Bai Su was invited out for dinner for the first time.

When he saw Hou Qingquan sitting at the table, he was stunned and went to sit opposite him.

"Master Qingquan hasn't seen you in the imperial capital for many days. I don't want to see you in the imperial palace. What a coincidence!" Bai Su tried to keep herself calm, but her words were not.

Qin Mo said that he can guarantee Hou Qingquan's character, and Bai Su believed it.

But at this time, seeing Hou Qingquan appear in guoshifu, Bai Su really wants to call Qinmo to see what kind of person his trusted nephew is.

Before, Hou Qingquan left the imperial capital without saying goodbye. Now he still appears in the National Palace in Ziyang. It's not normal.

As if unable to understand the irony in Bai Su dialect, Hou Qingquan said with a smile: "it's really a coincidence. How's the little martial uncle recently?"

"Good." Bai Su glanced at Hou Qingquan faintly, ignored him, and turned to the middle-aged man on the main seat. "The national teacher asked me to come. I don't know what's the matter."

This is the first time that Bai Su has officially seen Ziyang's face.

It was a very young face.

He looks like he's probably in his early 40s. Although he's full of silver hair, he doesn't feel very old.

Such a young man is quite different from the old man in black robe who was wearing a human skin mask before.

The reason why Bai Su recognized him as Ziyang was not only because of his signature silver hair, but also because of his eyes.

Bai Su will never forget the shock of her shining eyes when she first saw him in the dark room of Lintian palace.

Ziyang was a little surprised that Bai Su recognized him.

After the surprise, the corner of his mouth slightly raised a radian: "you are smart, no wonder it attracts the pursuit of monarchs of all countries."

Bai Su didn't answer. She took the cup on the table and took a sip of it to her lips.

Ziyang's eyes have been on her, looking at the idle posture of the people, vaguely, he seems to see the pressure in the memory of that child - perilla.

He once said with a smile that white perilla and purple perilla are somewhat similar. No wonder muyuntian likes white perilla.

But he did not find that even when he saw such a perilla, he could not help but think of the child perilla who died early.

If his little sue is still alive, she should be as big as Bai Su, right?

"National teacher?" White perilla was purple sun with a trace of guilt abnormal eyes to see some displeasure, "you haven't said to invite me to what?"

Ziyang shook his eyelids and said, "envoys from all over the world have come to Yangcheng one after another. When the first emperor enters the funeral, the Nanyang king will also return to Yangcheng. You said before that you have a countermeasure. I don't know what it is?"

"Envoys from all over the world have come to Yangcheng one after another? It's pretty fast Bai Su refused to ask, "I don't know who the people from all over the world are."

"Who matters?" Ziyang still has a heart for Baisu.

Bai Su felt it, and she said with a faint smile, "master, you and I are in the same boat now. Is there anything we can't say? If it wasn't for me, I couldn't go out here, and I wouldn't bother him. I just want to know what countries have come to, so as to make corresponding countermeasures as soon as possible. "

Ziyang was stunned. Seeing that she was right, she said, "as far as I know, Ning Zhanyuan, king of Chu in the East, Qin Xian, Prince of Xiqin, Mu Zixuan, Ninth Prince of Beimu, and general Huo of Lintian empire will soon gather in Yangcheng."

"General Huo?" Bai Su was surprised.

Ziyang said, "the son of the old general Huo."

Bai Su just turned the corner. It turned out that Huo Tongling, who had been cheated by them at the gate of the imperial capital and let them leave, was the son of the old general Huo who exposed Lin Yichen. Moreover, Huo Tongling is now a great general Huo.

Ning Zhanyuan, Qin Xian and Mu Zixuan will come to Yangcheng. Bai Su is not surprised. It's just a little unexpected that Lintian empire will send general Huo.

Also just surprised for a while, soon want to understand.

In addition to the eight princes who have already become the emperor, there are no descendants in the dynasty. If someone with prestige comes, he can only send general Huo.

After all, general Huo is the son of general Huo. It seems that he has a good relationship with mu Yuanke, the Empress Dowager of Lintian empire.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to send him here.

Finally know a trace of the outside situation, although still don't know whether muyuntian is safe, but as long as there is Qin Mo in, Bai Su is still at ease.

After thinking about it, Bai Su said to Ziyang, "please don't worry, master. Except for general Huo of Lintian Empire, the others have some friendship with me. If... "When Bai Su said this, he gave Hou Qingquan a look.

Ziyang nodded: "white girl, but it doesn't matter. Qingquan was my own man yesterday."

Originally suspected that Hou Qingquan is not a good man, now hear Ziyang confirmed, Bai Su heart is still quite bad taste.

Glancing at Hou Qingquan, Bai Su looked at Ziyang and said, "if the national master wants to get that position, I can guarantee that the people of the Three Kingdoms will not interfere."

Ziyang's heart brightened and soon faded: "the Nanyang king is the biggest enemy this time..."

White soda cut off: "Nanyang King don't care, I have my own way."

After a pause, she stood up: "if there is nothing wrong with the national teacher, I will leave first."

Seeing that Bai Su's words were solid, she didn't seem to want to say what she had. Ziyang had no choice but to nod: "go."

Before Bai Su left, she took a look at Hou Qingquan with Ziyang on her back.

It was night when Bai Su was lying on the bed with her clothes. Suddenly, a sound came from the window.

After a moment's silence, Bai Su sat up, looked at the window and said indifferently, "coming?"

There was no movement outside the window for a long time, but there was a shadow by the window.

Just as Bai Su wanted to get out of bed, she heard a very cold voice: "when you go out of the house tomorrow, remember not to scare the snake."

People outside the window left this sentence and disappeared in an instant.

Bai Su was stunned.

When will you go out tomorrow?

He's taking her out of the palace?

Bai Su was really stunned.

If she did not listen to the wrong words, just that cold voice is from Hou Qingquan.

But isn't he with Ziyang? Why help her?

Bai Su is really confused.

What kind of person is Hou Qingquan?

How did she feel that she had never understood him?

Judging from today's situation, Ziyang still trusts Hou Qingquan very much. If Hou Qingquan really helps her, then tomorrow night, it is really possible for Ziyang to escape from the imperial palace.

However, if she left guoshifu, would it be harmful to what she would do next?

Bai Su hesitated.

Should she leave guoshifu at this time?

She wanted to go out and see Mu Yuntian.

However, in the face of Dayi, she had some indecision.

If she left guoshifu now, it would arouse Ziyang's suspicion. All her hard work to confuse Ziyang these days would be wasted.

Looking at the night outside the window, Bai Su murmured, "Mu Yuntian, what should I do?"

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