Tree Hill Leng for a moment, just want to see this person's appearance, this person has already dodged to kill other people.

Those bandits and thieves were in a weak position originally. Now suddenly, such a person with excellent martial arts and strange body skills came out and beat them so much that they had no fighting back. However, those who were still alive covered each other and fled to the depths of the mountain forest. They had lost their momentum when they were just blocking the road.

Su Beimo and Yuan Qingwan were still on the carriage. They were worried that the enemy would try to divert the tiger from the mountain. Before the bodyguards could chase the runaway people, Shuqiu sent a signal to everyone to come back. It was the most important thing to protect the safety of the emperor and the empress.

However, the guard came back, but the man in black didn't hesitate to chase those who ran away. Even Shuqiu didn't have a chance to thank him.

"That person... Looks so familiar..."

seeing that Yuanqing night changed her look, Hong Xing also looked at her. Seeing the gradually distant figure, she immediately felt very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

The matter is solved. The bodyguard outside is cleaning up the bodies around. The opposite side has suffered heavy losses, but few of their people have been injured. There is nothing to see, Yuan Qing will put down the curtain, half ring with some uncertain turn to look at Su Beimo.

"Where is Yuehua?"

Yuan Qing night suddenly mentioned Yuehua, Su Beimo and red apricot are stunned.

It seems that since Yuan Qing was taken away from Kyoto by murongqing in the evening, he has never been seen in Kyoto City. Even the landlady who has been living in the inn has never seen Yuehua. No one knows where he has gone.

Su North Mo toward the window lattice place to see one eye, half ring or shook his head.

"Before he left, he didn't tell anyone where he was going or when he would return."

Wen Yanyuan didn't ask any more questions in the late Qing Dynasty. He just lifted the car curtain and looked at it. But there was no one outside the window except those familiar faces who followed them all the way.

She naturally saw the look that the man had just left the carriage. Although he was half covered and only showed a pair of eyes, those eyes immediately made her think of Yuehua.

But if the man in black was Yuehua, according to his temperament, he should have come. How could he help them and then leave immediately without even leaving time to say a word? That person should not be Yuehua...

"if you are curious about the person's identity, let Shuqiu check it?"

Su Beimo holds yuan Qingwan in his arms and interrupts yuan Qingwan's meditation.

Wen Yan leaned against the woman in the man's arms, but she shook her head.

"Since the other party doesn't want to leave his name, he doesn't want to let others know his identity, so there's no need to check it..."

moreover, Yuanqing had a premonition that this person would appear again.

As expected in the late Yuan Dynasty, on the third day after being stopped in the forest, people in black reappeared in the sparsely populated Xihe town.

This time, as the same as the previous time, someone came to assassinate Su Beimo and Yuan Qingwan, who were resting in Xihe town. Shuqiu was in the middle of the fight with each other, and the man in black suddenly appeared, killing the assassins to pieces.

But this time, the man in black didn't hurry to go. After killing people, he picked a corpse at his feet at random, turned over the corpse and threw a small token to Shuqiu. Shuqiu immediately understood the identity of the people who came to assassinate the empress.

It turned out to be a remnant of Su Zilin's party!

Shuqiu quickly handed the token to Su Beimo, who was standing in the corridor.

Presumably these people also know that the overall situation has been decided, Su Zilin died in the mansion, and it is impossible to fight for the throne again. However, they are not willing to let Su Beimo return to Kyoto City. They have to make some trouble for Su Beimo. If they can kill Su Beimo, they will make money.

There are waves of assassins who come to attack and assassinate.

Before that time in the forest, the trees and hills didn't search for the bodies of the assassins. They just quickly stripped off their clothes and didn't find anything to prove their identity. I don't know how this time the man in black pulled a body to find out the things.

As soon as he looked up, the man in black disappeared. No one even knew how he left.

Others can't see clearly, but yuan Qingwan, who is standing in the attic, can see clearly. After throwing the token to Shuqiu, the man in black has turned and left, but he is good at his feet. If she didn't stand on the high ground, it would be hard to know when he left.

The same as last time, this time, before the man in black left, he also looked up at the attic, but this glance made yuan Qingwan even more uncertain about the identity of the other party.

When he kills people, he always uses one move to defeat the enemy. If he doesn't have any empty moves, he will be killed. Besides, the moves and ways of Kung Fu are not from any famous school. They seem very casual, but they are very destructive. Finally, he is a lightness skill that is hard to be reached by others. If you don't be careful, you can't see how he left... All these things are remembered in the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties Only one person meets all the criteria.It's Yuehua.

