"I'm leaving, red apricot. Take care of yourself. When the Lord comes back, I will take you back. "

She came to get the secret about Xuanye, but after listening to Shuqiu's words, she no longer wanted to know Xuanye's secret.

Ye doesn't even want to let her come back because she doesn't want to.

All things will be known when Xuanye comes back.

She comforted herself that as long as Xuanye appeared again, she would try all the beautiful things in the world with him.

But Yuexi stayed in the same place for a while. For a long time, she took the initiative to say goodbye to Shuqiu: "Lord Shuqiu, I didn't expect that you are still so exciting..."

She wanted to say that she liked it, but she saw that the treehouse just looked at her with the usual slothful look, and she just took it back.

Some things, rather than speak out, rotten in the stomach.

"What do you want to say?" The trees and hills are smiling, full of evil spirits.

Joy shook his head: "it's OK, I'll leave."

She ran to catch up with yuan Qingwan and walked with him.

"You, Mr. Shuqiu, have a sense of belonging. You'd better like others." In the evening of Yuanqing, she tries not to think about Xuanye and distracts her attention.

"My subordinates know that they are not worthy of Lord Shuqiu and are willing to give up." She drooped her head.

"I'll find you a good one. Anyway, you are allowed to marry in Shangqing Pavilion. "

"Unless it's someone in the wedding Pavilion, if it's an outsider, you can only leave Shangqing Pavilion."

After all, working in shangqingge is not only prestige, but also freedom and infinite benefits.

If it were her, she would not.

"In fact, there are so many men in your Pavilion, you can try others."

"Mr. Yuan, my subordinates don't want to discuss this issue."

Yuan Qing thought about it for a while and thought that her communication with others was really radical. She doesn't have any qualifications to control other people's love.

Back in Yuan's mansion, Yuan Zhong couldn't help asking yuan Qingwan what to do, but yuan Qingwan didn't answer him.

Yuan Zhong sighed, knowing that it was good for yuan Qing to recognize him as a father now. If he asks too much, it will only lead to too much.

He not only wanted to make use of it, but also had a father daughter relationship, and he had a lot of guilt about it.

At the beginning, he treated Yuanqing evening like that, but now he thinks about it, he regrets it.

Yuan Zhong couldn't sleep at all. He went to his study. After wearing the wax, he took the picture of the original owner's mother and looked at it. He put his hand on it and rubbed it carefully. He looked at it and wept: "I'm sorry for you. If I could find out your mistake in time, would you still be with me now? "

He shook his head, a drop of turbid tears fell on the scroll, a large area of dizzy dye opened, he reached out to wipe: "you said, I am not allowed to tarnish your everything, but I......"

He rubbed the picture hard, but it became more and more beautiful.

Yuan Zhong was very flustered. His only thought was this portrait. God really refused to forgive him, and even gave him such an opportunity to atone.

The light of the candle went on and on. Suddenly, it was like lighting all the wicks. Yuan Zhong said, "come on, hold the lamp!"

"Well, I'll hold the lamp for you."

Yuan Zhong was stunned. In front of him, a dark shadow was gradually expanding. He gradually retreated and was afraid.

He knows the person in front of him.

"What are you doing here?"

Yuan Zhong was a little afraid from the bottom of his heart. The man in front of him was a complete lunatic. Some of the memories of many years ago have sprung up again.

"After many years, of course, I came to see if the man I used to like had a good life." The voice sounds hoarse, but it is more and more terrible in the dark.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"I don't care." Dark shadow gradually approached yuan Zhong, and finally she was so bold that she sat on Yuan Zhong's lap directly. She blew hot air in Yuan Zhong's ear: "brother Zhong, do you have no guilt for me?"

She took yuan Zhong's hand and stroked her face a little bit. Yuan Zhong trembled with his fingertips and finally touched the scar, which was very deep. Of course, it just feels that nothing can be seen in the dark.

"You've never felt what it was like when my rotten meat was cut off. I see it rotting a little bit, rotting. But there's no way. At last, I cut off the piece of meat with my own hands

The woman giggled: "brother Zhong, when you were in the arms of beauty and indulged in gentle countryside, you certainly didn't think about what I was doing."

The woman finally lit the candle. Under the reflection of the candle, her face was especially terrible.A scar from the forehead spread to the corner of the mouth, deep visible bone.

Originally still calculate of bright and gorgeous face then so make people sigh.

