Duanmu Shan thinks it's a place. Duanmu Lianhe wants to seal her mouth.

"You're not allowed to go to the tea stall today. You don't have to drink it before you go to the temple!"

Her tone was so sharp that Duan Mushan stopped talking. But the next moment Duan Mushan's eyes turned red. Her big eyes were full of fog, and she was about to cry.

Yuan Zhong was also helpless. Although he didn't understand why duanmushan wanted to go to the tea shop, today he went out to play. How could he be unhappy before he got to the place? Then he took Duanmu Lianhe by the hand, stopped her and said Duanmu Shan's noisy words.

Duanmushan was even more aggrieved when she saw someone helping her.

"Mother doesn't care for Shaner now! In the past, every time I went out of town, my mother would listen to Shan'er's request to drink tea and cakes. Now my eldest sister has prepared food and drinks for my mother, so my mother is so partial to Shan'er, so my mother might as well not want Shan'er! "

She said this too much. She was so angry that it was hard for Duanmu lotus crane to say a complete sentence: "you, you, who are used to your temperament!"

Seeing that the mother and daughter are about to quarrel, Yuan Zhong's head aches and he pulls Duanmu Lianhe's hand to Duanmu Shan.

"Calm down. Shan'er is still a child. How can you be angry with the same child?"

Then look at duanmushan.

"Shanshan, it's not easy for your mother to pull you so far. Don't hurt your mother's heart by saying such words in the future!"

Seemingly severe tone, let duanmushan is very unwilling to bow his head, half ring also don't know is casual or sincerely spit out three words: "know!"

See yuan Zhong protect oneself, Duanmu lotus crane's heart immediately soft.

"Shanshan is so noisy that the master can't spoil her in the future..."

"if mother doesn't love Shanshan, she'll forget it. Now uncle yuan won't take care of Shanshan?"

Duan Mushan was not happy when she heard this, and she was angry again.

How could Yuanzhong make him rekindle the war that was finally settled down? He winked at the girl who was waiting for him. The girl quickly stopped the carriage and took duanmushan out. I don't know if she went to Yuanmo's carriage.

The carriage went on. Seeing the sad appearance of Duanmu lotus crane, Yuan Zhong couldn't just rest himself. He quickly found a way to talk to Duanmu lotus crane.

"What's so special about the tea shops outside the city? Why is Shanshan so persistent? On weekdays, I don't see how she likes tea in the house. "

When Yuan Zhong asked about this, Duanmu lotus crane's eyes were more sour.

"Speaking of this, I hope you don't laugh at me. The master knows that once upon a time, I was dependent on Shanshan and couldn't bear the strange look of my mother's family. I could only move around with Shanshan and never settled down anywhere. No relatives, no friends, often leave a place, no one to send, never change only the tea shop outside the city. When I take Shanshan to have a bowl of tea, I can get a word from the tea mother that I have a safe trip. But it's also like seeing off a friend. Over time, Shanshan gets used to it. As soon as she leaves the city, she has to drink a bowl of tea and then go on her way. As for the cakes, they are also the food on the road. The crisp food is much better than dry food. "

At last, Duanmu lotus crane smiles with red eyes.

"Now that I'm married to my master, I have family and friends. We're not the only ones out of town. Naturally, we don't need to go to the tea shop to drink tea. So I'm so strict with Shanshan, but the child never understands what I think."

I didn't expect that there was such a source in it. Yuan Zhong's heart was more distressed for the mother and daughter.

"That's right. Let's go to the tea shop with our family today."

After another mile out of the gate, he saw a tea shop. He was told by yuan Zhongfen, and the coachman stopped the carriage there. Yuan Zhongcai turns around and helps Duanmu Lianhe to get out of the carriage. Here, Duanmu Shan, who was just about to cry, happily pulls yuan Mo out of the carriage.

"Elder sister, I tell you that the cakes in the tea shop outside the city are the best! Elder sister, take a good look and teach me when you learn to go back! "

Yuan ink face although also some helpless, but Duanmu Shan pull, also had to follow her toward the tea shop.

Yuan Zhong saw that his two daughters seldom came out to visit. Duanmu Shan was so happy that he felt comfortable. He grinned and held Duanmu Lianhe's hand.

"There are many stones on the road. Watch your step."

There is no difference between the tea shop outside Kyoto City and other places. It has the same bitter tea water and the same pastry, but the taste of the pastry is really passable.

But even if duanmushan came to the tea shop, she couldn't sit still. She ran to see the aunt fried cakes, and then came to see the little two making tea. The same yuan Mo who had been sitting there all the time was totally different.