But just now that double eye Mou, how can be the moon China? So strange, with a little alienation, it is not the eyes of Yuehua.

Yuan Qing night is still in a daze, Su Beimo has come to her side.

"Did they wake you up?"

Yuan Qing was resting in the evening. Standing in front of the window, he was awakened by the fighting outside.

Hearing Su Beimo's question, she shook her head.

"I didn't fall asleep either... Did you see the man in black just now? Do you feel familiar? "

She is still not sure what she thinks. Su Beimo is also familiar with Yuehua. If it is Yuehua, he should be able to see it.

Su North Mo looking at her, half a ring did not speak, finally sighed for her to manage the ear was the wind blowing hair.

"It's a little familiar. It's still a little far from the capital. If it's predestined, I'll see him again."

At that time, you will know whether what you think is true.

Su Beimo didn't say much, and the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties began to think for themselves.

Is that man Yuehua?

Along the way from Xihe town to Kyoto City, the killers who could not be killed seemed to be coming wave by wave like moths flapping at the fire, but the final result was not surprising. All the killers were killed. On several occasions, they were killed without even seeing Su Beimo and Yuan Qingwan.

And it was the mysterious man in black who killed those people.

Later, when some killers come, even the treehouse will stand still. Anyway, the mysterious man will suddenly appear, kill all the killers, and then leave without a word. Just so long, the mysterious man has never revealed his name and identity.

"Emperor, empress, do you want to go down and find out the identity of this person? According to the present situation, it is not accidental that this man suddenly appeared in the forest. It seems that he followed us all the way. He has a strange figure. I don't know how long he has been with us. If he can, his subordinates are afraid of making mistakes. "

Once again, he solved a wave of killers and watched the man in black go away. Shuqiu began to think about what he had done since he appeared. Although he was grateful that he could appear in time every time to solve the killers quickly, he also began to have a sense of preparedness.

Su Beimo looks at the night of Yuan Qing Dynasty and waves his hand with the tree.

"There's no need to be on guard. This man has helped to kill the killers many times, but there will be no malice. Just guard well, and you don't have to think much about it."


Stop and go all the way, when you see Qingya mountain outside Kyoto City, Yuanqing night would like to go back to her Kyoto City immediately! I haven't seen her for months. She has never missed Kyoto so much.

But Su Beimo stopped, because she was pregnant and not suitable for overwork.

Although he was very unhappy, Yuan Qing was obedient and took a rest in this small town in the evening. He had come all the way for so long, and it was not bad for the night! Have a good sleep, you can have spirit tomorrow!

But the day does not fulfill people's wishes, there is always someone to disturb her good dream.

Awakened by the sound of swords and swords outside the window, yuan Qingwan helplessly looks up at the window lattice with a crack open. The bright moon is hanging high above the night, which should be around the ugly time.

Don't these people have to sleep?

"Ah Wan."

Yuan Qingwan pulls up the quilt and covers it on his head. He doesn't want to pay any attention to things outside the house. He is preparing to go to sleep. Su Beimo calls her softly. But yuan Qingwan has to open his sleepy eyes and look at him.

"What's the matter, emperor?"

Su North Mo at this time has got up to wear, also will yuan Qing evening clothes also took over.

"The moon is good outside. Go out and have a look?"

Yuanqing evening: "get up in the middle of the night to see the moon, baby, what are you doing?"??

Yuanqing evening is helpless, lazy or don't want to get up, Su Beimo smile, sitting on the bed, bent over, in her lips fell a kiss, suddenly let Yuanqing evening awake.

Looking at the picturesque man in front of him, Yuan Qing was reluctant to close his eyes again.

Color lure?

How beautiful is the moon tonight?

However, the beauty is now looking at her subeimo with tender eyes. Yuan Qing can't say a word of refusal in the evening. Once she turns over, she opens her hand without image.

"Change! Accompany the emperor to see the moon

It is very heroic, see Su North Mo is a burst of light smile again, raise a hand to help her put on clothes, looking at her to cover tightly, just took her down to the ground.

The sound of swords and swords outside the house gradually decreased, but it did not stop. It changed from the noise to the harsh sound of a single blade colliding with each other.

Tree Hill dare not have half silk distract, in the hand long sword dance disorderly, a move in one form is to stab toward the person in black in front of him.

And the person in front of him, after the initial surprise, began to take his moves, just with a little casual.

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