The cup slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Bai Su suddenly woke up.

She slowly turned around, raised her eyes and looked at Xiaofei on the bed.

Bai Su didn't expect that Xiao Fei would call her "Xiao Bai" as soon as she spoke.

She has always been very clear that in this world, there is only one person who calls her Xiaobai except linyichen and Qinmo.

The young Xiaofei in front of him is not in the dust, let alone Qin mo.

Then, he can only be that person.

That Bai Su never thought of anyone.

"No, no language? Is that you? " Bai Su didn't know how to get her voice back. At the moment, she felt as if an invisible hand was holding her throat. She even had difficulty breathing.

The boy on the bed blinked gently: "well."

Although the sound of "Er" was very low, Bai Su still heard it.

She was as if she had been slapped in the head, too stunned to respond.

Looking at the decadent body of the young man on the bed, who can believe that he was the proud and coquettish man with less words.

Bai Su walked to the bedside, staring at the nonverbal eyes, trembling lips, shaking and shaking, very difficult to ask a complete sentence: "you, how can you become like this?"

Before I didn't know that Xiaofei was non-verbal, I was already so distressed for this young man. Now I know that Xiaofei is non-verbal. Bai Su's heart seems to be blocked, and she is extremely distressed.

I remember that when she was with Yichen, Xiyan and Feiyu would follow them.

The west language is many, the mouth is sweet, the non language words are few, cold.

They never blushed when they were together.

However, most of the time, Bai Su was embarrassed by the occasional arrogance of non language.

However, Bai Su will always remember that she was almost raped by Mu Lingfeng on that day. When she rode the Jedi to Wuchen mountain villa, she met her with nonverbal eyes, and the sentence: what's the matter with you?

It was the first time she heard a few words spoken in non-verbal language.

Even now, thinking of his worried eyes and eager tone, Bai Su's heart was soft.

However, now that Xiyan has been dead for several months, her sad mood is gradually calming down, but she doesn't want to be like this.

Bai Su remembers that she once told Qin Mo that although he would wake up in three days, his life is determined by heaven and not by man. No one knows how long he can live.

Is Feiyu going to leave?

If Xi Yan is still there, knowing that Fei Yu has become like this, knowing that his life will not be long, how can he be sad?

And Yichen... Once so lonely, he was only accompanied by non-verbal, and he cared so much about non-verbal

Thinking of Yichen, Bai Su's body suddenly froze.

She remembers that when she came to the imperial capital last time, she specially asked Lin Yichen about his non-verbal trend.

Bai Su clearly remembers that Lin Yichen said that when he became emperor, he could not go to the palace as a eunuch without speaking, so he sent him to the military camp and thought that he would have a good training and become a great weapon in the future.

However, the non language where is to go to the barracks, he clearly is a near death, life and death unknown.

Bai Su's fist could not help squeezing.

Lin Yichen cheated her. Why did he cheat her?

Bai Su had a lot of questions in her mind. She looked down at the non-verbal girl who had just woken up.

Because she just said "how can you be like this", non-verbal fell into meditation.

His face gradually became scarlet. His hands on both sides of his body slowly squeezed into fists. His teeth clenched tightly and he breathed heavily, which made his whole body tremble.

"Xiaofei?" Bai Su tried hard to suppress the impulse in her heart. She held her hand on her shoulder and comforted her in a low voice. "Don't be excited. You just wake up. Don't be too excited."

He's still very weak. He can't be so excited.

"No matter what happened in the past, let's get justice for the past, OK? Now, you listen to me, relax and breathe. Come on, follow me. Inhale... Exhale... Slow down... Inhale... Slow down... "

With the guidance of Bai Su, the non-verbal excited breathing slowly stabilized.

He fixed his eyes on Bai Su and moved his lips tremblingly: "Xiao Bai...""Well. I'm here Since knowing that Xiaofei is non-verbal, Bai Su not only has a responsibility for him, but also has more heartache.

The voice of non language is hoarse and anxious: "where is the young master?"

Bai Su's first reaction was that he asked Yichen.

One dust, one dust.

He is now in the palace compound, living the life of the emperor.

He said that nonverbal language was arranged by him to exercise in the army, but the fact is not like that.

Feiyu asked him as soon as he woke up, but he even deliberately concealed his whereabouts.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. She said to him, "he's not your son. He doesn't deserve it!"

Non language Zheng Zheng, and then like a reaction over what, a frown: "false."

Even if he was reborn, his words were still so few.

As if afraid that Bai Su couldn't understand, he anxiously grabbed her sleeve: "the palace... He's real, fake."

Bai Su always knew that there were few non-verbal words. At the beginning, she was not used to it. She often couldn't understand what he wanted to express. But after a long time together, she gradually understood the meaning accurately from his short words.

It's like this moment.

Although the non-verbal words were so incomplete and one-sided, Bai Su understood them at once.

"Do you mean that Lin Yichen in the palace is a fake?" Bai Su stares at the non language tightly and repeats the non language meaning with her understanding words, "isn't Lin Yichen the real one?"

"Well." Non verbal nod, very excited nod.

Although she once doubted it, when Bai Su really heard that someone had confirmed it, she was still shocked and speechless.

Face a dust, not a dust.

He is not a dust.

Bai Su doesn't know if she should be happy.

Yes, she should be happy.

If linyichen is not Yichen, then her Yichen, her first love, has not become a terrible person.

However, she was not happy.

Because, if Lin Yichen is not her one, the real one

Bai Su didn't dare to think about it. She didn't want to think about it at all.

Seeing that she didn't speak, she clenched her palm, shook her lips, and said excitedly, "he's a villain! Harm

He's bad! Harm!

Listen to non-verbal straightforward and simple words, Bai Su's brain was hit again!

He, obviously, refers to Lin Yichen in the palace.

Nonverbal scolds Lin Yichen as a villain. Lin Yichen must have done something heinous. Otherwise, how could he hate a person so much if his mind was as simple as nonverbal.

Harm people

These two words seem very simple to say.

But what kind of harm has been done to make the non language wake up, excited and eager to kill?

Bai Su felt that her brain was running short.

I couldn't hear her voice all the time. She was worried and sweating on her forehead.

He stretched out his hand and grasped Bai Su's sleeve tightly: "Xiao Bai, he, fake, fake prince!"


If she had just told her that Lin Yichen was a fake one, that he was a villain and that he did harm to others, Bai Su was just a little shocked because she had a guess in her heart.

At that moment, hearing Feiyu say that linyichen is a fake prince, Bai Su felt as if her whole body was in the cold water, and was poured a bucket of ice water.

That kind of stimulation can't be expressed in words at all.

Lin Yichen is a fake one, and Lin Yichen is a fake prince.

So, who is the real dust? Who is the real prince?

The answer to this question is almost ready.

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