Concubine Qi sent Langyue to inform the queen.

In the end, the yuan family is involved. If Princess Qi makes a decision by herself, the queen will not be able to explain what happened in the future.

When Yuan Qing heard the news in the evening, he almost fell down. Red apricot and Qiu Yan watched in a cold sweat.

"Be careful, madam!"

Seeing that the master was all right, red apricot's eyes were not good at seeing the person who had always been telling: "what are you talking about? How can a young lady poison people? "

See each other is Qi imperial concubine palace of person, red apricot face of guard more.

That person says together with red apricot, squeeze to kneel down to button head hastily, full face is startled.

"Miss Hongxing, don't misunderstand what the slave said! There's something wrong with Chuxiu palace. Miss yuan is involved in the matter. It's hard for her to make a decision, so she asked the empress to judge the matter together. The slave didn't say that Miss yuan poisoned people! "

Red apricot talk too absolute, scared the palace, Yuan Qing late released some heart, but subconsciously understand that Yuan Mo should be framed.

"I'm not fit to go out of the palace because I don't feel well. Go back and report to your master and ask her to bring all the people involved to Jiaofang hall. This matter will be tried by the palace in person!"

After receiving the Queen's will, the palace man rushed back to report. After waiting for that person to leave, Yuan Qing evening immediately turns around to think the autumn speech of one side opens mouth.

"You are safe and know more people in the palace. Go to find out what happened immediately. No matter what you find, you must report back before the imperial concubine Qi comes here!"

Yuan Qing did not expect that Yuan Mo had been framed before he entered the palace. Who was staring at Yuan Mo all the time?

Ruan Yilan?

A touch of anger flashed in his eyes.

No matter who, want to hurt her yuan Qing evening care about people, but also ask her agree or not!

When imperial concubine Qi came over, she was followed by three people, namely yuan Mo, Yu Shi and Wei Shiya. Two of them were involved in the incident, and one was a witness, but they all came to Qi.

When meeting the queen, Wei Shiya didn't dare to raise her head for fear that the queen would recognize her. She once again regretted that she had been too impulsive and didn't expect that she would come to the queen. Wei Shiya was also anxious. If she stayed in this hall for more than a second, her heart would despair more.

Who could have thought that Yu's relationship with Qi's concubine was so good? Who could have thought that the last thing should be related to the Queen's sister? If she had known all this before, she would not dare to do it so quickly if she had given her ten more courage!

"It's getting colder. Get up. Don't kneel."

When the queen opens her mouth, someone helps her to sit down. Qiu Yan goes up to help yuan Mo up. By the way, she also helps Wei Shiya, who is next to Yuan Mo, but Wei Shiya is flattered. Now they are all pretty girls. Before finding out anything, their identities are still noble. So they all stand up, but they don't see the Queen's embarrassment to the three pretty girls.

Then someone told the whole story again and told the queen to know what happened.

"The younger sister of the Yu family knows that she is not the one who will use such means. Naturally, she also believes in Miss yuan. It's just that the saying of Taiyi and Wuzuo is put here. One of them must be the one who poisoned, and there is no evidence to prove it. I can't make a decision on this matter, so I ask the empress to make a ruling."

After sitting down, imperial concubine Qi opened her mouth, but there was nothing to choose. She said it fairly. She didn't deliberately favor Miss Yu. She just mentioned the relationship between Miss Yu and her. She was also worried that the queen would favor yuan mo.

Yuan Qing nodded his head later, but what he asked was Qi Fei.

"How did Qi Fei conclude that only the two of them were suspicious?"

In the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties, this question was strange, and imperial concubine Qi thought it was unnecessary.

"Taiyi also said that the poison was found in the glutinous rice balls. From the beginning of production to the end, the balls were sent to Lin's hands only by their two hands. Besides them, where else could anyone be suspicious?"

In the Qi imperial concubine's opinion, the empress was afraid that she would ask such a question when she was confused during pregnancy.

In the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties, they did not agree.

"Not only, from the beginning to the end, at least three people touched this bowl of glutinous rice balls, yuan, Yu, and Lin."

Hearing this, imperial concubine Qi looked at the late Qing Dynasty with a strange eye.

"Does the empress feel that Lin poisoned herself and then killed herself? What's the matter with a girl in her twenties and eighties

There was almost no such possibility. Qi Fei never thought about it from the beginning.

Yuan Qing's late smile, but not because of Qi Fei's query and angry.