"Well? Little girl, you have lost your things

She hopped there for a while and finally sat down to have a rest. A voice came from behind, pointing to a small purse on the ground and opening with her.In a twinkling of an eye, she was startled. She quickly picked up the things and took out the jade pendant in the purse to have a good look. Seeing that it had not been broken, she carefully put the things away.

Just looked at Duanmu Lianhe who was talking with Yuanzhong. Seeing that Duanmu Lianhe didn't look this way, she was relieved. In a twinkling of an eye, Yuanmo was looking at her, and she was in a panic.

"Big sister, don't tell mother! This is my mother's jade pendant. I can't miss anything! If my mother saw that I nearly lost it, she would beat me up! "

In the past, Duanmu Shan was punished by Duanmu Lianhe, but now a jade pendant fell on the ground, which made her so anxious.

Yuan Mo takes back her eyes and doesn't answer, but it's obvious that she should. Duanmu Shan sits down beside her with a smile, and doesn't mind her cold attitude at all.

Everyone said his own words, but no one noticed that the uncle who helped her cook pancakes behind the stove looked different when he saw the jade pendant.

"It's really the most comfortable thing in the world to drink a herbal tea in this tea shop on such an afternoon! Have you ever been to the floating temple before, elder sister

Not to mention the jade pendant, Duanmu Shan's voice became loud again, which made Duanmu Lianhe shake his head dissatisfied.

"This wench, when can ability and Mo son same calm some."

Her words duanmushan nature can't hear, see yuan Mo shake his head, duanmushan will continue to say.

"It's said that there is a pavilion inscribed on the wall on the floating mountain. Once upon a time, some highly respected scholars inscribed poems in the pavilion. This time, you have to find a chance to have a good look in the Pavilion!"

I don't know where she heard these words from, and I don't know whether they are true or false.

"Miss, it's my concubine who spoils her temper to yell and show off at the roadside like this!"

Even yuan Zhong couldn't hold Duanmu lotus crane there. Duanmu lotus crane was full of anger, and it was not good to scold Duanmu Shan in front of many people. With a wave of his sleeve, he got up and walked towards the carriage, and it was less funny to start early!

Duanmu Shan is still chattering with Yuanmo. She doesn't see that Duanmu Lianhe is angry, but although she talks a lot, she keeps following Yuanmo to the car.

Yuan Mo's heart is also helpless, she is a person who likes quiet, now duanmushan is around, the rest of the road, I'm afraid there is no chance to rest.

The floating temple is not far away. After leaving the tea shop for more than an hour, you can see the top of the floating temple tower at the foot of the mountain.

There is only a long winding road from the foot of the mountain to the forest.

There are gods living on the mountain. It's natural to be devout when you go to visit them. This invisible step is to make the world feel the pain of mountaineering and to show their sincerity.

Just because the steps are too long and too high, many people flinch, and the incense of the floating temple on the mountain is not very vigorous. Only those who are devout in seeking Buddhism will make painstaking efforts to climb to the top of the mountain.

At present, Yuan Zhong's party is the one who worships Buddhism.

The steps are too high to finish for a while. People have a rest. Half an hour later, they have only walked half the way.

"Can Mo'er still walk?"

He motioned for everyone to stop for a while, but Duanmu lotus crane didn't care to rest. He went to Yuanmo to greet him.

Xu is too tired, Yuan Mo's face a little pale, even yuan Zhong began to worry, hesitated whether to go down the mountain now.

But yuan Mo waved his hand with the others.

"For a long time, I don't have the strength to go on walking."

She was so tired that her legs ached. Duanmushan on one side didn't even want to sit down. She was still energetic and looked around. She didn't seem to feel tired at all.

When they got to the top of the mountain, the sky was covered with golden scales, and the sunset was falling slowly. It was also a magnificent scene to stand on the top of the mountain and watch the sunset.

Because Yuan Zhong and his party came in casual clothes, they didn't report to their families, so the abbot of the temple didn't know his identity as prime minister. Seeing that they were travelling hard, they let them stay overnight. Yuan Zhong donated 100 liang of incense money to the temple. Thanks to the host, he borrowed some rooms from the temple to live in.

After dinner, all the people were tired and went back to their rooms to have a rest. Only Duanmu Lianhe and Yuanmo devoted themselves to Buddhism, sitting in the main hall, chanting Buddhist scriptures with monks in the temple.

Since the assassination of the emperor's temple last time, Yuan Mo has no obsession with such a quiet place. Her six roots are not clean, in the end, she is not allowed to enter the Buddhism. Now she is devoutly paying homage to her family, only for the peace and happiness of her family and the health of the little prince and princess.

Maybe, and the one who left her.

Even if Wei Qing is negative to her, she doesn't hate him. As long as he still lives well in this world, it's better than anything.

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