"How's it going?"

The woman said coldly: "I fell in love with you then, but you have to treat me like that. It's really too much."

She seemed to have something to say. Under yuan Zhong's gaze, she said fiercely: "people like you should have died many years ago. But you're still alive. But I have to tell you that your retribution is coming, and you have to be prepared. "

Such a fierce woman in front of her was not like that many years ago. Yuan Zhong sighed, he said: "Xue Yunfeng, how can you become like this now?"

Listen to Yuan Zhong will call her name, Xue Yunfeng seems to be lost in thought, she whispered: "so many years have passed, did not expect you can still remember my name."

"Yes, after all, you and I grew up together, but I can't forget your name."

Xue Yunfeng couldn't help but say: "unfortunately, it's too late now. If only you could call my name sometime. Do you really have no guilt when the woman you like dies like that? If I had married you, it would never have happened now. "

Yuan Zhong Zheng Zhong, he also asked himself whether he ever regretted. But there is nothing to regret. If he does it again, he will definitely choose to be with the woman he loves, and he will never compromise.

"I don't regret it."

Xue Yunfeng seems to have collapsed after hearing this. She looks up and laughs. In the dim light of the candle, she is extremely terrible.

But it was strange that there was such a strange movement inside, but no servant came to ask. Yuan Zhong could not help but ask, "where is the housekeeper?"

"You don't have to shout, the servants around your study..." Xue Yunfeng lowered her voice: "I let them They're all dead. "

Yuan Zhong suddenly stood up. He shook his head and didn't believe: "no, you won't do that. You used to be so kind. "

"Is it?" Xue Yunfeng sat on Yuan Zhong's desk, flipping around. Finally, when she got the scroll, she opened it. Yuan Zhong took the painting back, but Xue Yunfeng took it back more forcefully. Looking at the person on the painting, Xue Yunfeng's face was decadent. She muttered to herself: "she has been dead for so many years, why don't you forget her? Where on earth am I inferior to her? "

She suddenly thought of something and laughed again: "by the way, you must not know. The daughter you value most is not your daughter

Regardless of the fear in front of him, Yuan Zhong suddenly grabbed Xue Yunfeng's sleeve: "what did you just say?"

"Yuanqingwan is not your daughter. Isn't that ridiculous? The daughter you want to value most is not yours. Let's be disappointed. The more sad and disappointed you are, the happier I am. "

Yuan Zhong sat back again. He whispered, "whose daughter is she?"

He didn't understand the meaning of Xue Yunfeng's words, so he didn't know whether he was changed in the late Yuan Dynasty or whether the woman he loved was pregnant with other people's children.

"Because she is Tang Zhong's daughter." Xue Yunfeng said word by word: "accident? Because of me, you have traded your daughter's life for your best brother's daughter's life. "

Yuan Zhong clenched his fists, but he still refused to be soft: "even if it's brother Tang's daughter, how can it be? Over the years, I have long regarded Qingwan as my own daughter. "

He has completely regarded the late Yuan Dynasty as his daughter born to his beloved woman, so naturally, he will not change the late Yuan Dynasty because of what Xue Yunfeng says now.

"Unexpectedly, you are so kind to Tang Zhong."

Xue Yunfeng jumped down on the table: "it's a pity that your own daughter, that is to say, the real Yuanqing evening has died."

Yuan Zhong was very sad, but he didn't show it at this time.

"It doesn't matter." Yuan Zhong said with a wry smile, "if you come here today to talk to me about this, you can go. These words can't hit me at all."

Xue Yunfeng also recovered in surprise. She said that Yuanzhong was cold-blooded and merciless. Then she said, "you are actually wrong. I'm here to assassinate you today."

Yuan Zhong seems to have known: "why do you think your internal power is above me?"

"Over the years, since I have the ability to set up Linfeng hall, it is enough to prove that I am no longer the woman who can only let you recover. I won't give up any more because of you. "

Yuan Zhong narrowed his eyes and sneered. He suddenly clapped his hands and said, "very good."

Xue Yunfeng opened her mouth and couldn't say anything for a moment.

Then she looked at the wax she was about to finish: "unfortunately, you are doomed to lose to me today. And you have to die. " She reached out and gently stroked yuan Zhong's face: "I love you so much, I want to carve you into my bones, I want to integrate you into my flesh and blood. But you have been negating me again and again. You can think about it. Now I'm in the government. "

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