He took it, and his eyes were always on the jade finger. He couldn't move his eyes away for a long time. Yuan Qing's evening naturally saw yuan Zhong's mind: "there's no need to be polite between my father and my palace. I'm happy to exchange this little jade finger for such a jade rabbit today. "

Yuan Zhong looked at yuan Qingwan with a smile. He said, "do you like small animals?"

On the contrary, Yuan Zhong asked yuan Qing's question in a daze. It seems that there is no small animal in his memory. But whether the original owner liked it or not, she liked it, so she nodded.

Yuan Zhong said: "a few days ago, I met a businessman and bought a white cat in his hand. The white cat really looks very good. Today, if the empress likes it, I will give it to her. "

Yuan Zhong didn't intend to give it to yuan Qingwan, but when he saw that yuan Qingwan had given such precious jade fingers to him, there was no reason why he didn't give back more.

"Seriously? Father, let someone take it out and show it to our palace. "

Yuan Zhong immediately ordered the housekeeper. At this time, Yuan Xi could not sit still. She stood up and said, "father, you said that the cat was for your daughter. But now I eat the words and give them to the empress. "

Yuan Zhong scolded Yuan Xi dance many times in his heart, because in his opinion, Yuan Xi dance's action was obviously immature.

But yuan Qing night is said: "originally Xi dance you like that cat. I'll take care of it... "

But yuan Zhong said: "Niang Niang doesn't know it. Xi dance is just a fad. I'm afraid she won't like it at that time. Instead, she won't give it to Niang Niang, who can support her for a long time."

Yuan Zhong's words are not wrong. She is not hot in three minutes. Since she has decided, she will not change in the middle of the way.

Since she decided to keep a cat, she would not abandon it. It's like Yuehua. Even though Yuehua is annoying, it's her decision. It is also her own disaster, so no matter what, she must be responsible for the placement of Yuehua.

"Well, since my father believes in me so much, I'm naturally trying to keep this cat."

It's nothing to raise a cat in the palace. The housekeeper quickly hugs the cat. Yuan Qingwan looks around and sees the cat's Jasper pupil. Yuan Qingwan immediately walks over and takes the cat over. He keeps caressing the cat in his arms: "I didn't expect that the cat is so beautiful."

Mo said: "since the empress of Su Bei was surprised to see that he was not happy with yuan. If the queen loves cats so much, I'll send for another two for the queen to keep. "

After hearing Su Beimo's words, Yuan Qing could not help but smile: "the emperor doesn't have to be like this. One is enough."

Next, waiting for Aunt yuan's time is not so long. Su Beimo has a neutral attitude towards the cat in Yuanqing's arms, because in his opinion, the cat can make Yuanqing happy.

But Yuehua frowned: "this little thing should die."

In the late Yuan Dynasty, the cat was about to hide in her arms. After a long time, she said, "what's your mind? The cat has not provoked you

What she was afraid of was that although Yuehua didn't hurt people, she might attack the cat.

"There's no sense of accomplishment in killing it. Don't worry."

In the late Yuan Dynasty, he was relieved, so it was reasonable for some weak things to be able to exchange sympathy. Even some ruthless people like Yuehua could not attack the cat.

Yuan Zhong and the people in the mansion flattered several people in the late Qing Dynasty. Towards noon, the yuan family really came.

Yuan Qing evening wanted to greet her politely, but she was dragged back by Su Beimo: "you are the queen now. You should keep your queen's appearance. Even if the visitors are close, they should still respect you."

The so-called admiration was something that the late Yuan Dynasty could not bear. She took a look at Su Beimo, but after a long time she did not refute it, because she did not go, and naturally she did not let Yuehua go.

"Yuehua, you are very happy to sit here and wait with me."

Since there is no one, the late Qing Dynasty naturally took back the previous alienation from Yuehua and turned it into a normal way to get along.

Red apricot picked up the cat in Yuan Qing evening's arms: "Niang Niang, this cat is still for red apricot, you are not suitable to hold it now."

In the late Yuan Dynasty, she subconsciously thought that Hongxing wanted to compete with her. She once again took the cat in her arms: "no, it's not dangerous for the cat. What's the inconvenience? "

"But..." Red apricot bit her lower lip. She was wondering how to explain it. She listened to Su Beimo's words: "since she likes it, it's OK to hold it. Don't worry about it, red apricot. "

Red apricot a Zheng, actually did not expect that green silk in Su Beimo, who seems to have a habit of cleanliness, is willing to make such a big change because of the late Yuan Qing Dynasty.

