved, maybe it can only make Yuan Xi dance's face recover, but it is inevitable to leave scars. And Yuan Xi's teeth There are no fillings in this era. If they fall out, they will be hopeless.

It's a mess.

Even if yuan Xiwu begged, yuan Qingwan was not moved at all. She just pondered and comforted: "Xi dance, you have to believe me. Doctor, since he is a doctor, he must have something to do with your face. I'll wipe it with clean water first, or the blood will coagulate. When the doctor treats you later, it will be very painful. "Yuan Xi dance had no choice but to nod her head. She wiped her tears with her hands, but wiped the whole face with flowers. The blood formed on her face like flowers.

"Brother, do you think my face can really return to its original appearance?" In Yuan Qing evening for her to wipe, Yuan Xi dance kept asking.

"Well, I'm not sure, but if the doctor has the ability to make a comeback, there's no problem."

Hearing this, Yuan Xi released yuan Qingwan's arm: "you said that, I'm afraid..."

Of course, her face can't be completely recovered. Yuan Qing changed her pajamas one by one, and finally wiped the place where Yuan Xi didn't get hurt. But the stones and the over rubbed wounds are still bleeding.

She had thought of Yuan Xi dance to return good for bad, but her idea at that time was too naive. Yuan Xi dance don't understand kindness, even if treat her again good, she will still do set up people. Good for evil is better than good.

So it's not too much for her to let Yuanxi dance taste the pain this time. What she cares about most is her face.

Yuan Xi dance a mouth to talk, her teeth really fell down, blood spread to the mouth: "brother, brother, how to do?"

Yuan Qingwan shook his head, then patted yuan Xiwu on the shoulder: "Xiwu, in fact, you don't need to worry too much about this. If you look at Mr. Shuo Shu's blatant attitude, it is obvious that he is the same as you, but he is not the same. Is it impossible to be Mr. Shuo Shu? And I've received so much praise. "

Yuan Xi dance has now completely forgotten about the hairpin and the pain. All she wants now is her face that may be really destroyed.

She even thought about how she would approach Su Zilin in the future if she did not get good treatment.

All the good men in the world love beauty. Who would like a disfigured ugly woman?

"I don't want to be a storyteller. I just want to marry a man I like, but how can I marry a man I like now?"

"It's OK. Many people don't look at their faces. The inner beauty is the real beauty."

In fact, this is also false, even if you don't look, it is under the premise that the person's appearance can be seen in the past. If it's too ugly for people to see, who will have the mood to get along with gifts?

If Yuanxi dance is really like this, then she now belongs to the appearance that people can't see down, not to mention she doesn't have an inner beauty.

At last, the doctor was invited. Yuan Zhong looked like a father. He invited many doctors.

Yuanxi dance was finally helped into the room of Yuanqing evening. Her knee was also injured and she limped when she walked.

Yuan Zhong was very angry: "it's hard for you to find a good family as you used to be. Let's see how you can find a good family now."

Those doctors who cure Yuan Xi dance all hear yuan Zhong's words, and they secretly laugh, because they dare not show too obvious.

"Father, don't blame her any more. Now that she has become like this, she has been taught a lesson. She will definitely not be so playful in the future."

Yuan Zhong snorted coldly: "as a father, I never had any hope for her. A woman, however, always made herself so embarrassed. As my daughter, not only didn't win me honor, but also lost my face like that. "

The doctor saw all the jokes here. They watched Yuan Xi's face. One of them stood up in a cold sweat: "Mr. Yuan, I can only help the second young lady stop the blood. As for the wound on her face, I have nothing to do. Please forgive me."

Yuan Xi dance heard, angry scold: "also said he was a doctor, what bullshit doctor, even my face can't be cured, how do you mean to call yourself a doctor?"

Yuan Xi dance is really spoiled by Jin Hongyu. She can not only speak without thinking, but also say such words.

"Shut up." Yuan Zhong roared: "things that don't know how to live or die."

He is really angry, clearly all the things are Yuan Xi dance do, now the doctor can't cure her wound, she also complained about the doctor.

Yuan Zhong was an official of the imperial court. He needed to be modest to others, otherwise he might be criticized. He apologized to the doctor: "she is still young and doesn't understand. I hope you don't want to spread this news about her." Yuan Zhong should have given the doctor some silver: "I can prescribe some herbs for my little girl. It's important to stop the blood flowing from her wound first."

Gradually, the other doctors also stood up, and they all felt their beards and shook their heads, as if they were helpless about Yuan Xi's wound.

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