Seeing her master wake up, she will scream out. The girl who has been waiting for her all the time comes forward to cover Fu Min's mouth.

Fu Min struggles in every way and looks at the girl who grew up with him from childhood with unbelievable face. Her heart is full of despair. If even Yu Xiao betrayed her, how long can she live in this palace? And her children, are they still alive?

"Lady! Don't move, my mother's body can't stand such a toss! The maid let go of her mother, and she must not cry out... "

Yu Xiao didn't expect that her always quiet master would struggle so fiercely. She tightly covered the corner of Fu Min's mouth for fear of attracting others.

But no matter how she persuades, Fu Min can't listen at all. She just stares at her with red eyes, and her limbs are constantly struggling. As a new mother, all she was thinking about was her child born in October!


Although Yu Xiao is a girl, she has always been a big girl. She has never done any hard work and has little strength. At this time, she is about to earn money, but Fu Min doesn't care about anything else. She says a word in Fu Min's ear, no matter whether she has ears or not. She just hopes that her master will calm down first.

At first, Fu Min didn't react. After a while, she still stares at Yu Xiao with her eyes wide open, but she doesn't feel full of hatred. All that's left is confusion and doubt.

What did she hear?

Seeing that his master finally calmed down, Yu Xiao let go of her hands and helped Fu Min back to the bed.

Fu Min is still in a daze. He looks at Yu Xiao and the children who are sleeping well.

Just born child, a whole face is wrinkled, still can't see how facial features look, but the little red dot on the ear is in the same position as the red mole on Princess Qianyuan's ear.

"It's from... Cha cha..."

Fu Min Na's mouth still seems to be a little unbelievable, but before he finishes his words, the corner of his mouth is tightly covered by Yu Xiao.

Seeing that Yu Xiao's face is full of fear and anxiety, he shakes his head towards himself. Fu Min just responds and nods slightly. Yu Xiao just lets go of his hand again.

Chacha is the nickname of Princess Qianyuan. Fu Min has been used to calling her since childhood. But, why does tea do this? Why switch her children?

"Sister Yuxiao? Just now I heard her voice, but she woke up? "

Outside the door came a light call, which was a little tentative. It was another maid in charge of Fu Min's palace in addition to Yu Xiao. This man has always been responsible for the affairs of the outer palace, which was given by the queen. It's also his intention to take care of Fu Min on weekdays.

Yu Xiao turned to see his master, see Fu Min nodded, she just Langsheng mouth.

"Come in, sister Lanting! As soon as the empress wakes up, her elder sister moves less when she comes in. Don't bring in the cold wind. The empress and the little princess are weak and can't stand the cold wind. "

The people outside the door answered. They came in easily, but they didn't get close. They were afraid that the cold wind would hurt Fu Min, who had just gone through the disaster of life and death. They just stood outside a few steps away and saluted Fu Min on his bed.

"I wish you a happy little princess! All the people in the palace were thinking of their maidens, but they didn't dare to disturb them. Before they woke up, they asked their maidservants to come and wait at the door, saying that they wanted them to say hello for them

Orchid Pavilion face is full of gentle smile, to really come to congratulate the master's appearance.

"Get up, my palace is happy to have a princess. It's time to celebrate! You go to the storeroom to find some small things, take them out and share them with the public, which makes everyone happy. "

The eunuchs in the palace came to congratulate them. They wanted to reward something. Fu Min, who has always kept a low profile, also made a rare high profile. All the eunuchs who came to the palace to congratulate, or pearl earrings, or waist ornaments, got some rewards. It can be seen that Fu Min was very happy to have this child.

When Lanting left, he went up to see the little princess. Seeing that the baby was sleeping well, he didn't disturb her. After saluting, he retired.

The room is quiet again. Fu Min has countless questions in his heart. He wants to ask Yu Xiao around him. But he still has a trace of reason to tell her that the wall has ears. Under the gaze of the queen, this is definitely not the time to ask everything clearly.

After all, Yu Xiao has been with Fu Min for a long time. She knows that she has doubts in her heart, but she doesn't dare to ask more. She can't help talking with Fu min.

"Niang Niang, Princess Qianyuan also gave birth. She gave birth to a little son several hours earlier than our little princess. When the news came, the empress was waiting to give birth in the room, and the palace people did not dare to go in and disturb her. So the maidservant asked someone to send a gift. It was the small jade lock that the empress had prepared early. The news that the empress gave birth to a little princess also spread to the outside of the palace. The princess sent someone to tell her that the empress didn't have to worry about the princess. When she got out of the month, the princess and the little prince went to the palace to visit the empress and the little princess. "

After that, Yu Xiao looked around and whispered something in his ear, which made Fu Min burst into tears.