Yuan Qing can't help saying, "do you hear me? Red apricot, if you can learn half of the essence of the emperor, I promise Shuqiu will never do anything to make you unhappy again. "Red apricot curled her lips: "Niang Niang, have you forgotten that Shuqiu and I used to get along with each other in this way. If he is half dissatisfied, I will abandon him and find a man who is ten million times better than him."

Red apricot's courage is more and more big, now in front of Su Beimo, can retract freely.

But Su Beimo said sarcastically at the critical moment: "if you like a person, you can leave as if you are talking casually, I'm afraid there are not so many stupid men and women in the world."

Red apricot blinks. After a long time, she thinks Su Beimo's words are very reasonable. After all, she really cares about Shuqiu, so she can't leave as she said.

Yuan Qing looked at the red apricot in the evening. After a long time, he said, "so don't monkey around with Shuqiu in the future. If it gets out of hand next time, it won't be others or you who will be sad. If you look at the relationship between Ku Ke and Cao Lin, they will never quarrel as you do with Shu Qiu. "

Red apricot nodded: "bitter moment, she really won't, because she doesn't have my hot temper, if not my hot temper. I couldn't have taken the hillock so easily

In the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties, Shuqiu was more and more reasonable. Before he met Hongxing, Shuqiu was free and easy. But since he met Hongxing unexpectedly, he didn't talk about it any more.

Yuan Qing evening for the tree hill melancholy for a while, this time the sound of footsteps, Yuan Qing evening rubbing temple, know should be yuan to the door. Yuan Zhong's voice took the lead to wear out, he said: "the emperor here, you are good performance of life."

Although I can't hear it clearly, Yuan Qing heard it in the evening. Yuan Zhong hoped that his nephew and niece would have a good life to please Su Beimo?

If it had been before, there would have been no problem, but now it seems not suitable. Because it's better to please Su Beimo than to please her. No matter what you do, you have to get her permission. No matter what she does, she doesn't need to go through the hand of Su Beimo. If they get along with the normal mode of speaking out, Su North Mo is afraid to be spread out of the rumor of henpecked husband. In the late Yuan Dynasty, she was looking forward to the reputation of Su Beimo, but she didn't want Su Beimo's reputation to be bad, so no matter who asked, she kept silent.

Soon, in the line of sight is a group of people dressed in colorful. The first one is yuan. When Yuan Shi saw Su Beimo and Yuehua, she was stunned. After a while, she decided who was the emperor.

Because Su Beimo didn't wear a Dragon Robe this time, the color of his robe is the same as that of Yuehua's, and they are both handsome and noble.

In the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties, it is estimated that the yuan family should distinguish Su Beimo and Yuehua through their Cape. At last, she knelt down in front of them with all her children: "people's wives, please see the emperor, empress."

Su Beimo didn't respond, but in the evening of Yuan Qing, he went up and helped Yuan Shi up: "aunt, what's the matter with you? You don't have to kneel. "

Yuan's eyes were full of expectations when he looked at yuan Qingwan, and the smile on his face was also very flattering: "I never expected that you would become the empress after so many years."

Yuan Qing smiles reluctantly in the evening. According to her memory, she doesn't like this aunt from the bottom of her heart.

"I have to discuss with my aunt today."

"Madam, I know what you want to say." She took a look at Yuehua: "the person you are talking about is not this adult?"

Yuan Qingwan said with a smile, "he's not an adult. He's just a poor man. Never forget his aunt's identity in the future. If someone asks, you will say that he is your son. That's my cousin. How about that? "

Yuan is a smart person, so after Yuan Qing said these words, she immediately agreed with a smile: "such a good-looking childe like heaven and man, if you say it's a childe of the people's wife, I'm afraid no one will believe it."

"As long as we all admit it, how other people think it's other people's business."

Yuan's smile is stiff. She hasn't seen her for many years. She didn't expect that her niece, who was bullied by their family, turned out to be so beautiful and became the queen. How to think is not reconciled. It is clear that her daughters are very nice girls, but they are so humble because they gave birth to the wrong family.

In the late Yuan Dynasty, when he saw yuan's eyes dodging, he knew that even after such a long time, yuan still didn't change his mind. It was just that his acting ability improved to a higher level. In this case, even if she did something too much, she was not to blame. Now, even if she is willing to give opportunities, others are not willing to.

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