All the officials came to greet each other. In the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties, they naturally wanted to show their faces. Only the red apricots lifted the thin curtains and fringes. In the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties, they saw the lady in palace dress standing in front of the ministers. She was slightly stunned and got out of the carriage with the help of Su Beimo.

She didn't expect that concubine Qi had come.

Also, this woman will never miss any grand occasion in subeimo. Under such circumstances today, she will come naturally.

I haven't seen her for several months, but I miss her a little in the evening of Yuanqing.

After the courtiers salute, Su Beimo and Yuan Qingwan return to the sedan chair again. It seems that the Qi imperial concubine wants to catch up with her, but she is held by her aunt who is in charge. She tries to persuade her to drive her back. It's no surprise that the emperor and the empress ride together, but the identity of the Qi imperial concubine can't be banished by the emperor's sedan chair. In front of the civil and military officials, you can't be presumptuous!

Wu Che is naturally among the officials who welcome each other. At this time, seeing that her sister almost makes a joke in front of so many court officials, she immediately wants to push her into her sedan chair. Why does his Wu family have such a useless girl!

How can I miss her so much

In the middle of the sedan chair, Yuan Qing opened his mouth with a light look in the evening. Su Beimo was stunned. After half a sound, he reflected what she said, and then picked his eyebrows to see her.

"Madame, are you jealous?"

In his eyes, Yuan Qing was the only one. He just got out of the carriage, worried that she was wearing too little, afraid that she would get cold. He just said a few words to the prime minister in a hurry, and then came back to the sedan to cover her with a thin blanket. How could he care for others?

Yuan Qing night then he handed over the heater, glared at him and then turned back.

"The emperor's palace is three thousand. If everyone comes here, I'll eat vinegar once, won't I become a jar of vinegar?"

Smell speech Su North Mo to smile to embrace her in the bosom, the tone is actually aggrieved.

"You're the only one in the harem? Are you still jealous of yourself? "

In Su Beimo's eyes, there was only one person in the late Yuan Dynasty in his harem.

This sentence is to Yuan Qing evening all amused, raised the soft finger to point the thin lip of Su Beimo.

"Did the emperor put honey on his mouth today? How can I make fun of my concubine? "

"Madame, you can try it for yourself."

After returning to the Imperial Palace, Su Beimo doesn't want to leave yuanqingwan any more, but the mountain of memorials in the imperial study are waiting for him to deal with them. He can only promise to come back for dinner and use them with yuanqingwan, so he goes in a hurry.

Red apricot waited on her master and went back to Jiaofang palace. As soon as she stepped into her own place, the whole person relaxed in the evening of Yuanqing. That feeling was really unrealistic, and she would never understand it. It was like a dried up fish coming back to the water.

"Welcome the empress back to the palace!"

As soon as I stepped into the gate, I heard a neat voice coming from the maids, eunuchs and bodyguards in Jiaofang palace who used to wait on the late Qing Dynasty.

As soon as I saw them, it was like seeing my family in the evening of Yuan Qing Dynasty. When I was pregnant, my heart became sour and my eyes were red.

"Get up!"

When Yuanqing evening came into the palace, several maids showed concern for Yuanqing evening again. When they were sure that their master had nothing to do and was pregnant, they almost jumped up with joy. They quickly took the eunuchs in the palace and put away all the things that were easy to trip people in the room and yard. They went to the dining room to remind them several times.

Thanks to them, it was only half a day before the news that the queen was pregnant for more than a few months spread all over Kyoto. The ministers outside the palace had no time to worry about why the emperor was going to pick up the empress in Qiushan. It was said that the emperor was coming back from Jiancheng with the empress, so they hurried to prepare gifts for the empress.

Who doesn't know the Queen's position in the emperor's heart? This kind of time dare not say to go to pepper room palace to please, but also absolutely can't fall behind!

After half a month, there was no time to do their own things in the evening of the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. Every day, the wives and young ladies of those ministers came to the palace to see each other. It was not good to see anyone alone or not. It was really tiring to keep this bowl of water level.

"Let's have a rest today! I had known that I was so tired when I came back to the palace. I might as well go to the palace in Qiushan to cultivate myself. Even the emperor has told me these days not to make me too tired! "

Now she is more and more sleepy. When she was pregnant, she didn't have enough energy.

Think of the day is not bright, then sent into the palace to several worship, red apricot suddenly some distressed master.

"Nothing. It's just talking to them. How can they be so delicate. If I'm stuck in my room all day, I'm still bored. "

With the red apricot smile, Yuan Qing evening up, by the room waiting girl for her dressing.