Yuxiao suddenly anxious, the moon, where can cry?But no matter how she coaxes, Fu Min can't help crying. She holds the little princess in her arms and shakes her body slightly to coax her. She really takes it as a baby.

Yu Xiao said that cha cha left a sentence for Fu Min: "only when you give birth to a princess, can you keep the life of the concubine Xi and the child."

Smart as Fu Min, how can you not understand the meaning of Princess Qianyuan's words? The queen is jealous. If she gives birth to a prince, it will threaten the eldest son murongqing. No matter what method is used, empress Wei will not leave their mother and son alive. But the princess is different. She is going to marry out in the future. There is no threat to murongqing's succession to the throne. Empress Wei's mind is vicious again. Now that all her children are born, I'm afraid she is afraid.

In this palace, Fu Min is accompanied by a princess, who is safer than the prince.

During the whole month, Murong Yong came to see Fu Min, and sent a flowing reward to Fu Min's palace, not to mention Murong Ying, the little princess who was named as the eldest princess at birth.

Murong Yong is very fond of this daughter. He wants to send all the good things in the world to the child. Even if Fu Min refuses several times, Murong Yong agrees on the face, but he still keeps favoring her.

As the mother of a country, empress Wei, because of the things on her face, naturally came to see the princess twice, but every time she looked at the dazzling treasures in the child's room, the hatred in empress Wei's eyes made Fu Min feel frightened.

Fu Min can't imagine if she and her children can live to see the sun the next day without tea's foresight?

It was a month later that Princess Qianyuan brought her son into the palace to meet Fu min. Because they are all the heirs of the royal family, Princess Xi and Princess Qianyuan are also close friends. Fortunately, the two children were born on the same day. The full moon wine of Murong Yun, the youngest son of Qianyuan, and Murong Ying, the eldest princess, was held in the palace together.

Because of Murong Yong's love for his daughter, the full moon banquet was grand, much more grand than that of Murong Qing, the eldest son of the emperor. All the invited officials and family members were listening to the opera and watching the music in the outer courtyard. Princess Qianyuan took the youngest son to the inner courtyard to meet Fu min.

As soon as we met, Fu Min didn't have time to look at the children, so she went forward and hugged the tea tightly. The tears in her eyes fell down and she wanted to say something. But in the palace, she didn't dare to say anything inappropriate.

Cha Cha sent her daughter to this place to eat people, just to save the lives of Fu Min and the little prince. This kindness alone will make it difficult for Fu Min to pay off for several lives!

"People who just came out of confinement can't cry! Don't be like this, but I haven't seen you for a few days. As soon as I cry, I want to cry too! "

Princess Qianyuan opened her mouth half jokingly, but her eyes were also slightly red. Fu Min's meaning, she knows, which mother does not care for their children? But Fu Min's situation is like this, the present practice is the most stable!

After persuading each other for a while, he stopped feeling sad and looked at the two children. Seeing that Murong Yun's open facial features were so similar to her, Fu Min's tears fell down again. This is her son, the son of the emperor!

Princess Qianyuan over there is also holding the little princess, so she doesn't want to let go of it. After a whole month's heart, she saw the smart eyes of the child and the smile she saw, and then she fell down. Her eyes were tearful, but the corners of her mouth were smiling.

As time goes by, the Queen's hostility to Fu Min becomes stronger and stronger. However, with the growth of Murong Qing, the eldest son of the emperor, the queen puts more thoughts on her son. Fu Min also has a few years to live in peace. Murong Yun and Murong Ying grow up fighting and making trouble. One becomes a young son like jade, and the other becomes a pavilion Graceful Manyi princess.

When the eldest princess was only twelve years old, envoys from all over the world came one after another. Together with the powerful princes and grandchildren of the barbarian Kingdom, they all began to talk about the Barbarian King. Their purpose was to marry the princess after the princess and Mei.

For 12 years, Fu Min treated Murong Ying as his own daughter. No one ever doubted why Princess Chang didn't look like Princess Xi, but like Princess Qianyuan.

And Murong Yun, the son of Qianyuan, holds this cousin who is only a few hours younger than himself in the palm of his hand to protect her from being hurt.

Perhaps it was because she was so well protected that Murong Ying did not understand the darkness of the harem, the sinister of the people's heart, and even less thought that, in the eyes and ears of empress Wei for many years, Murong Qing, who repeatedly called her the eldest brother, saw her as nothing but a humble person who was inferior to an ordinary playwright.

So Murong Ying died quietly in the end.

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