"Concubine Qi, please don't be impatient. Our palace just displays all the possibilities. They are the three people involved. In addition, the palace people who prepare pasta and all kinds of cooking utensils in the kitchenette may also be poisoned. The water in which the balls are cooked may also be poisoned. Together with Wei, who lives with Lin, she may also be one of the poisoners. After all, Miss Yu should not have watched Lin drink a whole bowl of glutinous rice balls in Lin's room? "

In the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties, even concubine Qi didn't retort.If it is said that the materials, Kitchenware and well water are used by all people every day, and it's OK, then Wei Shiya, who lives with Lin family, is suspected of poisoning, it's not clear.

This, together with Qi Fei did not expect.

Over there, Yu didn't dare to delay much. He immediately opened his mouth to respond to the queen.

"Back to the empress, the courtesan just left after they handed the pills to Lin in the yard of Lin Yao yard, without much delay."

She said, also will look to one side of Wei Shiya. She believes in Yuanmo. She always looks at Yuanmo's process of making pills. Even if she doesn't, she also believes that Yuanmo is not the one who will do such things. It's Wei Shiya. She has heard Lin's saying more than once that he often bullies Lin in the room.

Seeing that everyone turned their eyes on themselves, Wei Shiya's heart was cold, but she was still calm on her face.

"The Queen's lesson! How can a courtesan do such things as this? Even if she really wants to harm anyone, she will never do it in her own room! "

She exclaimed innocently and wrongly, but who are the people sitting in this hall? I'm used to the affectation of those sentimental women. Seeing her like this, I don't feel pitiful but disgusted.

Yu Shi and Yuan Mo both take back their eyes. Qi Fei turns her eyes. Only the Queen looks at Wei Shiya and just listens to her cry for a while.

However, Wei Shiya turned around just a few words, which annoyed yuan Qingwan and raised his hand with Qiu Yan.

"Noise, shut her up."

Qiu Yan immediately went forward to tie up Wei Shiya, and put the embroidered handkerchief in her mouth to block it. Then the whole hall was quiet.

"Now that there is one more suspect, I'm afraid it's more difficult to find out. My concubine is incompetent. If the empress is powerless, it's better to leave the matter to the emperor."

In fact, concubine Qi also felt that it should not be Wei Shiya. Who was so stupid to commit a crime in her own room? From the beginning, she didn't doubt Wei Shiya, because of this.

However, whether Wei Shiya or Yu Shi or yuan Mo, they all involved the officials of the former dynasty. Although Lin's family was just a small magistrate, they traveled thousands of miles to Beijing to come to the draft. After a few days in the palace, something happened. They had to give their family an explanation.

What's more, she hasn't seen the emperor for a long time. After a long look at the new year's Eve banquet, she never saw him again. I'm afraid the emperor will forget about her even in the palace!

Yuan Qing night is shaking his head.

"The emperor is worrying about the affairs of the imperial court these days. There's no need to disturb the emperor about the affairs of the harem. It's not difficult to deal with this matter."

Yuan Qing evening said, looking to the side with the imperial concubine Qi came together.

"Dr. Shi, do you remember how cold Yanwei grass is?"

The medical skills in the late Yuan and Qing Dynasties were almost the same as those in the Taiyi hospital. Now only the Taiyi could understand the nature of the poison.

Shi Taiyi, who was named by the queen, nodded his head in a hurry.

"It's true what the queen said. It really belongs to the cold category. It's because it's too cold that it becomes unbearable to a woman's body. After a little processing, it can become a deadly poison. "

Wen Yanyuan laughed in the evening.

"That's right. The murderer can't be my sister."

Listening to Yuan Qing's casual question, Yuan Mo is ruled out. Where is Qi Fei willing to admit it?

"What does empress mean? Let's make it clear."

Even yuan Mo was puzzled. Although she didn't do the poisoning, how did the empress come to the conclusion?

"Elder sister, don't you forget that you can't touch cold things by nature, and a lot of red dots will appear on your hands. Although we have been in the palace for many years, we still remember elder sister's taboo."

In the evening of the Yuan Dynasty, he raised his hand, and immediately someone went up to the main hall panting. What he was holding was Yanwei grass, which was too late to be processed.

It's just that people can't see it.

"What is it?"

Qi imperial concubine doubts, that stone too cure hastily forward two steps to take up to smell.

This is the grass tail

The imperial concubine of Qi wants to take it to have a look, but it is avoided by doctor Shi.

"It's poisonous. Don't touch it!"

On hearing this, Lang Yue quickly grabbed the master, but she didn't feel anything. It looked like a simple grass.

"As soon as the elder sister touches the grass, she will have a rash immediately."

After that, look at Yuan mo. Yuan Mo was also a little afraid, but looking at Yuan Qing's eyes, he still stretched out his hand to the grass. The queen will not harm her.

A moment later, Yuan Mo's hand had some red spots in his heart. Shi Taiyi quickly pricked the acupoints with silver needles to stop the spread of the red spots.

In this way, Yuan Mo really can't be the killer.

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