She had thought of such a situation for a long time. Even if several maids in the palace didn't pass on the news that she was pregnant, when spring comes next year, no one can see that she was pregnant without the heavy cloak. It's better to pass on the news now. At that time, she was too heavy to talk with these ladies."Who's going to the palace today?"

Sitting in front of the dressing table, she put a phoenix hairpin and tassel on her head with a red apricot and several girls. In the evening of the Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, she put on those long armor and asked at will.

She didn't like these heavy and cumbersome things. She just went to see the official family and didn't wear them, which lost the majesty of the queen. Although no one dared to say anything in public, she was afraid that she would lose Su Beimo's face in private, so she didn't wear the Phoenix crown for several days.

"The lady and young lady of the Minister of rites, the lady of general Huwei and the old lady of Su Shilang's family... It seems that these ladies have agreed to come first with their orders, and those with higher official positions in the family also come first, and those with lighter official positions only come into the Palace these two days. I don't know whether they have agreed or are really so coincidental."

Red apricot has kept these things in mind for a long time. When yuan Qingwan asked, she counted them out. She was used to speaking straightforwardly and said what she thought. She only had a helpless look at yuan Qingwan.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's a matter of the imperial court. It has nothing to do with the women in the backyard. All the officials and family members who come to the palace are guests. No matter who they are, they should be treated equally. You should be careful on weekdays. No matter who they are, you should not neglect them. If the palace finds out, they will be sent to the punishment hall to receive punishment!"

The number of people is much less than before. The official positions of the Minister of rites, general Huwei, and the Chamberlain are higher and lower than those of the prime minister, the grand master and so on. Hong Xing is right, but he knows that it is not good to say so. Those officials and family members can't all know each other, and there's no question of whether to discuss or not. It's just that those who are used to living in Kyoto City have a worry in their hearts. The courtesy of their subordinates is not like that of their superiors, is it?

The red apricot vomited tongue to smile under should, she also is such a say just.

In a word, she forgot one person.

"By the way, Niang Niang, and the eldest lady also came, but the eldest lady didn't send the invitation. She just sent someone to say, and the maid almost forgot."

Red apricot said Yuan Qing night Leng for a moment, there is a moment of doubt, and then react to red apricot said who is the first lady.

It's yuan's mansion that you are talking about. The eldest lady in Yuan's mansion is yuan mo. if you don't talk about the red apricot today, you will almost forget the existence of such a person in the late Yuan Qing Dynasty.

Yuan Mo is really a rare guest.

"Is it Yuanxi who came to the palace to spread the news?"

Yuan Qing late light mouth. Yuan Mo is also the eldest lady in the prime minister's mansion. She is the most knowledgeable, gentle and quiet person. She can't send someone to the palace to say this kind of thing. If the queen is not her, it's hard to say that Yuan's mansion will make the queen unhappy. If she wants to do something so impolite, it's just that someone wants yuan Mo to lose face.

Red apricot is an old man in Yuanfu. She is also familiar with the people in Yuanfu. She nods her head at this time.

"Two people came together. One of them was a stranger. I'm afraid he was a new comer. The other was the girl in the yard of the third lady. The maid had some impression on him."

Yuan Qing evening fiddle with the cuff at will, waiting for the girl to pass the warm stove to her hand, she will go out with the help of the apricot.

Su Zi Lin died in Prince Lin's house. Yuan Xi's dance was so arrogant that she bullied elder sister Chang. She really didn't change her mind.

"Did the elder sister say when she would enter the palace?"

However, Yuan Qing did not pay attention to Yuan Xi's dance. Yuan Mo would remind her that as long as Yuan Xi didn't go out to make trouble for Yuan's house and only acted as a demon in Yuan's house, she would turn a blind eye.

"Yes, the first lady said that she would have more time to rest in the morning, and then she would go into the palace to see her at noon."

In the eyes of her elder sister, she is no different from other women. Of course, it's not that Yuan Mo is close to her, but that her elder sister is really different from others: she never asks others to pay attention to her existence, and she doesn't care about others. I'm afraid that this time I enter the palace, it's yuan Zhongfen who tells me that Yuan Mo will come here.

However, she has some good feelings for this elder sister. After all, although this person doesn't pay much attention to others, when Yuan Xiwu framed her to death, Yuan Mo also reminded her behind her back. With this alone, Yuan Mo, the elder sister, is recognized by her.

Yuanqing evening raised her eyes and laughed: "the elder sister is delicate and considerate of my discomfort. She asked the dining room to prepare more dishes, but the elder sister likes to eat..."

at this point, Yuanqing evening suddenly stopped and looked embarrassed.

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